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Posts by Cheyes

  1. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    If SWIM garners a non felony drug possession conviction and then moves to a new state, will law enforcement in the new state be able to look up that conviction on the fly? Im not sure if misdemeanor possession is a federal crime or not or whether that matters.

    I know SWIM got pulled over for speeding and they talked about SWIMS clean driving record, so obviously his tickets from his old state did not carry over..
  2. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Im not in the frame of mind or in an appropriate situation to be taking on the responsibility of a child
  3. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    lets go skiing
  4. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    The stutter girl thing could be cute to me in a queer sort of way, but it's so tacky that I have an almost impossible time not ugghhing

    Also anime is dumb

    Also I have like no emotions anymore so it's almost impossible for me to get into anything
  5. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    he was taking grams of tylenol and ibuprofen for unconvincing reasons. Nobody does that unless they legit want to die. Especially someone who quite obviously knows better.

    He was killing himself slowly for months and he knew it. It doesn't really matter if he overtly tried to do it by a guaranteed death dose, he was probably too scared to actually do that, it was more edgy and splooish for him to toe the line by taking several grams of tylenol. boxes of coricidin, and bottles of loperamide regularly for months until his body gave out. If you build up that much lope in your body yoy WILL die, it's not a question. I think he did it this way to ease the anxiety by knowing it would eventually happen but not exactly when.
  6. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by ORACLE You never hear about South Dakota, North Dakota might as well be the only Dakota as far as I'm concerned.

    whats the last thing you heard about in north dakota sir
  7. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by aldra KRAKKKORN

    i put it in a strainer and now my sheets are messy
  8. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by aldra

    headline made me do a double take

    Why do you pull so much stuff from RT?

    ok, the plane left from Tehran, so it's possible Iranian military knew which people were on board? If no, than that was retardedly ballsy, but I'm assuming yes. Which means they would know there were no Americans on board and thus it's still a retarded a thing to do but not suicide like if there were.

    I dunno, coulda been a manpad, probably not. If there were any Americans on board, manpad would be much more likely than it is currently.
  9. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by aldra crack the capsule open and pour one out

    I'll do that later

    last time I had zop the last thing I remember was my keyboard turning into jelly while I was trying to find the download button for Elite Dangerous.

    apparently I woke my girlfriend up yelling about space and galaxies and shit then I did a swan dive into the bathtub (there was a clothes rack in it drying some clothes and I just totally wrote it off) and slept there.

    Ambien is one of the last things I feel like I need to try. I probably would of had a script by now if I didn't have a tainted record, not that I really want one.

    Originally posted by aldra KRAKK

  10. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Still waiting on proof…

    had it for malice and juicebox

    not sploo

    Look, dont take this personally but

    You are literally THE last person on Earth that sploo would want his personal information given to. Whether or not I give a shit myself doesn't matter. He would hate me or anyone forever if we gave you anything, and I'm gonna honour the wishes of the deceased. Especially one who trusted me.
  11. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sudo I'm going to make a memorial site (already have one just have to add more content) and if anyone would like to contribute feel free in this thread or any other sploo related thread or PM me any content, suggestions or any kind of contribution they would like to make (as well as his family possibly looking at charities to make donations to). I would very much like to keep his memory alive. I think it's best to keep his God given name separate from this website for the time being out of respect for his family but any rare sploo pics and quotes are much appreciated (as well as helping with any handles and usernames associated with him). I have "sploog gook" on intosanctuary right now and are unsure of what accounts he may have had on here that aren't TTSM'd. Anything at all would be great

    Glokulas homabla is the best recent one thats still up
  12. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by LilSavage Sploo had passed away early morning hours of December 22nd. I have been in contact with his father and a cremation was done. Sploos mother has flown in from Turkey and they are purchasing a plot near Queens. They will have a small ceremony TBD. I have his fathers email for those that want to pay respects without hindering his parents grieving. I will miss John dearly as he was a great personal friend of mine…RIH John ❤️

    Rip john bundy

    just... plz be very careful who you give that dads email address to
  13. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    You guys seem to think that this kid is literally invincible. Like, wtf how dense do you have to be to not understand that EVERYBODY DIES
  14. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Here's a pic of my breakfast.

    Thx for doing ur part double g

  15. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Gonna get my fruit in for the day.

    Canned fruit, wow way to kill the planet

  16. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson That gives you a month to lose 50lbs.

    challenge accepted

  17. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Technologist I’ll just drop this here. Lol

    And he’s a republican, go figure!

    Yeah, I believe mike lee and rand Paul are upset that he used the 2002 iraq war authorization to go after an iranian general in 2019, which has nothing to do with fighting against the sadam hussein regime, which has obviously been toppled and replaced for a long time.

    The reason only those two guys really care keeping in mind a republican president is in power is because

    A). They are the only two Right/Libertarianish senators, and

    B.) This has been par for the course for 20 year now.

    Have a problem in the middle east?
    2002 AUMF. 20,000 fresh boots sir, where would you like them?

    Bush did it. Obama did it. Trump does it. And if we're being quite honest it's been much much longer than 20 year that US presidents have been abusing AUMF's to fight as much war as they want wherever they want it because it's so much easier to ride out an existing one indefinitely than to have a debate and a vote on a new one, especially when you don't have to.
  18. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by aldra

    I wanna throat crush every pos who worked at abu bekr
  19. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Fonaplats and not in the year 0.

    Surely we have come up with better stuff than a "crown of thorn"…
    I mean they whip muslim WOMEN so Im pretty sure Jersus wouldn't get that soft a torture.
    And I dunno if anyone even gets nailed to boards anymore.

    How do you think it would go down?

    What do you think would happen it were the jedis who got ahold of him?

    What if the muslim got ahold of him.

    Christians would probably just do something stupid and accidental like feed him something with peanuts in it.

    Jesus wouldn't let the Australians get him. They are faggots.

    Do you think Jesus would do drugs with us?

    In my dream last night this top chef was telling me how he tried this spice one time at a restaurant and it was the best he ever had so he started making it this way and shiwed me

    It was just crushed up pieces of peanuts still in the shell, so you would choke if it you ate it
  20. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Has anybody tried this? How did it work for you?

    Everybody I've talked to who's taken it either quit it right away or said it's bad and then quit it later. Some said it helped with cravings nonetheless.

    I may be prescribed it soon and may or may not try it. Mostly to appease my doctor so I can make up for being a chronic degenerate last year. It might be a good idea for me to actually give it the old college try though despite my doubts.
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