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Posts by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer.................. (banned)

  1. Originally posted by rabbitweed the virgin "Libyan invasion" vs the chad "His sister said something unflattering".

    Check mate repuliKKKans

    considering everything that has been in the media...just todays examples from reading the daily news:

    - NYC deleted from their website the mayors order to dump wuhan batsoup flu victims into retirement homes and hidden/altered the deaths in retirement homes
    - NYC has massive crime wave...almost 400 pct increase...along with a shortage of cops...and the retard makes a detachment to guard the 'nigger lives matter' graffiti in front of trump towers.
    - chimpcago mayor allows major riots and looting throughout the city...but installs a major detachment of cops in front of her own house.

    im not even getting into the butt-fuck rodeo that is portland/seattle...jesus fuck.

    ...the question is how mentally fucktarded does someone have to be to believe the commie pinko demoncraps are the right choice to waste a vote on.
  2. Originally posted by Grylls What part of the thread title do you not understand?

    your father chugs my joy juice better than anyone else has in at least 20 minutes
  3. Originally posted by Technologist Just watching the caliber of people who back him is amusing.

    you should be watching the caliber of 'people' rooting for that dementia-infested kiddy diddler that plagiarizes everything hes done since law school

    you dumb titless nigger loving whore
  4. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny he implements them to turn you on.

    im always turned on
  5. Originally posted by POLECAT 999 new cases of coronavirus

    About 32,100,000 results (0.54 seconds)
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    BREAKING: 999 new coronavirus cases, two … - News › Georgia State › Atlanta
    5 days ago - One day after reporting more than 1000 new coronavirus cases in a single 24-hour period, data released by state health officials Saturday …

    BREAKING: 999 new coronavirus cases, two … - News › Georgia State › Atlanta
    One day after reporting more than 1000 new coronavirus cases in a single 24-hour period, data released by state health officials Saturday morning show the …

    Virginia July 29 COVID-19 update: 999 new cases, 30 new … › news › health › coronavirus › virgini…
    Jul 29, 2020 - Virginia July 29 COVID-19 update: 999 new cases, 30 new deaths reported statewide; hospitalizations jump again. Coronavirus. by: Brian …

    Does Googling Any 3-Digit Number Followed by 'New Cases … › Fact Checks › Politics
    Claim: Searching for any three-digit number followed by "new cases" on Google provides

    in my state (FL) one of the officials was literally threatened with a lawsuit because he listed a cause of death on an official document for someone who died in a motorcycle accident as wuhan batsoup flu. he made a dumbass statement along the lines of 'well the virus could have caused him to crash'

    true story.
  6. Originally posted by -SpectraL There's literally thousands and thousands of free and open and fully-available CGI and SOCKS4/5 proxies he can use to register and log in here. There's literally no way to stop him from posting and/or registering. You're just wasting your time and effort. Years of time and effort, and for what? To keep one member under? Makes no sense!

    every once in awhile after ive made too many accounts he'll IP ban the IP im on and/or the email domain. the shame is theres so many others available to use.

    he keeps implementing annoying features that are major turn-offs for actual new members (post limits...'captchas'...closed requirements...etc) that literally dont work.
  7. Originally posted by Technologist Everyone knows he’s a POS. Wait till he’s out……………all the truths that will be shared. It’s a comin👍🏻

    youre just mad the best candidate the commie pinkos can come up with is a brain dead kiddy diddler with an advanced case of CJD.
  8. Originally posted by Technologist Ok POS that forces himself on woman.

    youre just jealous the only dick you get is from diseased niggers that pimp you out to other diseased niggers for pocket change.
  9. Originally posted by -SpectraL Only a born idiot would wear a mask that does absolutely nothing to either prevent or even reduce the spread of the virus.

    not only that but i watch these people who actually have them on and 75% use them ineffectively to the point of being useless.

    i already posted about the walmart stocker that would adjust her mask...grab a box...climb a step stool...set box on shelf...climb down...adjust mask...and start all over again.

    people have them down over their noses. i said something to a geriatric about it at a grocery story and she said it was the mouth that was the majority of germs being transmitted and the nose didnt matter.

    morons. all of them.
  10. Originally posted by Kuntzschutz Lol you think he can't ban all the skiddie tier proxies and word enhancement the homorage catch phrases?

    Must be smokin the good stuff today

    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz Lol no it hasn't

    that fucking retard cant even stop me from posting word f­ilter changes. nigger. j­ew. k­roz. s­hitskin.

    thats some 1980s-tier shit right there.

    go ahead and share your leet haxzorxz skilz on what else he can try, david lightman.
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