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Posts by rabbitweed

  1. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist I never said it had to do with anyone being poor, I said it had to do with people less “informed” than you.

    It’s obvious by your response that your little “caste system“ is based on intellect and income, and I’m referencing intellect.

    So again:

    You - like a lot of people - live in some fantasy world where everyone has the same cognitive abilities as everyone else, but just aren't informed. Like if only someone would have just told her how money worked, she wouldn't have fallen for it! Presumably this would work for any of the things she doesn't know, from compound interest to quantum dynamics.

    People are just different. Some are smart, some are dumb, some are naturally athletic, some are weaklings, some people let others walk all over them, some are aggressive and defensive. It's just part of life, it's biology, not - as a wise man once said - a sociological optical illusion.
  2. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker If she wasn't a moron she wouldn't be poor.

    What are you talking about? All sorts of people can be poor.
  3. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker What do they have for the brown, yellow, or red communists?

    Those people usually have jobs and ambitions and don't have time to LARP as revolutionaries.
  4. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    omg Lanny I know what a 500 is. you sure do mansplain a lot for someone who pretended to be a woman for years.
  5. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist Doesn’t matter. I’m asking if it’s ok to treat those “beneath your caste” like shit?

    Anddd how come you have no empathy for people with difficult lives? I’ve seen you talk about the difficulties in your life. What makes you so different? Trust me, you aren’t special.

    You're all sorts of confused.

    This isn't about shitting on people with difficult lives. This is about morons. There's no helping morons, they're a nuisance and often a danger to everyone around them. They can't reason properly or make good decisions.

    You could give thousands of dollars and days of your time helping someone like that, and they would still fuck it up and be in the exact same position. This isn't a person going through a rough patch in life. This is a person who is biologically near retarded. Nothing can be done.

    The sad fact is, we'd all be better off if she drove off a cliff with her baby in the car.

    So TL;DR nothing to do with the fact she's poor. It's the fact she's a moron. If she was poor and not a moron, she wouldn't have gotten herself in this situation.
  6. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist Taking advantage of those that are less informed than you is cruel. Wasn’t there a time when you weren’t “so informed”? Can’t you relate and have empathy for others?

    All men are not created equal
  7. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Grylls u tell me y 501

    y not error code 1 or 2

  8. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Lanny, use some of the FBI snitch money and pay the damn server people already.

    I don't think the hosting was down. It looks more like the server software itself crashed. Which lanny programmed.

    Come on gang let's all send a patch!!
  9. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting I find real coffee doesn't cause as much brainfog as instant does.

    Screw you maaaan, I'm going clean.
  10. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung explain the power outage.

    500 - server probably crashed

    502 - server probably crashed, but its reverse proxy worked fine

    506 - very rare, did you actually see that?
  11. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    I've owned a car before. It was alright. Overrated really.

    Freedom of not having to deal with insurance/licensing/traffic/repairs > freedom to go on spontaneous road trips, which get old pretty quickly.
  12. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Victimising the young and naieve?

    She never had a chance. She was raised in a shit family in a shit society. She only ever knew shit.

    Young people are supposed to be controlled by society.

    Being a tightwad isn't a virtue, neither is not controlling your society. The collective wellbeing and health of your society is supposed to be your #1 concern as a young man.

    The stupid are nothing but a nuisance. Saying we should treat stupid people better is like saying we should emancipate guide dogs and sign them to work contracts with full benefits - they wouldn't appreciate and would likely shit all over it.

    If we're not allowed to cull the stupid like we do with rabbits or cockroaches, we at least deserve the right to harvest money from them.

    Society is a meme.
  13. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Thoughts about geopolitics devolves easily into Guns, Germs and Steel style thoughts about submarine launching points.

    Well I mean there's a reason Crimea was annexed while the Donbass et al were left to flounder.

    FWIW I don't fully align with the US position on Ukraine. I tend to think that the tension with Russia is counter-productive and that they're a fairly rational actor, unlike China.
  14. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting My understanding is that the Commies and the Kuomintang fought for mainland China.

    The Kuomintang were losing, so retreated to the island province of Taiwan, alongside the locals.

    The Commies and the Kuomintang both regard themselves as being the rightful leaders into the future of all China, including Taiwan. Yet neither talk to each other.

    Eventually the Commies gave up the principles of communism, which include Marxism, dialectical materialism, and starvation, and adopt basically Kuomintang policies, like nationalism, ethnocentrism, and eating food.

