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Posts by Rear Naked Joke

  1. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe Getting embarrassed is not necessarily your fault, it is ok.

    How you react to it is your fault. If you react to it by retreating you are a bitch.
  2. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe Your mom embarrassing you does not necessarily make you a little bitch, it is ok.

    I guess I'm talking more about how to deal with that emotion. Feeling embarrassment is ok. But getting embarrassed is worthless and just causes you unnecessary suffering for no gain.
  3. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe Maybe some lemon drops.

    I tried that before, be sure to use s real lemon. The from concentrate shit goes terrible.

    You going to buy a new one?

    At some point. I just started using my backup bubbler and it's actually a pretty nice little piece so I just kept using it.
  4. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Actually my bong is a little bubbler now.

    I had a really sick tubey bong that I launched clean off my balcony when I was drunk and about to trip onto the rail. I didn't want to leave little pieces of glass in the courtyard so I went to pick it up, it shattered so fine that I crushed it to dust as well as I could with a steel folding chair, then turned the earth under it all. Added a little potting soil and white clover seeds just for good measure and to cover it up.

    Clovers sprout in a couple of days max and expand aggressively so I figure over time with water and just people clomping over it, it should all get ground up and blunted pretty well to the point of essentially being sand. I doubt any animals I care about (don't give a fuck about worms) will have a chance to get hurt by it. Maybe dogs digging? But I don't think that's likely.

    Anyway, the vinegar also keeps my bubbler really clean. The only thing that gets it dirty is stuff from the bowl, there's no chance for growth due to the acidity.

    So all the THC resin and stuff that builds up in there, you can get it out, dry it and reuse it if you can access it. My bubbler is very cleanable and simple so that's effortless for me.

    I store all sorts of resins, keef's, misc oils and wax remnants in a little gram container, then when a bit of it builds up I use it to make a "moonbrick", i.e. I smush a ball of herb into the container, turn it upside down and leave it under hot running water so it melts into the herb. Then I take out pieces and smoke it when I want to add a little donkey punch to a bowl or joint.

    However I did not add it last time so the last patch of wet noise had bacterial growth in it. Not gonna forget again.
  5. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Lol. Add a little vinegar to your bong water to raise the pH, it really helps keep it clean for longer.
  6. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe You can be embarrassed by your mom, it's ok.

    You can be if you're a little bitch I guess.
  7. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Solstice My aunt goes into like regular delis and butcher shops and thinks she can haggle the price and they just look at her like she's retarded. It's embarrassing to go anywhere with her. Yes she's joowish.

    Maybe you should address the reason you feel embarassment.

    My mom also tries to haggle, I felt embarrassed the first couple of times and told her not to but then I realised

    1, I am wasting my time because she won't change
    2, I don't give a shit what some random $12.50/hr shopkeeper I won't ever see again thinks
    3, I care about my mom and I want to make her happy

    So now I just steer into it and try to wingman.

    I start negging the product, saying it's shitty and try to convince her not to buy it (I know I won't change her mind). I say stuff like let's go buy it at the next store they might have a better price (of course they won't, MSRP), I'll personally attack the clerk and imply they are lying about the price because we are brown. And so on.

    In the end I know it doesn't work but it's better than standing around ashamed and uncomfortable, trying to look like you don't know your own mom.

    In that case you start making your mom feel like she has no backup and even her son isn't with her. That's a bad feeling and I don't want her to feel that, I want her to know I'm her rottweiler and I've got her back.
  8. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Basically shit retard version of PC
  9. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GAAAAALM What abuse? The abuse of having a job with pay they couldn't get back in their home country? Oh yeah, such fucking abuse. Basically slavery.

    "Work 14 hours every day this month or you're fucking fired Kerpal. The nice home you put a down payment on in India because you were counting on this job and more? Think about it Kerpal. Just 14 hours Kerpal. 1 2 3 4 5 6 days a week Kerpal. Crunch time Kerpal, sleep in the office and work 16 buddy, help yourself to the free snacks! Wonder if you can nourish yourself on complimentary m&ms Kerpal, those peanuts are protein, treat the chocolate like a shell or save it for later Kerpal. Or you're going back to India 3 months after your entire village celebrated their first young man going to work abroad in a big tech company. Wonder how your wife and kids will feel back in a mud hut Kerpal."

    Yes, they are being fucking COERCED.

    If you're not willing to work those conditions under any circumstances, shut your chicken gordita 5.99 hole and go fuck yourself.
  10. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GAAAAALM 85% of people on worker visas get green cards or citizenship.

    Yeah after a lot of abuse
  11. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GAAAAALM Oh look, statistics you pulled out the ass.

    I didn't know filling out two forms and finding a new job was slavery.

