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Thanked Posts by RIPtotse

  1. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Started to storm here.

    Took a small nap it felt nice

    Nothing like a good impromptu nap to recharge the batteries and chase those stressful thoughts away

    Feels good man

    It’s crazy how good being clean feels it’s insane I spent, sorry I mean, wasted all those years just chasing a good feeling when it was on the other side the whole time

    It’s crazy and my mind isn’t totally fixed that’s for sure I still find myself thinking, it’s cool I could just eat a blue or maybe one bar and be fine, but then I remember even if you ate one for one day, it will just make it even easier to say yes at the wrong time and eat 10 bars and end up murder/rampage/suiciding everywhere while blackedout

    So I give myself ten min and think about it for a minute and realize, ya wow that would probably be fucking bad, and I save my money

    It’s the little wins everyday that add up to the big one

    👨🏻‍🔬this has been a public service announcement from Dr. RIPtotse 🏩🧪👨🏻‍⚕️🧏🏻‍♂️🥼
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  2. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    So funny, I’m a conspiracy idiot because I use the term globalists

    Read Albert pikes manifesto and tell me that doesn’t exactly match ww1 and 2 and his predictions for ww3 will more than likely come to fruition as well


    Because he was in the know.

    Just like Kubrick writing eyes wide shut right before he died, he was in the know

    You can put people down and call the crazy conspiracy theorists all you want it still doesn’t mean that it isn’t true.

    The worst thing you can do to a person is call them stupid and crazy because it’s dismissive

    You act like since you don’t believe what I’m saying that everything I say is invalid and pointless, and that’s what’s dangerous

    Even though I don’t agree with you I’d fight to protect your right to say it and this is where the difference lies

    Just like Twitter and YouTube banning people from saying the election was fraud, except they would love to do that in real life

    Literally fucking sickening
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  3. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Originally posted by stl1 Most people believe in "For the better good".

    Self centered assholes only worry about "ME, ME, ME, DAMMIT ! ! !"

    You are literally so selfish you don’t even see past your own nose.

    You think getting an expirmental scary science thing vaccine is being not selfish, when in fact it just weakens the entire overall immune and health system of the entire human race over the coming generations but you are too dumb to even see it

    Fuck by the time my kids kids have kids they will have to take fuckinn 10 booster shots have their penis circumsised and have their wisdom teeth yanked out just to survive past fucking 18

    Fucking sad
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  4. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    No one cares about your mainstream media sources or any other for that matter, do your own research and ask for the actual statistics on said sources and always remember most, actually all, of the mainstream sources you constantly post obviously have another agenda and I don’t think saving lives and stopping COVID is on the high priority list

    Power and money is much higher on the priority totem pole than saving lives and stopping the pandemic to them and it’s obvious

    It’s just like 911

    Everything that they have in place now is here to stay just like everything they put in place for 911 is here to stay.

    This is how our civil liberties are being destroyed literally everyday more and more

    Watch this video and tell me this doesn’t make you sick to your stomach

    And the fact that the only people smart enough to see that it’s complete bullshit to force something on someone are educated white males, prepare for this to be used against us by the democratic globalists cabal

    It’s literally fucking sickening and these are the people electing our officials

    I don’t vote because I refuse to choose the lesser of two evils

    I’ll vote when I actually see someone I want in office which hasn’t happened once in my life and I don’t believe it will because the system is so broken

    Not voting is my way of protesting, just like the dead said, if you want to protest a war don’t be against it because that gives it power too, just ignore it and act as if it weren’t there and don’t rely on anything the state offers and live your own life

    It’s already a fucking travesty that they just take so much for taxes already when I don’t use or want even half the shit I’m paying for

    It’s fucking sad truly

    What’s really sad is old fucks like stl1 are so fucking scared that they actually believe the globalists brainwashing media

    That’s exactly what they want to happen and fear creates power for them because they have the answer to your fear because why?

    Because they orchestrated and created the fear that they have the solution to

    This has been done for years over and over again and hitler was a master of this

    It’s crazy you all can’t see this and I’m sure you’ll all be wearing the equivalent to a jedi star soon, aka vaccine passports
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  5. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    It’s rucking rullshit raggy
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  6. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    I’d stay away from whatever the fuck stag parties are and go to school instead of drinking all the time

    You should try it
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  7. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Originally posted by aldra have you tried bupe?

