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Posts by G4LM4

  1. G4LM4 Yung Blood
    Originally posted by HTS There is so much factually incorrect with this statement that I feel like we've broken ground here. I've never put my dick in any ass, boy or girl. And certainly never fucked any kids.

    14 years old or however old you were = kid

    And raping a mentally challenged person is arguably just as bad regardless of age.

    If you didn't put your dick in his ass, then im misremembering. Why don't you tell us exactly how you molested this young man.
  2. G4LM4 Yung Blood
    Originally posted by HTS >implying I'd fuck a beaner

    I'm racist remember?

    See: tru tru thread.

    Not that racist people aren't hypocrites but lets not detract from the fact you fucked a kid up the ass against his will

    You know who can't fuck kids up the ass with their penis? Women.
  3. G4LM4 Yung Blood
    Originally posted by HTS Well then, fuck you too I guess.

    You wish.
  4. G4LM4 Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Netflxchillr For some, smelly.

    Wot now? Sounds more like a hygiene issue
  5. G4LM4 Yung Blood
    Originally posted by -SpectraL You forgot to minus the 7-10 million illegal democrat votes which were not submitted by legal citizens and therefore were illegally counted. And about McCain, who should we believe? The radical leftists over at Politifact, or the word of the veterans themselves? I'll take the word of the veterans, thanks.

    The radical leftists with direct quotes and records from government and government officials, yes.

    Reality really does have a liberal bias, doesn't it?
  6. G4LM4 Yung Blood
    Oh, I don't think it was measured. I have long since stopped giving a fuck about you or your feelings, as should be evident from my effective trolling of your gay lover. Frankly I just enjoy treating pieces of shit like the pieces of shit they are.

    Cant handle the heat? Get out of the kitchen.
  7. G4LM4 Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Ghost You can tell he isn't right mentally

    Has to force himself to change his password to stay off the computer because he's compelled to write walls of text about hydro and call candy a word

    Then he comes back a week later to do it all again. Something something the definition of insanity..

    Says the closeted homosexual.

    Tell me, did you know HTS was a rapist before you traveled to meet him?
  8. G4LM4 Yung Blood
    Originally posted by HTS That was kinda the point.

    "the sky is blue"

    "NO, the sky is blue!"

    "that's what I said, the sky is blue"


    Telling me to kill myself, bringing up my suicide attempts, etc. I mean… it's not just limited to the rape stuff.

    Welcome to NIS.

    If you want to be treated fairly, you have to treat others fairly. And you don't. You expect to be coddled even when you act like a little shit.

    I know I once said that scron was the toxic one in your relationship, but I was dead ass wrong. It's you. And you know it's true too. He is better to you than you deserve. Might as well go to him now and do a gay cuddle, maybe it'll make you feel better about being such a piece of shit.
  9. G4LM4 Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Lanny topical thread, the topic is not hydro's life choices and circumstances, it's pallet houses.

    It's pretty topical to tell her that a pallet house is a terrible idea, and to provide alternate ideas such as getting a tent.

    If I throw a little hate in there, that shit's just the sprinkles. What are we supposed to do, ignore the fact that she's even considering this because she's homeless?
  10. G4LM4 Yung Blood
    Originally posted by HTS Fuck that. Dude flew off the handle because I asked whether he knew his ancestors actually were from North America. Not interested in friendship. Clearly a hateful bastard.

    And you're clearly a racist bastard, in a relationship with a racist closeted homosexual. Questioning my heritage and 'right to this country' is fucking absurd. Again, I specifically went out of my way to point out how ridiculous the whole idea of that is. Yet you want to argue about how much right I actually have because....???

    If you were simply asking about my heritage it wouldn't be a big deal. I have been asked many times about it here, and have answered plainly. But when you come questioning the authenticity of it, we have a problem, and I'm not going to listen to little hikkimori rapist shits like you say shit. You feel bad about it? Good. You should fucking feel bad. If you don't want to be a piece of shit, learn to treat the people around you with love and respect, rather than beating the shit out of them under bridges. You can't just keep saying "I was on drugs I was on drugs." People who do shitty things always have one excuse or another.

    Guess what? I never beat hydro up. Even when I was on drugs, and even when she was telling me I could punch her in the face because she was a piece of shit who deserved it. Being on drugs isn't an excuse for doing shitty things. Recently you talked about storming out of some bar or club in an argument with scronaldo and getting molested by a midget, so I know you haven't changed. You are still the same drama queen you ever were.

    Difference between you and me is I don't act like a shithead IRL, just online.

    Funny how 'flying off the handle' to you means 'reminding you that you're a rapist'.
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