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Posts by rabbitweed

  1. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    ohhh, hmmm. hang on

    const scron = (...names) => {
    for(const post of document.getElementsByClassName('post')) {
    const authorName = post.getElementsByClassName('author-name')[0]
    if (names.includes(authorName.innerText)) authorName.innerText = 'da cock nose'

  2. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood and he has a cock for a nose

    Listen, I'll forgive that. I'll forgive his pedo tendencies. Or his fake claims about being on totse.

    But I will not forgive him thinking he's some kind of underground computing champion for using the most normie, popular, corporate friendly OS of the early 90s. That's like someone 10 years from now thinking they are uber 1337 because they used XP.
  3. rabbitweed African Astronaut

    const block = (...names) => {
    for(const post of document.getElementsByClassName('post')) {
    const {innerText} = post.getElementsByClassName('author-name')[0]
    if (names.includes(innerText)) = 'none'

    block('faggot1', 'faggot2', 'faggot3')

    replace stuff at the bottom with comma separated quoted list of actual fags you want to block
  4. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    It was the most widely used GUI operating system of its time.

    You have no idea what you are talking about.
  5. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    I remember my yahoo user name. I cybered with girls in chatrooms, and used to chat in some religious room with someone called "Gay_Atheist". In retrospect I bet he wanted my tight 12 year old ass.
  6. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Real computing niggas will know what I'm talking about.

    Normie consoomers like you will go LOL WINDOWS 3
  7. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra I know it's going to be retarded garbage but I still take the time to decode Wario's posts

    Do you think he can write Polish properly, or is that all garbled as well?

    My bet is on the latter.
  8. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    this fake and gay faggot has never heard of the Xerox Alto, or LISP Machines, or FORTH, or the mother of all demos.

    Fake and gay normie faggot who was never on totse.
  9. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    I no longer watch youtube. Youtube is for normies like you who were never on totse and know about windows 3.1 but not the Xerox Alto. Pleb.
  10. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Zero proof you were ever on totse. just some mysterious tapes no one has ever seen.

    Hey remember when I made a post about a common totse meme, and a few people got it, and you weren't one of them? Yeah it's because you were never on there.

    Hikki = not on totse. Fake and gay.
  11. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    whatchu talkin bout STER0S?
  12. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Oh go on then, do explain.
  13. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    IDK, I'm not a pedo
  14. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Teach him to do a nazi salute and put it on youtube. It sounds risky, but you live in a free country you have nothing to worry about.
  15. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Blow jobs are overrated. I mean they're nice, it's a sweet thing to do for a fella. But after a couple of mins you want to get your johnson into a nice comfy vagina.
  16. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra Martial law won't fix the decaying infrastructure and inability to get large chunks of the population to work

    Hard to drug deal with a curfew, where you need a work pass to be seen outside at night and if you don't produce one you are imprisoned without trial / are shot. A bunch of motherfuckers would consider jobs then.

    There are cities with in South Asia with much worse infrastructure than Chicago and a fraction of the crime.

    But yes, Chicago will never improve under the current system. And to hope that it will is absolute folly.
  17. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    but you've never had sex or gotten a blowjob. How can you rank them?
  18. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Aldra is Eurasian?

    That would explain why he's so gung ho on china.
  19. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Ineffectual governance, and a complete break down of law and order.

    Nothing a few months of brutal martial law wouldn't fix.
  20. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung But i adore you, Zookers. You're a very desirable poster, and, when you return, you give this place a boost.👍😘⚘

    I like you WellHung. And gadzooks. And soy. And mashlehash, fona, HTS, Scron, aldra...... Sounds more like a big fucking circle jerk to me.

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