    Now there are basically two parties which are more or less identical as the result of convergent evolution, both claiming jurisdiction over all of China, including the province of Taiwan, but with different leaders and personalities.

    If I was Taiwanese I wouldn't trust Beijing, and if I was Beijing I sure as hell wouldn't see why I should cuck to the rogue province of Taiwan.

    And worst of all, if they ever start to cooperate the powers that be (America and Israel) will incentivise them to fight.

    Bad situation.

    One big thing I'll point out is that Taiwan isn't KMT ruled anymore. They've had a two party system since the early 90s. KMT was absolutely trounced last election.

    Another big thing is the KMT has changed radically. Back in the 80s they had an official policy of not communicating with China at all. Now they are the only party that communicates with China, the CCP refuses to talk to the DPP. The KMT went from "no dialogue with communist bandits" to having lots of hand-shaking closed door meetings. They positioned themselves as the party who could co-exist with china and deal with them to keep trade and business flowing. They're also a socialist party popular with boomers, angry at having their unsustainable pensions slashed. KMT is really a very socialist party, it has a Leninist structure, and employed armies of civil servants.

    But to be frank the real reason Taiwan is even important to the US that they want to deny the chinese an easily fortifiable Island which lets them more easily threaten Japan, Guam etc. Check out how deep the waters off the eastern coast of Taiwan are on google maps, compared to how shallow the Taiwan strait is. An excellent submarine launching point, unlike all the shallow waters the PRC actually has access to.

    Taiwan is such a beautiful country - well except for parts where people are able to build their ugly, ugly towns. Which is almost everywhere except steep hills.
  15. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    No because I'm a grown man and it's not 2005
  16. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker When your entire nation is smaller than most US states cars are as an important part of your culture.

    New Zealand is almost as large as Colorado. If it was a US state it would be the 9th largest.

    Originally posted by Speedy Parker With the vast distances we travel here coupled with the fact that the US invented the system by which the common man could own a car we love our cars. Why does that upset you?

    Sucks to be you, I work from home, I don't have to commute anywhere.

    Cars are useful tools and all, but that's all they are, tools. Spending hours of your time every day in a little metal cage (which people frequently die in) sounds pretty lame.

    TBPH, I'm an outlier here. Most people in this country have to commute as well. Poor guys. Wish I had a view of the main motorway so I could stare at them and sip my morning tea in my pyjamas before I start work.
  17. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Americans and their carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs
  18. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    As for the recent diplomatic visit, that was the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services. It was the highest level visit to Taiwan since the US broke relations.

    It also didn't come during a vacuum. Since trump won the election, Taiwan has been treated more and more like a diplomatic ally

    - President Elect Trump accepting a congratulatory phone call from the ROC President
    - Taiwan Travel Act a couple of years back, which paved the way for this previous visit
    - ROC President visiting NASA and being allowed to bring her own press
    - The US admitting it has Marines stationed in Americas enormous de-facto embassy/compound in Taipei
    - US army releasing footage of Green Berets training in Taiwan, with Taiwanese troops, and ROCAF helicopters
    - US navy 'research vessels' now frequently appearing in Taiwans harbour

    There's speculation that the US is inching its way towards dual recognition.
  19. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra oh right, I misread the first post.

    What Taiwan wants is irrelevant in this regard - they've always wanted help to try to enforce independence, but there's always been an agreement between the US and China that independence (ie. an independent government) would not openly be recognised.

    In losing the ability to create chaos in Hong Kong, the US has turned to Taiwan to cause problems for China (specifically Chinese claims). Several low-level diplomats have recently been sent there for no real reason except to show China they're open to recognising Taiwanese independence

    Taiwanese independence has nothing to do with independence from Communist China. They already are, and their leaders have repeatedly stated this. Communist China has zero jurisdiction there. They're not even allowed to visit with their own passport.

    Taiwanese independence is about a new nation called 'Taiwan' being independent from the ROC. Which at this point is a somewhat fringe position, the majority of people tend to think ROC = Taiwan at this point. Even the current administration - which was traditionally taiwan independence leaning - will often say things like "Republic of China Taiwan" when giving speeches.

    Basically, the ROC is already independent, and is universally called 'Taiwan'. Taiwan independence is independence from the ROC, not from the PRC, which is irrelevant.
  20. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra lol what

    where do you get these ideas

    From the consistent actions of the ROC government. Desperate for any sliver of international recognition. Constantly asking for more advanced weaponry from the US.

    Where do you get yours?
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