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Posts by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer..................... (banned)

  1. show of hands...who thinks were in the next civil war right now.

    r­eading comprehension. lannyfag.
  2. that fucking retard lannyfagtard word-f­ilters 'r­eading comprehension' into athletic abilities.

    pathetic fucking retard.
  3. Originally posted by Bill Krozby im an illiterate fucking retard

    too late. i already saw your pathetic ninja edit.

    if you werent a fucking retard with zero r­eading comprehension youd see that it was you that i called a s­hitskin, you dumb s­hitskin nigger

    the only thing that exceeds your illiteracy and ignorance is your insatiable thirst for nigger ballsack batter.
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