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Posts That Were Thanked by Kev

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    How did this thread end up being about Candy dragging her schoolyard romance around the town square like anyone cares? I know it seems like I’m hating but I’m really not trying to, I just have no idea what happened to get from literally anything anyone was talking about to really cringe humble brags about giving head.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Antifa Member African Astronaut
    Originally posted by rabbitweed I win

    What a dumb old faggot

    Making this thread means you lose.
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  3. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Kev the original temple had a much more diverse political userbase, a lot of extreme leftists and rightists with a sizable (but not a high percentage) of moderates and centrists, that was the best. regardless, virtually everybody was opposed to cancer culture and all this woke bullshit, no matter their politics. i miss tose days.

    Alas, those days are gone. I really wish I hadn't been a (very stupid) teenager at the time. I missed out on a lot of the good stuff totse had to offer. I'm a (still very stupid) adult now and I'd definitely put the resources of totse to (marginally) better use than I did back in the day. One of my biggest regrets is not getting as much as I could have out of totse when I had the chance.
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  4. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    This is a ripoff of like 15 threads I've made but I appreciate the sentiment. Fuck you too
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  5. Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    christianity teaches that faggotry is wrong but secretly pimps out young boys

    yep that's christianity for you, especially catholics

    out of the three, islam makes teh most sense and christianity just basically trains people to worship kikes and let millions of low iq mudslimes into their homelands to fuck their children.
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  6. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    okay keenan guy that looks like a dorkwad
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  7. Originally posted by Antifa Member I would say its about 50% of them have problems. They've all got like 3-6 parents due to divorce, and a million step siblings since their mom sleeps around.

    Just sad. White/European 'culture' really needs to be abolished. Humans weren't meant to live like that.

    I really do feel genuine sadness thinking about how bad white people have it

    It's Mexicans who live with their parents (and usually uncles and cousins too) until they are 45...that's having mommy/daddy issues.
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  8. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Tax time has me questioning whether my damn government has gotten 1 fucking thing right ever on my behalf...
    Now they want to spend half a billion dollars on security (for one day) to have a show trial to reimpeach trump.
    I'm sorry but where is my $2k stimulus check?
    And also what the fuck is all the talk of $3k a child checks? (Im just saying cuz I really don't think that will help all those types of people)

    That AOC bitch is all "I was eating vegan pizza when a mile away someone yelled at someone else and now I am a victim of sexual assault. Also, white men are terrorists!"

    I don't know about you guys but last I checked my voice was censored and my concerns not cared about.

    How convenient that just 2 weeks after Joe Biblione` takes office that magically covid has been defeated and suddenly masks mandates are about to be lifted...

    Government is too big and so is big tech.
    And Uncle Sam is a creepy uncle who's long arms sure seem to be entangled with a lot of children.

    I feel like there is no news anymore either.
    They replaced it with "the media" which is nothing but exaggerated lies and more child molesters.
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  9. i'm not getting the vaccine or leaving the house, fuck all you faggots and your airplanes and world travel china bullshit. I have never left the country, i hope it mutates and the vaccine stops working and kills all of you boomer fucks. I like the world better this way
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  10. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Im a left leaning libertarian. The government should make roads schools, hospitals, social programs, environmental protections and almost nothing else and to expect not to be taxed is a fantasy. Every libertarian I meet or see online is a complete neckbeard who posts/thinks "TXATSHUN=THFEFT" and "CABIN TXXES INCREASE DA PRICE OF MAC N CHEESE" without really knowing what these things mean. Or they will think it's super clever to use basic economic theorem that shows 1 thing, to make vast implications that are nothing more than unproven inferences. Plus they care about other people and what they do. I wish it seemed like people like me were the majority, as everyone with a political opinion thinks and its nice to see some trends going at least in the right direction
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  11. netstat African Astronaut
    edited for privacy
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. You've never had a woman except homeless Hydro and that doesn't count as human.
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  13. cigreting Dark Matter
    the nuns would discipline them for having “wrinkl[ed] their clothes or being covered in semen"

    no wondr gryls granpap alway so mad
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  14. netstat African Astronaut
    edited for privacy
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  15. Originally posted by CandyRein Like I could literally feel his love way at work .. like a force of nature..
    Love is amazing

    I thought only corny ass white people said shit this cringe worthy
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  16. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Grylls Only dumbfucks let water get in their phone

    You dumb fuck

    2/3rds of the planet is covered in water and the other 1/3rd is covered in dumbfuck juice that you drink
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  17. the little girl Tuskegee Airman
    MR CAT

    He's a fluffy ball of love

    Isn't he adorable?
    Well that was him as a kitten, he's still just as lovely.

    This glorious little guy wins over all the ladies
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  18. the little girl Tuskegee Airman
    Guy who fucks a chubby man in a dress says fucking teenage girls is disgusting.
    The lack of self-awareness is astounding.
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  19. netstat African Astronaut
    edited for privacy
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. Lodger Free African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat

    dude.. use imgflip

    you can set to private and dont type in a meme just make it with 0 meme. they never remove their photos.

    stop using these cum guzzling photo servers who get shitpussy tight whever you post something edgy
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