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Posts by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer..................................... (banned)

  1. Originally posted by larrylegend8383 That's good bro because I didn't want to talk about how much you may have paid to necro plug any number of orifices during a given year or decade

    your jedi mind tricks wont work on me. (really used the word jedi, not j­ew)

    no matter how badly you want to hear about my plugging escapades the only satisfaction you get is the wallowing in your own virginity misery
  2. Originally posted by Grylls You molest children in alleys

    biden molests children on camera
  3. Originally posted by Bill Krozby pretty teej could kick your ass, he knows how to go berzerker mode.

    there will only be two hits, kid rocks bawittadow and you hitting the floor you simpering cuck.

    youre an idiot
  4. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Show bobs.

  5. Originally posted by blaster master pm address, post pics

    69 nothappening street
  6. Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Aren't you the same guy who admitted he needed to pay 60 year old women to touch him sexually?

    im not talking about any relations i had with your grandmother or how much i paid her. or didnt pay her. im not saying i did or didnt pay her to do what im not saying she might have done.
  7. Originally posted by larrylegend8383 I've owned dogs smarter than Don

    your girlfriends are not relevant to the conversation
  8. Originally posted by Bill Krozby I dont think

    you are correct

    youre an idiot

    Originally posted by infinityshock youre so fucking stupid and terminally socially retarded that you have no ability to grasp the concept of how fucking absolutely idiotic you are.

    that being the case, ill place it into a perspective that you may…or probably wont…be able to cross reference in your own non-functional mind.

    every time you make a post, regardless of how epic you think it sounds in your own nigger-cum addled mind, it makes the collective user base literally cringe in pain. the best analogy your broken brain might comprehend is, picture a high-society social gathering in an exclusive facility reserved for only the top 1% where everyone is dressed in their finest attire, doing whatever it is the aristocracy does, then through an abject sense of depraved humor the universe sends some random tourrets-infested retard confined to a wheelchair, drooling all over his saliva-saturated bib, rolling his mechanical wheelchair through the double solid-oak doors at a high rate of speed, plowing over the beautiful-people, then screeches to a halt in the middle of the room, with everyone staring at him aghast. after a few moments of silence, through dribbling strings of saliva, the retard opens its lips and lets out a screeching 'aahhhHHHH-DDDDURRRHHHHHHHH!!!!!'

    youre the retard.
  10. Originally posted by Michael Myers I started at 71.5kg earlier this year but managed to get down to 61.5kg after a month. My goal was 60-ish and I have long surpassed that goal. As of today, I am 56.5kg, the goal isn't to lose weight for the sake of it, but it's so I can stuff myself with junk food without feeling bad about it. My strategy was not good in any way whatsoever and any specialist would advise you against it, but it proved effective in my case.

    jesus must be anorexic.

    if i weighed that much id look like a twig

    just take meth. problem solved.
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