    I was on bupe for years to me it was way to easy to scan the docs for more and for benzos

    Plus it was very easy to skip and get high with or sell

    Also bupe didn’t even touch my rent addiction I believe it’s formulated more for smaller addictions, hydrocodone/oxymorons/even morph or h sometimes

    I’m on 200mg of methadone and that’s basically what it took to make me quit feeling the dope and be comfortable, been clean totally from opiates for almost a year besides the methadone

    Like I said I’m gonna begins taper in a few months
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  8. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    K old man I’ll be sure to thank your future generations that you made sure to get experimental scary science thing vaccine in order to survive and doing so made every future generation dependent upon state medication just the same as wisdom teeth all the way to booster shots

    Congrats the state now controls your mind are you happy? lol look up mass hypnosis/hysteria and tell me you aren’t a fucking part of that
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  9. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Stl1 believes everything he reads as long as it fits his agenda
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  10. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Originally posted by mmQ You are so horrible at effectively promoting the things you believe in. You're 70 years old and still haven't learned some tact?


    He’s a horrible representation of St. Louis.

    At least I’m really living it here, not like this bozo who believes everything he hears on cbs 4
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  11. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Ya it’s taken me years to achieve sobriety man and I’m not 100% there yet, I’m still on methadone, which I honestly consider medicine, because it saved my life a lot of times

    And I smoke pot

    But I don’t plan on being on methadone forever and plan on begenning my taper at the end of this school semester... gonna be low and slow might take a year or 2 to get totally off but that’s just fine I don’t mind at all

    And I’ll probably never stop smoking bud although I would like to use a healthier option for cannabis consumption, I was using edibles a lot but I don’t trust the fucking jellies everyone had and the brownies and cookies I make build my tolerance quick

    I’m gonna look into a nice vaporizer for me for Xmas maybe this year as long as I continue to be a good boy

    And man I forgot how much money I actually have/can save when I don’t do drugs..

    It’s fucking sick how much these scars on my body are worth

    A whole new meaning to the man with the golden arm, which is a great movie you should all watch

    I really want to read the book, I’m reading insomnia by Stephen king right now which is pretty good so far
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  12. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    No one even knows wyhat the fuck your are saying half the time because apparently in Poland they don’t have American keyboards? The fuck is wrong with u
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  13. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    It’s not impossible you idiot

    It’s who you are that can’t get chicks.

    Change who the fuck you are duh.

    And no I don’t mean from maciej lata to fucking mike duraj

    Actually make the change, work out for a whole year everyday


    Stop trying to fuck children

    You know, simple everyday advice

    Oh ya, almost forgot, fuck you waryak
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  14. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Just gettin up... got my car back finally.. gonna do a set of lifts then run then come home and lift and eat

    Gonna try to find one of those Bluetooth transmitters for my car today so I can listen to yung lean while pulling up to the methadone clinic👍

    Went to the bookstore at my school yesterday they said I have to place my order online so I’m gonna look into that today too .. only got like 2 weeks till it starts
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  15. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    I’m done arguing with this idiot

    It’s like trying to convince hikki that he needs a job

    It just can’t be done

    Wario is a lost cause and needs to be at minimum chemically castrated, although I’m not against a physical castration as well

    Sucks there are actually people like him in the world fr

    It’s fucking sad honestly
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  16. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Doing pretty good.. mechanic says my car is almost fixed so hopefully this week.

    Otherwise i added ten lbs to my bench yesterday and am still hitting 11 reps with it so I’ll be adding another ten soon

    Gonna start running again today, I took the weekend off of running and just walked my normal run route...

