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Posts by Ernst Kaltenbrunner

  1. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Obbe You actually pay for groceries? What a cuck. You don't have a nigger-bitch shopping for you? Must be part of that lazy bones syndrome.

    that makes no sense. either im lazy for shopping...or lazy for getting someone else to do my shopping. make up your mind.

    i wouldnt let a nigger touch my groceries, much less give one money.
  2. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny bullying carts makes you a real man.

    the dude throwing a shopping car thru some retards back window was a fairly impressive display of olympics-tier skills. that really should be an event. 'shopping cart toss'
  3. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny dont be affraid.

    your in a safe space.

    not yet, but as soon as you bend over i will be.
  4. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    drum roll:

    this video was nothing more than yet another example of fake news

    Asian and Pacific Islander children accounted for 92% of the children <5 years of age with KS

    its a slant-eye disease. this is what happens with miscegenation.
  5. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Evidenlty she was in againoize pain where she just laid in bed for 3 days shivering and vomiting and not drinking water and she asked to go to hospital and her parents didn't take her until her limbs her were turning cold and her lips were turning blue and she had a couple of heart attacks.

    The doctors are linking it coronavirus saying it does effect kids when awhile back they said it didnt.. and like why didn't they test her? To verify.. you know?

    jesus fuck...i actually watched four seconds of that video before getting disgusted.

    1- look at that product of miscegenation. it has obvious underlying physiological defects. its face screams 'crack baby.' those eyes get much further apart theyre going to becoming ears.
    2- its age compared to its parents age makes it obvious they are way too old and of entirely too inferior of genetic stock to be breeding
    3- good job on being the poster child for 'just say no to miscegenation'
  6. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny dont we all.

  7. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny tell us what hapened in the principals office.

    the mean old nun brought out a wooden paddle and made us take turns spanking her bare ass while we told her what a naughty girl she was.
  8. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Ball on each side and dick straight up the middle?

    the floss to the side to better facilitate free-ballin'
  9. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    this morning i was grocery shopping and in tribute to these retards i aimed the cart i was finished with to the far end of the parking lot and launched it as hard as i could

    the cart nigger better pray to whatever tranny deity it worships that it never confronts me about my cart disposal habits

    its last video will be live-streaming of its asshole getting a shopping cart stuffed into it
  10. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny you dont get to choose.

    your gonna get injected irregardless.

    he likes getting injected.

    nice warm, juicy, salty injections.
  11. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Technologist Why are you this dumb? Seriously, why?

    This is a new virus and we are learning more and more about this virus every day. It has come out over the past couple of weeks that it is affecting kids, but not while they have it. The kid gets the corona virus and they don’t have symptoms. A couple of days or weeks later they get a multi systemic inflammatory disease. It is not the virus, but it stems from having the virus. This inflammatory disease affects the child’s heart adversely.

    oy vey! the holo-covid-cost!1!! think about the childrens!11! give us money and take these medication, goy!11!!!!

    you stupid slag. look up the rates of infection that children get. its virtually nil. literally something on the order of one percent.

    now look up the rates of childhood death due to vehicular negligence.

    if you want bonus points, look up the number of deaths in the US as a whole related to vehicular negligence as compared to number of wuhan bat-soup flu deaths.

    now tell my why the financial and social stratum is obliterated in its entirety over a disease that has scientifically been proven to be barely more virulent than the normal flu...yet the MINITRU is pushing so hard to get people to see it as a zombie apokee-clips tier extinction level event.


    you dumb nigger slag.
  12. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    the good old days. the nuns used to drag us to the principles office when they'd catch us emulating wrestlers when we thought they werent watching.

    wenches would watch us from the windows of their nun-cave. couldnt even let us have our recess.
  13. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by ORACLE Suggestion: kill yourself

    Pros: You not being alive

    Cons: I won't kill you

    Conclusion: Kill yourself

    alternative: you intubate my cock until your lungs distend from my testicular tsunami

    pros: you get to become the worlds first medically documented case of pulmonary seminal edema

    cons: none

    conclusion: youre a nigger faggot
  14. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Technologist Hmmmm did not know it’d been 53 days since the last reported burglary in this neighborhood.

    the retard that owned the house also stated to reporters that no crimes were committed.

    if that were the case then he can go ahead and explain why the cameras were set up and why there were several calls to the police reporting...drum roll...crimes.

    stupid fucking pinkos. this is why niggers belong behind they jails or zoos.
  15. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Fujoshi

    It's over, niggers are finished.

    Other police and prosecutors have told reporters that it’s very odd for police to enlist a retired officer for help.

    that statement is 100% false. not misleading...not mistranslated...its a complete lie.

    retired police usuallywork with law enforcement in other capacities after their retirement. its called 'double dipping'...where they get their retirement paycheck as well as pay from whatever training, assisting, or advising they happen to be doing.
  16. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    it looks like one of those faggot cosplay freakshows.
  17. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Wariat im glad im in Poland for now.

    so is everyone not in poland.
  18. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Grylls I will also take that as a compliment you fucking cracker

    youre good at taking it
  19. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny so what did you tried to imply ?

    property taxes arent exactly 'rents' … are they.

    they are literally 'rents'
  20. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by -SpectraL So he wears them backwards?

    best way to wear a thong
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