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Posts by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer.............. (banned)

  1. Originally posted by likesmice Half baked has a remarkable history.

    youre an idiot
  2. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Bump. Just replace Infinityshock with ORACLE, and watch your standard of life improve.

    just replace the giant horse cock dildo in your asshole with a well endowed niggers cock and watch your colon fill with nigger nutsack sauce.
  3. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING To use install the TamperMonkey extension, then click on the icon that appears to the right of the address bar, then click new script, and copy and paste the following. If you want to change the user(s) who is blocked edit where it says infinityshock.

    This only works on desktop.
    // ==UserScript==
    // @name NiggaBeGone
    // @namespace
    // @version 0.1
    // @description jedi shit
    // @author You
    // @match*
    // @grant none

    (function (){
    var enhancementkey = "infinityshock";

    var allElements, thisElement;
    allElements = document.getElementsByClassName('author-name');
    for (var i = 0; i < allElements.length; i++) {
    thisElement = allElements[i];
    { = 'none';
    // ==/UserScript==


    thatll work real well on someone who makes multiple accounts in one day.

    have fun keeping up with that
  4. Originally posted by Speedy Parker There is truth in the face covering thing. If you look at pictures from Iran the Shah was deposed the fashions in the country were by and large western. They were about ten years behind but western. Pictures from the 70's look like 60's fashions. It was the late 70's early 80's when the rdical fundementalists were put in to power by the puppet masters that they were required to start covering thier faces.

    jesus fuck...those colors are full-on epilepsy by proxy.

    when i was in a few middle eastern countries i had several conversations with haji males on their view on women. the synopsis is they keep their women in full-check to prevent them from having any autonomy or independence from their men. the brilliant plan the male hajis have is to keep the women completely dependent on the men. the words 'keep them in their place' were used frequently.
  5. Originally posted by Octavian Jesus Christ I have never experienced such Cringe in all my life, Trump has my vote.

    Oh shit, I'm not an American.

    heres something to cringe on:

  6. Originally posted by Technologist Soi,

    Who does not shit on you????

    the same can be said about your cobweb infested cooch.

    what nigger does not shit out of their urethra into your horror hole.
  7. Originally posted by cigreting to order appetizers before eating a meal. Absolutely disgusting that some people can eat that much.
    "oh yes ill have the cheese curds, nachos, and garlic bread before i stuff my fatass face with the main course please thx"

    on a regular basis i will eat 10,000 calories a day

    my 'bowl of cereal' involves a salad bowl, half a box of family-sized cheerios, and a 50-50 mix of milk and heavy whipping cream

    my 'snack' involves a container of feta cheese willed with herbs and oils that equal approximately 2,000 calories.

    oink oink, mother fickers.
  8. because anyone that has any semblance of sanity would vote for this fuck cake:

  9. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Has anyone else noticed how loud everyone talks lately? Also nobody can understand you half the time even if you yell through the mask because they have reduced hearing from co2 poisoning.

    Having voices muffled through the masks doesn't help things either. It just seems no matter how loud I yell with a mask on the person always has trouble hearing me. and I notice people are much louder I think because everyone is deaf and muffled.

    After this is over we are all gonna be used to talking louder and wake up babies by whispering

    there is another factor your missing: the mouth is designed to emit sound waves for communication and the ears have been trained since birth to receive sound waves in a certain way. when wearing a mask the sound waves 'reflect' differently and reach the...stuff in your ear that hears...differently, which changes perception. additionally...the stuff in your ears that also capable of receiving sound waves from the mouth.
  10. Originally posted by -SpectraL For real, it's a globalist attack. The whole thing. They're documenting and analyzing every bit of resulting data, too.

    its the same reason mudslime women are required to wear a niqab: control. the hajis force their women to cover their faces as a means to force them into submission.

    i was looking forward to confrontations with people about me not wearing a mask and have been gravely disappointed. the only time anyone ever said anything was at home depot a few weeks ago where i told the dude to pound sand...and i still went shopping without one.

    something i have noticed is that people not wearing masks apparently gesture to people who also arent wearing them. today i was at the grocery store and a chick smiled at me. literally she and myself was the only ones not wearing a mask in the entire store.
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