    Rained here last night so hopefully it’ll be cool outside this morning.
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  17. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ME: CDC, should I get poke if I already had Covid?
    CDC: “Yes, you should be poked regardless of whether you already had COVID-19. That’s because experts do not yet know how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19.”
    ME: Oh, okay, we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts. Got it. So, how long does poke-induced immunity last?
    CDC: “There is still a lot we are learning about COVID-19 pokes and CDC is constantly reviewing evidence and updating guidance. We don’t know how long protection lasts for those who are poked.”
    ME: Okay … but wait a second. I thought you said the reason I need the poke was because we don’t know how long my natural immunity lasts, but it seems like you’re saying we ALSO don’t know how long poke immunity lasts either. So, how exactly is the poke immunity better than my natural immunity?
    CDC: …
    ME: Uh … alright. But, haven’t there been a bunch of studies suggesting that natural immunity could last for years or decades?
    CDC: Yes.
    NEWYORKTIMES: “Years, maybe even decades, according to a new study.”
    ME: Ah. So natural immunity might last longer than poke immunity?
    CDC: Possibly. You never know.
    ME: Okay. If I get the poke, does that mean I won’t get sick?
    BRITAIN: Nope. We are just now entering a seasonal spike and about half of our infections and hospital admissions are poked people.
    ME: CDC, is this true? Are there a lot of people in the U.S. catching Covid after getting the poke?
    CDC: We stopped tracking breakthrough cases. We accept voluntary reports of breakthroughs but aren’t out there looking for them.
    ME: Does that mean that if someone comes in the hospital with Covid, you don’t track them because they’ve been poked? You only track the UN-poked Covid cases?
    CDC: That’s right.
    ME: Oh, okay. Hmm. Well, if I can still get sick after I get the poke, how is it helping me?
    CDC: We never said you wouldn’t get sick. We said it would reduce your chances of serious illness or death.
    ME: Oh, sorry. Alright, exactly how much does it reduce my chance of serious illness or death.
    CDC: We don’t know “exactly.”
    ME: Oh. Then what’s your best estimate for how much risk reduction there is?
    CDC: We don’t know, okay? Next question.
    ME: Um, if I’m healthy and don’t want the poke, is there any reason I should get it?
    CDC: Yes, for the collective.
    ME: How does the collective benefit from me getting poked?
    CDC: Because you could spread the virus to someone else who might get sick and die.
    ME: Can a poked person spread the virus to someone else?
    CDC: Yes.
    ME: So if I get poked, I could still spread the virus to someone else?
    CDC: Yes.
    ME: But I thought you just said, the REASON I should get poked was to prevent me spreading the virus? How does that make sense if I can still catch Covid and spread it after getting the poke?
    CDC: Never mind that. The other thing is, if you stay unpoked, there’s a chance the virus could possibly mutate into a strain that escapes the pokes protection, putting all poked people at risk.
    ME: So the poke stops the virus from mutating?
    CDC: No.
    ME: So it can still mutate in poked people?
    CDC: Yes.
    ME: This seems confusing. If the poke doesn’t stop mutations, and it doesn’t stop infections, then how does me getting poked help prevent a more deadly strain from evolving to escape the poke?
    CDC: You aren’t listening, okay? The bottom line is: as long as you are unpoked, you pose a threat to poked people.
    ME: But what KIND of threat??
    CDC: The threat that they could get a serious case of Covid and possibly die.
    ME: My brain hurts. Didn’t you JUST say that the poke doesn’t keep people from catching Covid, but prevents a serious case or dying? Now it seems like you’re saying poked people can still easily die from Covid even after they got the poke just by running into an unpoked person! Which is it??
    CDC: That’s it, we’re hanging up now.
    ME: Wait! I just want to make sure I understand all this. So, even if I ALREADY had Covid, I should STILL get poked, because we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts, and we also don’t know how long poke immunity lasts. And I should get the poke to keep a poked person from catching Covid from me, but even if I get the poke, I can give it to the poked person anyways. And, the other poked person can still easily catch a serious case of Covid from me and die. Do I have all that right?

    ME: Um, hello? Is anyone there?

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  18. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Wari-smallpenis, please stop please for the love of god.

    I would fucking love it if u did one of these fucking unspeakable acts you talk about and catch literally every std and your dick literally falls off and you have an extremely agonizing death and since your in shit ass countries they won’t be able to treat you properly so you become addicted to otc codeine and then clandestine lab made deso-morphine and more of your body parts start to rot away until you are literally a pool of chomo jelly on the ground

    Sorry just daydreaming but we can wish can’t we?
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  20. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Wow I’m not clicking any of those links purely on the html name

    For fuck sake why would u watch this shit

    I haven’t even watched porn in like a year
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