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Posts by Lucrimosa

  1. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RIPtotse Wow I didn't know u were such a racist op

  2. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka Still can’t do eyeliner.

    I'm about to take Tara and fulfill the prophesy.

    Aren't you related to the queen or sum?
  3. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka I got asked but said no because I didn’t know how to do makeup.

    I forgot to ask until last minute and just meandered
  4. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Love you Frala
  5. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Which you want? Six of one or half a dozen of the other?
  6. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala I used to run lol. Boy shut your fat ass up lookin like you ain't brushed your teeth, done a sit up, or ate a salad since 1997.

    The real one's rest.
  7. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Endurance memory = metabolism

    I'm about to say fuck it, I'm fat and just continue to work out hard.

    But first, sleep.
  8. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala Benny I did squats and lunges one day last week. Thanks.

    Frala, did you work out in your younger years? If not, you may not have the "Endurance memory" to work as hard as some more fit people. Maybe you have to "Phytoremediate".
  9. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    I get this forum now. This the folks that didn't take nobody to prom lololol
  10. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    I really did just up'n lose my mind one day.
  11. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo They thought it said Hitler club lol

    What drugs was u on when u lit yoself ablaze ifn u don't mind me asking such a PRYING PERSONAL question? You can ask me a PRYING PERSONAL question of your choosing afterwards

    I was sober. No bundy, nothing. I had had court earlier that month and the judge told me not to use.. I tried to walk out of Walmart without paying for a tv.
  12. Lucrimosa African Astronaut

    Go getter.
  13. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Queen of the Zerg
  14. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley is this a black joke

    "You can't imagine how good this feels"
  15. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Wise man built his house upon a rock.
  16. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
  17. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
  18. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    September 25th downtown central Ohio

    Fort Lauderdale
  19. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lucrimosa Nigga you don't play runescape

    Clout chasin' ass nigga
  20. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley i think i wanna reward myself by playing runescape but i never can get very "into" it anymore

    kinda sucks, i only playted victor vran for like 10 hours in 1 or 2 sittings. I should stay INTO things more often but i only like to stay in your mom

    Nigga you don't play runescape
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