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Posts by infinityshock lasciviously lambasted lanny the lactating leprechauns longing larynx with large loads of laptoplollipop launched love lube leaving the little lads lips lacerated, limpkin lactating, and labia languishing with lockjaw.............
Originally posted by Wariat Have any of you ever fought someone who had a knife in their hand? If so, how did you do? how did it go for you? Also, if you were in prison how many of you would try it?
what about someone who had a knife in their asshole or fajita.
we have the moral obligation to eat more meat.
Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III i hate how terrible shit happens for arbitrary reasons. i hate how people are deceptive and violent and predatory towards others who have done them no wrong. i hate watching people you love walking paths that you know will end in hell. i hate how you can take a different path and end up in hell anyways. i hate how this post doesn't fucking matter at all, and how edgy this is, and how i'm so pissed off and how the mind can construct fake realities for you to exist in an trap you with your own confirmation bias until you are nose deep in your own shit and suffocating in it. i hate my skin i hope nobody ever finds it appealing. i hate how disgusting everyone is and how i'm not emotionally mature enough to handle it and how it takes like 3 years for me to get over like anything of moderate importance. and how life as a whole just gets shittier and shittier and you just accumulate damage. you fall into obscurity as you get older and shit sucks more and nothings fun. i wish i could live forever, but since i can't i'd rather die before i get too old. it's not attention whoring, it's just practical. getting old is for suckers. fuck damn near everyone on this planet. bunch of disgusting cocksuckers. i hope everything terrible happens to you. i hope your house gets infested with cockroaches and they fall into your shitty coffee every morning and it smells like vomit and shit. i hope you dedicate yourself to something you feel really matters, only to find out later it was a total fraud and your time on earth was a waste and all you did was add to the net suffering of every living thing. bunch of fucking cunts. you can have your sunday afternoon lunch time arguments. you disgusting faggot creeps. kill yourselves.
we have the moral obligation to eat more meat.