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Posts by 8stringflinG

  1. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by 8stringflinG SHUT THE FUCK UP PEDO
  2. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo you're a shit troll who doesn't know anything of what he's talking about. You just try to be offensive because you've been a living punchline/bag since 2013 and it's really cringey and boring. You're wellhung tier pathetic

    This coming from a junkie fake muslim who sleeps with his girlfriend AND cheats on her and is all around a self admitted terrible toxic person

    All you have on me is i got fucked up the ass 4 years ago.

    Maybe try something recent? Aww nah, you cant, because I'm basically a perfect human being who makes boatloads of cash doing next to NOTHING but still learns skills like woodworking and instrument playing. I'm an all around better human being than you. One who actually adheres to a set of morals, unlike your fake wannabe saudi ass.
  3. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie I reserve violence for violent people.

    Children are pretty fuckin violent
  4. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo you're trying to change the subject I know some arabic and there were several arabic words in my last post

    enough about my transition into a good, God fearing muslim and more about your transition into a dirty brown faggot. Was the moment you realized you loved cock when you had hydros husband pegging you?

    its cute you wanna talk about gay sex but I'd rather focus on the fact that you are a fake muslim, probably only doing it for brownie points. No real god fearing muslim would do the things you do. You should just go to Syria and fight for jihad maybe you'd reclaim your soul you fucking sheep.

    Tell me is writing gay porn in the koran too?
  5. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by 8stringflinG SHUT THE FUCK UP PEDO
  6. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by cigreting He's doing this in two separate layers possibly… That first layer is more of a leveling substance. I would suspect the wood framing is for another layer and that is his forum. Either that or it's a way to keep people from stepping in it

    That's not how you cement lol.
  7. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by 8stringflinG SHUT THE FUCK UP PEDO
  8. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Nothing WellHung posts is true. I hope you guys know that.
  9. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Imagine killing yourself wariat
  10. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
  11. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Stabbing.

    How many children have you stabbed with it
  12. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Erekshun lol, you will have to write him in, good luck.

    Right, because he wasn't on the ballot last time and would've beat Hilary had the DNC not chosen the candidate who was less favorable by public opinion, with the highest number of individual donors, a face everyone knows and loves. A household name with 50yrs of solid dedicated service.

    Bernie who now?
  13. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    SpectraL likes to imagine he's in a Lewis and Clark type situation
  14. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL What with all this boomer hate??

    Boomers are entitled faggots who need to die out so society can progress.
  15. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo I aspire to all them, as all muslims do, I say shahada every day, I try to get every fard prayer (usually just 3 as I pray everytime I am home which is more than reasonable given my circumstances), I try to give charitably as much as I can, I do my best at Ramadan and I would like to go to Mecca someday. Islam is about growth knowledge and strength and I'm doing pretty well all things considered. I know many people who are not as dedicated as I am right now.

    Why are you such a little faggot though? When you got buttfucked by hydros husband was that when you knew you were queer af?

    Lmao praying doesn't make you a good Muslim. Do you even speak Arabic? Doubt you have made any attempt.

    Like saying you're a mechanic but all you can do is change the oil after watching a YouTube tutorial
  16. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    100% I will be voting. I vote in every local election as well.

    Just like in 2016, I'll be voting for Bernie Sanders.
  17. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo It will shock absolutely no one to know ยงmยฃร‚gร˜L is known locally as "permit pedro"

    Yeah, that snitch shit doesn't apply once people start pulling weapons. Plus, he's a racist so he deserves it.
  18. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    The pressure is too intense I can't do it
  19. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Yeah, kill the infidel. Your bubble yum ass would be dead if you said this shit to him in real life.

    I don't associate with scum irl so it'd never happen.
  20. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Know that picture where the character is looking into a noose and he sees his dream world? Make one with Malice and Juice through the noose looking happy in space and shit, and make a nigger look through it, in space. Also put the suicide prevention hotline at the bottom. Or not, and make it say "We're waiting for you nigga."

    I was thinking of that gorilla with the lawnmower but instead its both of them in space with a spaceship flying around
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