    They are in an unfair and coerced position that hurts both them and domestic workers. Foreign engineers, doctors, professors, programmers are brought over for shit cheap wages and paid shit, made to work long overtime hours with no excess pay by contract on the premise that they will be sponsored for a green card, get a better job with better pay etc until they are dumped back in India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Philippines.
  12. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    When they wake up in the morning, one turns to the other and says "you had fun, did I have a good time?"
  13. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GAAAAALM How can I go back when I was never there to begin with? It's very easy to switch jobs on a work visa. I posted the process already. It's two forms. That's it. You have 90 days within losing your job to find a new job, and can get other employment in that time, as well as apply for extensions.

    You have 90 days to find employment relevant to the specialized occupation you were granted your H1B visa for. You can't just go start working in Walmart. And again, I k ow you are having real athletic abilities issues but the problem is not doing the government paperwork asshole. The problem is there is no way you are getting rehired in the case of like 9 90% of H1B workers. They will kick you the fuck out.
  14. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GAAAAALM

    Just get out if you cant follow the conversation. Don't hop in last minute thinking you know what we're discussing.

    I was making s practical statement about their factual situation. They can't just switch jobs easily. Go back to losing your argument cunt.
  15. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GAAAAALM Ah "the tools"

    You know, I didn't know slaves could just do paperwork to get out of it? Why weren't they doing that in 1795? Why dont victims of sex trafficking do it now?

    Oh yeah, because they're ACTUAL slaves and not people with a secondary education working abroad in specialty fields

    When did I even use the word slave or make that comparison you nigger retard? Can you argue anything without diverting to some kind of gay emotional appeal? I just laid out exactly why they can't simply "change jobs".

    Sure maybe on paper. Practically, literally not gonna happen. You cannot just go to any random company and get a job.
  16. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GAAAAALM It's really not. You can start working a new job right away. Most major employers in these fields know what's up and will gladly fill the forms. There is no lottery. Have you guys never applied for a visa before?

    Faggot shut the fuck up nigger I'll kill you. Employers like in Silicon Valley hire H1B employees for dirt cheap and then keep them there under threat of deportation. Now, they can't just deport you: you have to remain unemployed for 90 days for that to happen. So they make that happen. They have the tools.

    H1B employees are actually usually hired through an agency that does the paperwork etc as an intermediary. Companies rarely directly hire H1B employees and the ones that do then have TREMENDOUS leverage over them.

    Their dedicated departments are the ones with actual local roots who can check out their credentials, work history, educational record, certifications, skills etc. Other companies do not have these. So when they withhold their recommendation and refuse to comment on their employment or reasons for termination "for their benefit", they are motherfucked.

    On the other hand the agencies are heavily involved in helping employers lean on their workers to get them to work insane hours under contract. You can go from one frying pang ingto angother fire if you manage to get hired through one of these and they reexamine your employability themselves.
  17. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Medicinal only states are a shit ass scam. The supply chain is all controlled by the state government and they have some sort of monopoly set up alongside retarded restrictions on concentration and amount to sell you ridiculously overpriced bud. I had a medical card for FL, I didn't renew it. The only thing I cared to see was the THC inhalers (as far as cannabis inhalation tech goes, this is the pinnacle IMO, just pump it and it sprays a vapour mist, no hot smoke or atomiser vapour) and they are pretty good but ridiculously overpriced and weak.

    Once recreational gets legal, policing concentration etc will become functionally unenforceable and all prices will massively drop. And once it goes nationwide and federally legal, cannabis will reach a new level: multi gram doses etc will start becoming the norm because there just gonna be so much of that shit. Cannabutter, cannawhatever, inhalers, etc. It's too easy to produce.
  18. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny I'm going to remain in your mom's pussy

    Good stay where I put you
  19. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by SHARP Yup, I'm the real me from &T and Zoklet. What's up with that mongoose? My mind is kind of fuzzy, primarily because I'm drunk, and most likely was, at least equally as drunk whenever I was involved in anything that involved a mongoose, we might have been discussing in the past, so help me out here Falcon.:-)
  20. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL And not many people know that US Attorney and special prosecutor, John Durham, currently assigned to the RussiaGate hoax, has ties to Whitey Bulgar. Durham was assigned the Mob/FBI corruption file in the '90's and ended up getting all the dirty FBI agents and mobsters off, and then framed and jailed the FBI agents who had been trying all along to bust the conspirators. To boot, he even ended up getting the known contract Mafia contract killers multi-million-dollar settlements. Durham is also the very same clown who was assigned the CIA torture file in 2008, and closed the case and swept everything under the carpet and got them all off with no charges, even though there was a mountain of direct evidence of murders and crimes committed by the CIA and American soldiers. Durham is one of the big-league deep state cleanup clowns they call in when things get serious.

    Shut the fuck up Canadian faggot.
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