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Posts by infinityshock lovingly allowed lardass lanny the luxury of the lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer..

  1. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny what technology did the r-rubs gave them ?

    yes, they;re all white supremacists.

    construction, navigational, agricultural, nautical.

    and apparently inadequate training on how to be good slaves.
  2. Originally posted by Number13 I'd be surprised if she wasn't already dead

    its a shame and a waste of a perfectly good set of tits
  3. whos starting the pool on when she mysteriously commits suicide in her cell after all the security cameras magically fail and all the guards on duty mysteriously have their head turned at the same time in the wrong direction.
  4. Originally posted by Kev People should say grace before shitting, you people have no clue how much you take a toilet for granted.

    its not like a toilet is necessary. if they ever have an uprising like feral niggers ill simply fire all the ones i use and use trees and bushes for my defecating needs.
  5. they dont call it j­ewtube for nothing
  6. Originally posted by POLECAT Thank you Mr Shock, for ur incitefull investigative response, now could you go check out the ones not at intersections,, perhaps out on the interstates,, thanks

    in the city i live in there are zero facial recognition cameras and the only license plate reader cameras are on marked city police cars. all the city-owned cameras are located at the central traffic monitoring facility (a police building) and there arent any 'sekrit' hidden ones.

    the cameras on the interstates are run by DOT and i have no idea anything about them.
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