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Posts by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer...................... (banned)

  1. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny let me guess,

    the ones on the right killed the ones on the left.

    congratulations. you win the prize.
  2. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Socks is kinda right.

    No way these white BLM nutjobs will accept another defeat, when, in their minds, they're the only thing standing between purity and goodness for eternity, and humanity's descent into pure evil.

    There'll be action.

    But I doubt the egg will crack, unfortunately.

    not only that...but the way things are going with the commie pinko rioting it is only a matter of time before gunfire is exchanged.

    these devolved from now its full on insurrection.

    whats funny is theres a lot more strife in belarus...but no one is burning anything down.

    niggers are not compatible with civilization.
  3. Originally posted by Technologist

  4. the way things are going there will be no presidency after the elections.

    there might not even be a country

  5. Originally posted by Speedy Parker He is a good poster when he isn't talking about fucking someones guts out.

    i was a good poster until lannyfag became a shit-tier admin

    now he gets shit-tier posts to go along with his shit-tier admining skillz
  6. Originally posted by Sudo Finny is still gay and salty and totse2tier

    I wonder what happened to Idio, rocklin, chris hanson, fanglekai and the rest of those faggots. Remember how coddled finny was on the totse2 sites and how he'd never get infracted or banned but everyone else would. I would get banned for posting pictures of my own cock and any number of other stupid things but finny never did because he's a whiney little suckup bitch at heart just like the rest of em. Sad

    you sound like the redheaded step child whining because all the other children get more love from mommy and daddy than you do.

    there might be a reason the other kids get more love than you do.

    part of that reason is no one loves you. or even likes you.


  7. Originally posted by aldra yeah I noticed that the other day, not sure why, seems really obscure

    that said, posting in a very gay thread

    more evidence that lanny shouldnt have admin-control over anything other than his own toothbrush. and even that is debatable
  8. Originally posted by Kuntzschutz Nobody can permanently ban me though, as I never had a permanent online identity. Been around since 03 on totse and being doxxed didn't stop me, nor did threats and actual physical assaults/attempts on my life. Snoopy, and any other dipshits couldn't do it. Finny isn't stupid, it's just that he has this bloated ego and a desire to homo-rage post with a particular online persona. If he has anything intelligent to contribute, a ban won't matter, as he does not need to make himself so obvious. You should know since you've copy pasted the hacker manifesto numerous times.

    You are protesting the banishment of an online troll persona, not the person or intellect behind it. Thus your points are invalid.

    literally everything you posted is completely and factually false

    i have no ego. the requirement of an ego is giving a fuck about what anyone else thinks. the only fucks i give are at the tip of my cock.

    i post this way because lannyfag is a complete and utter idiot to such a degree that he doesnt deserve any valid content that doesnt consist of homoerotic poetry directed towards his general direction. that which he responds to best. he reaps what he has sown. for example...there is another online site where the theme i post with is pointing out leftist fallacies and their mistakes, which has a much more enjoyable effect than ass raping lannyfag or one of his pets. besides...lanny likes the foreplay, it reminds him of how the male members of his household treat him.

    ive had this same exact screen name since the 80s...except it was 'x8shock' because the site required a letter to start the name and only allowed eight letter/number characters in the name.

    youre an idiot
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