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Posts by infinityshock lovingly allowed lardass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer........

  1. raped a bunch of nigger whore junkies

    the only crime i see there is animal abuse

    he should have been sentenced to a few weeks of community service at the local animal shelter. or maybe petting zoo.
  2. Originally posted by ORACLE No one likes you.

    your mother does

    or more accurately, she likes the shiny coins i give her

  3. theres another crockodile-hunter accented narration just brewing...

    'crikey! a she-ape evolved from using a stick to a chihuaha on a leash as a means of attacking predators!'

    stupid niggers

  4. theres a crockodile-hunter accented narration just brewing...

    'crikey! a herd of pavement apes running amok!'
  5. Originally posted by Octavian Here are TOTSE's biggest fucking losers that should kill themselves.


    no one likes you
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