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Posts by Banana Muffin Mix

  1. Banana Muffin Mix Tuskegee Airman [your disgracefully climbable neckwear]
    kafka stole his phone and hacked his account
  2. Banana Muffin Mix Tuskegee Airman [your disgracefully climbable neckwear]
    Originally posted by Michael Myers Sometime soon the actual script had leaked but by then nobody was interested in the scripts anymore because there were too many Scream 2 scripts coming out. Lol.

    wjat about HOSTEL you ever seen that?
  3. Banana Muffin Mix Tuskegee Airman [your disgracefully climbable neckwear]
    Originally posted by Wariat i feel like poland can be as fucked up of a place as they come in eastern europe. like chec republic hostel shit from the horror films. i mean this guy had me drugged up on soem dste rwpe shitni could be missing an organ but instead he just jacked me but close.

    you got organ harvested and date raped? wut?
  4. Banana Muffin Mix Tuskegee Airman [your disgracefully climbable neckwear]
  5. Banana Muffin Mix Tuskegee Airman [your disgracefully climbable neckwear]

    wait i'm like 30
  6. Banana Muffin Mix Tuskegee Airman [your disgracefully climbable neckwear]
    It's telling when they seemingly know every detail of your life (even if that means making up some details to fit their deranged fantasy)

    While you don't know any of theirs

    I wonder whoms reading whoms posts?! folx?

    Originally posted by Speedy Parker When is the last time you entertained company in your home?

    Me: Just last weekend my woman, both her adult sons, their wives and children, and the gentleman and his lovely wife who started the charitable music school which I released a $50,000 donation to from a trust I manage all came over and hung out on my 920 sq ft front porch for a cookout.

    When is the last time you had cookout/jam sessions with more than guests that people talk about for months after?

    Me: On August 20th to celebrate my son's 30th birthday.

    When is the last time you facilitated a $50,000 donation from a charitable trust fund you manage to help start a 501c3 dedicated to teaching music to children?

    Me: Just last month.

    When is the last time you barted with neighbors to do land clearing in exchange for automotive repair, body work, and help remodeling your porch?

    Me: It's what I've been doing for the last 3 days.

    When is the last time someone offered to help you load, transport, and unload 3800 lbs of flagstone and pavers just because they knew you could use a hand?

    Me: The end of August in 110 degree heat in Laughlin, Nevada. Yeah that's right the guy with no friends had someone offer to help with that in that heat with no expectation of anything in return. I did slip him a Franklin at the bar when we were done. Something which I had to argue with him about before he would accept.

    When is the last time that you bought a gun you really didn't want and a pool table that you probably won't use much just to help a friend in hard times?

    Me: Just 2 weeks ago.

    When is the last time a younger friend called you from out of state to seek your advice on an issue involving their 15 year old son?

    Me: About 3 weeks ago.

    When was the last time someone let you borrow their 3/4 ton truck to haul a tractor 400 plus miles?

    Me: Just yesterday.

    When was the last time woman who cared about you bought you a surprise just to show she was thinking about you?

    Me: Justmlast night my woman met me at the bat for karaoke. She knows I like the tropical Jolly Ranchers. So she stopped at The Dollar Store and picked me up a 13ozmbag of them just to show me I'm important to her in a small but thoughtful way.

    When was the last time a neice, nephew, or grandchild gave you a hug and said they loved you?

    Me: Everytime I see one of them which is jot often enough.

    When was the last time one of your children told you they loved you or bought you something?

    Me: My son is always getting me some little thing he finds at some of the cool little shops on Rt 66 in the old section of Kingman. Especially the bad ass little military memorabilia store stuffed with antique uniforms, hats, medals, and the sort. He tells me he loves me and thanks me for the way i5raised him on a regular basis, at least once a month.

    When was the last time you walked into a bar and over 20 people greeted you by your first name within the 1st half hour you were there?

    Me: Every time I walk into the local bar i visi5 twice per week or anyone of small bars in Kingman or Bullhead City that I visit maybe once a month.

    When was the last time someone not related to you traveled from out of state or even out of town just to visit you?

    Me: I've been out hear now 30 months. I've had to friends from Ohio, one from Florida, and one from West Virigina fly out. Next month another buddy from Ohio is flying out for Thanksgiving.

