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Thanked Posts by ORACLE

  1. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby that sucks, I'm having my first cup of coffee in like 2 weeks and I'm jacked up and good to go now I'm gonna have some green tea and play some mahjong with my neighbor that got the covid from dallas

    lets break it down now fam, china is a third world country that released this horrible virus, my neighbor and his gf went to dallas and they both got the covid from the guys mom or so they claim. but I told him I'll still be his bromo and to let me know if he needs someone to talk to as his gf doesn't like the same things he does, kinda suck because he got this equipment but wants to get tested again to make sure he's clear of it, he's pretty pussy whipped though but it gf is hott af, just a total bitch

    What a fag^
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by gadzooks Ur brain is tiny and ur pp's tinier.

    Say "shut the fuck up idiot" everytime you agree with that statement.

    Shut the fuck up moron.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby You should suck dicks behind the habib mart mr angry paki man. Im sure youd make a killing

    This^ is Krõz the twink's Glassdoor review based on experience
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Fuck man
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Incel is sour grapes about hot women, more news at 11.
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  7. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Fubi is dead? Proof?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny ^ neanderthal and its neanderthalic IQ.

    it means millions of frauduellent voters asking for multiple ballots to increase their vote count since a name and a SSN can get multiple ballots a voter can just get a few of them and votes for the same candidate multiple times.

    rohingyas are dumb.

    That's not how it works mongoloid.
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  10. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Sudo If I still did fraud I could sell so many votes lol

    I can't possibly be the only person thinking of this


    No you couldn't. What even motivates these faggy little mental vignette fanfics you write?
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  11. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Previous votes are not canceled until the ballots are filled out, envelope signed and sent back in, signature verified (yes it happens before the vote is even tabulated), and the new vote is added. Then and only then is the previous vote voided.

    So bottom line is this: it doesn't matter if you manage to change their registration info or get a ballot sent to another house. The person at that house then has to fill it out and send it in. Basically you are electronically recording then notarized and mailing in postmarked proof of your voter fraud.

    Because, even assuming the perfect scenario of a coordinated distributed operation where millions of 4chaggots each attempt to steal a vote from a single Democrat they know: we will see a change in voting patterns statistically as well as... the ballots are not immediately sent so you cannot just change the address, request a ballot to such and such, then change it back so nobody sees. And if you don't change it back, the voter will be locked out of their vote tracking system. So you will submit the address change and it will show on your account but it is mailed out within 3 days or so. During this time if someone gets on and sees they are locked out, they will inquire what the fuck is up... non? Or they will see the ballot tracker and see they still-in-progress delivery and tabulation alongside your address.

    This is severely illegal and also will make this a federal matter and USPIS will get involved. And they have always been notoriously ruthless. Same with Treasury agents. Do not fuck with the mail.

    Tldr: this is not really that exploitable at the end of the day.
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  12. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Hmm it appears from my county's website that it doesn't invalidate your first vote until the envelope signature comparison to your registration is approved and your second vote is tabulated. So you actually have to get a ballot in the mail, fill it out and mail it in with a matching signature.

    I'm guessing this is pretty much the big stumbling block: you can order another ballot but if you tried to manipulate the votes, you will need to do it through a physical location where you can receive the mail, then mail it back. I'm pretty sure the FBI will come and physically fuck their ass very quickly and doubt they'll mail out ballots to Russia.
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  13. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by aldra

    I just any you to know specifically what a trash source theepochtimes is.
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  14. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by POLECAT just finished checkin tricromes on the plants,, still cloudy as fuk but a few more ambers,, now I'm getting my gear ready to go partridge hunting this am,, like now,, i'm gone ,, VOTE TRUMP 2Q2Q

    I don't know why I like you but I do.
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  15. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by WellHung because of your higher socioeconomic status? Or via the fact that you enjoy life?

    Because you are subhuman.
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  16. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by aldra is that avatar from fucking

    EYE: Divine Cybermancy

    No but that game is the bee's tits.

    Bellamy The Hyena
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  17. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Anyone, especially mmQ. Was majorly not cool when we lost Juicebox.
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  18. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting And they aren't afraid to hurt people who disagree.

    It's been noted by dissenters that no one ever asks them for their numbers or evidence. They just attack on a moral level - often with the implicit threat of force.

    No sources to any of this^ just freewheel conspiratard bullshitting
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  19. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by CASPER How does one go about starting their own SEX CVLT?

    I'm watching this documentary constantly being astonished by the level of game someone needs to pull this shit off.
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  20. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by rabbitweed You're so far out of your depth every time you talk

    Your depth is a teaspoon, you dumb fucking faggot
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