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Posts by The Earl of Sandwich

  1. Originally posted by Ghost you don't know me

    I've gone back enough threads to know you look like a Rat and post off multiple alts, at the same time.

  2. Originally posted by Ghost i like the ladies of this forum more than any of you losers

    kafka, candy rain, fralala, hydromoprohne, DTE and mythighslookslikethenightsky69 id get a brunch gal pal with them and dish about the IMMATURE MEN of this forum am I right ladies??

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Acorn is a huge slut

    What a fucking loser 🤦🏻
  3. Originally posted by DrugSmuggler The ones you made mr mugabe?

    Honestly why does Lanny not just confirm my IP is not the same as Octavian's so I get to enjoy the salty butt hurtness of your anger.

    Smh so you so mad. 🤣
  4. Originally posted by aldra

    this one's not even that bad (relatively), but imagine the scarring it'll leave

  5. 😭😭😭😭
  6. Nigger👌🏿
  7. Is it true you got imprisoned for trying to solicit a 12 year old? I had to go back through the old threads and the evidence is damning to say the least.
  8. Originally posted by Ghost I actually have more respect for police officers than I do most private citizens lately because at least they are clear about what they want, simply enforcing the rules. They are like robotic henchmen that will be nice to you as they prepare to ruin your life forever. The assholes are the ones that try to make you feel a certain way about doing anything but smart cops only really care about protecting the innocent and making society better and safe.

    They understanding arresting a drug addict probably isn't gonna help them, drug courts and the system will fuck them for essentially doing nothing except hurting themselves. Punished for being in pain, it's their career and they tend to go after the most harmful and predatory criminal elements that feed off of the negativity and illegal nature of the economics, people that actually deserve to die or be locked up.

    Meanwhile these fucking immigrants and anti drug CITIZENS are like HURRR DURKA DURKA DRUG BAD YOU CANNOT SMOKE THT SER SER!!! SER!!!! ITS ILLEGAL IN MY COUNTRY OF TAKNIGGERSTAN TO SMOKE ANYTHING!!!!! SER!!!!!!! like shut the fuck up you paki turban nigger, ITS LEGAL HERE!!! in MY home country of which you were not born in so why the fuck are you telling ME a native born WHITE MAN what I can and cannot take.

    I had soooooooo many british/paki cops try to guilt trip me for smoking WEED fucking WEED like omg you aer atually a horrible person drug addict pothead hippie stoner peixce of shit loser drug addict EXACTLY THE SAME MENTALITY AS HIKI /WARIAT stuck up OoOoOOooOOOOOOO HE SMOKES THE REEEEEFER OMG !!!!!!!!! WHAT A DRUG ADDICT!!!!! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!! (im sure they all do)!!!!!!!!

    Meanwhile I have been picked up with a gram melted bowl of a meth pipe and illegal morphine pills and the WHITE cop just took them and gave me back the empty baggie??????????

    I think only drug users people from the mud and smart police are the only ones that "get it" like that scene in the wire where Jimmy tells that kid why can't you just sell the drugs and not murder people and act like retards and then Dee says the same thuing to his gang members

    You constantly quote this show it's tiresome. You wouldn't last 2 minutes in a rough Baltimore neighborhood Ratface.
  9. Originally posted by Sudo Have you ever seen "it's always sunny in Philadelphia" and if so how would you describe the parallels between yourself and the character of Dennis Reynolds?

    Have you ever seen "I'm an ex con junkie nigger that looks after another man's sperm" and if so how you would describe the parallels between yourself and the character of "Benzo addict coon obsessed with having his own retarded thread"?
  10. Originally posted by DrugSmuggler Aren’t you like 4’7” tall?

  11. No
  12. Originally posted by Kafka I would say desperate but you wouldn't get the Belfast meaning

    I don't really care what some Fenian whore thinks if I'm honest.
  13. Originally posted by Kafka It's pathetic when you have to resort to lies.

    Your whole persona is a lie however what is admirable, is your ability to wrap all these simp loser white knights around your finger.
  14. Originally posted by Kafka I’ve had mood swings all day. Worried about someone after a bad dream, don’t care about that bitch, feel great when I look in the mirror, planning suicide, guilt, she did worse.

    Kill yourself, this forum would be better without your shitty mundane threads.
  15. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I support an all or nothing philosophy…either drink/drug oneself to death or give it up completely.
  16. Originally posted by Sudo Liar

  17. Originally posted by Kafka I think the covid brain fog I got last year could be causing memory loss and that I could be a slightly different person because of it, or less of a person.

    No you're just brain damaged from being a junkie coke head whore.
  18. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny your too old anyway.

    You're*. I thought Chinese people are supposed to be super intelligent?

  19. Originally posted by Wariat if you think about it what truly makes sense in this world when it comes to male and female relationships or fucking or who gets what and why?

    This is why you will die, alone, in prison.
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