    When was the last time someone sought your advice on anything in the real world face to face?

    Me: People in our little often seek my advice on firearms, motorcycles, technical issues with electronic devices, and even personal problems theyvare going through.

    These are regular occurrences in my life. I've helped many people in this small town over the last few years. My reputation here is solid. People know I have a good heart They also know if there is trouble with strangers or random assholes I've got there back and there damned glad to have me in their corner.

    You see Pauliwog, I did nit shun or hide from my darkside. I embraced it and in doing so have made it my steed. It is strong and serves me well. But my real strength come from my kind healing nature towards those who merit it. I can offer aid and comfort to my allies and deliver destruction to those who would come against me or mine.

    You paint me with the the same brush you see stroked upon yourself. I promise I am nothing like you or like what you grossly misperceive me to be.

    I know you will not answer the questions which I have asked you. The honest answers would be too difficult or even painful for you to admit even to yourself.
  7. Banana Muffin Mix Tuskegee Airman [your disgracefully climbable neckwear]
    Originally posted by Michael Myers I don't follow you around, bucko. It's a mere opportunity to up my post count. I am slacking.


    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You follow me around the forum calling me grade school names.

    Nobody follows you, you butt into threads like a crying whining little bitch starting shit and get called a faggot in all of them because you can't post anything of value or substance

    It's funny that you perceive the reactions to your own asspained-ness as "following me around"

    folks speedy parker wants to take a big steaming shite all over your threads and if you reply to him AT ALL he will get upset and defensive


  8. Banana Muffin Mix Tuskegee Airman [your disgracefully climbable neckwear]
  9. Banana Muffin Mix Tuskegee Airman [your disgracefully climbable neckwear]
    Kafka murdered sophie
  10. Banana Muffin Mix Tuskegee Airman [your disgracefully climbable neckwear]
    kafka killed him
  11. Banana Muffin Mix Tuskegee Airman [your disgracefully climbable neckwear]
    Originally posted by aldra I'm going to force open my third eye


    mine is crusted close with sleep
  12. Banana Muffin Mix Tuskegee Airman [your disgracefully climbable neckwear]
    Originally posted by Michael Myers You see demons on meth? That sounds awesome! I want that. I used to do designer drugs, like three times. Never saw any demons. Did experience ego death on every occasion however plus I also fell asleep during the peak. Was told you're not able to fall asleep while tripping balls. Just my luck.


    stimulants be crazy

    Originally posted by Ghost So this dude was trying to be cool cuz he knows i do tek and knows about my triangle shit posting

    showing me his stash being all mr cool like YEAH BRO U GOT THE TRIANGLES AND METH trying to like make fun of me
    I sent him this

    now he thinks im a satanic demon that corrupted him into evil and he has become a demonic trianglist and sworn allegience to satan

  13. Banana Muffin Mix Tuskegee Airman [your disgracefully climbable neckwear]
    Originally posted by Michael Myers Alright I'm back! Got a phone call from one of my favorite people ever! :D

  14. Banana Muffin Mix Tuskegee Airman [your disgracefully climbable neckwear]
    yeah hes a cop caller
  15. Banana Muffin Mix Tuskegee Airman [your disgracefully climbable neckwear]
    Sophies dead becuse kafka murder him
  16. Banana Muffin Mix Tuskegee Airman [your disgracefully climbable neckwear]
  17. Banana Muffin Mix Tuskegee Airman [your disgracefully climbable neckwear]
    Originally posted by Incessant Careful. Get close to her and you'll be the next one she makes up lies about but doesn't know she's lying cuz she's just delusional

    or dead
  18. Banana Muffin Mix Tuskegee Airman [your disgracefully climbable neckwear]
    Originally posted by Michael Myers Lol. I don't play any videogame whatsoever… perhaps I should start playing an immersive horror videogame.

    what abo0ut doing meth until you have a psychosis and see demons, thats pretty scary
  19. Banana Muffin Mix Tuskegee Airman [your disgracefully climbable neckwear]
    Originally posted by CandyRein

    I ❤️ her ..she reminds me a lot of myself how quirky she is ❤️

    any pics of her without any clothe os on
  20. Banana Muffin Mix Tuskegee Airman [your disgracefully climbable neckwear]
    better than obama
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