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Posts by ORACLE

  1. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Truffle Shuffle No Mi

  2. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Sudo Vaping is literally gayer than having buttsex with dudes and captaain faggot think it makes him cool because he's the queerest dame at the ball

    Literal victim of cyberbulling^
  3. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Lol nah I'm just a quicker learner than you. It's not my fault you have a low IQ and can only blow little baby ass clouds.

    You have only vaped 5 times meaning you have no experience and are speaking from ignorance. Well actually you were a degenerate little addict but point is that you got your lies all tangled up.
  4. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL The Lancet has an anti-Trump/anti-truth bias, which is well documented, if you'd bothered to research it.

    Retarded faggot^ with unsubstantiated accusation alert
  5. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace PROJECTING MUCH???

    I've only ever used nicotine 5 times in my life. I quit because I already mastered the art of blowing clouds.

    You have fun blowing out your little whisps lololol

    next time you go outside take a look at the sky and marvel at my work

    Then you don't know shit and are talking out your ass, from ignorance rather than experience.
  6. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Lancet = "lies and false misinformation" according to Canadian gay Spectard
  7. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL You are the one who's wrong.

    Didn't click due to trash source.

    Actually you are the one who is wrong.
  8. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson So voter fraud does exist?

    Yes. It's just virtually impossible to change and election with it. The only time an election has ever been stolen recently is the Florida recount being denied to give it to Bush.
  9. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Nah i quit cause I don't need to use some artificial cum cloud binkie. But if I were to use one again, my clouds would be harder, faster, and stronger than yours. Better watch it fuckboy.

    This fag needed to "quit"^ i.e. he got addicted i.e. he couldn't handle doing it recreationally.

    Like when someone "quits" alcohol, it's because they were an alcoholic, couldn't just have some beers and chill.

    What a pussy pathetic virgin.
  10. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Why were you finger printed

    Contact tracing his fag infection, all the arrows point back to you
  11. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL No, almost all the front line doctors and experienced experts agree.

    You are wrong.
  12. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
  13. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Juul is shit. Under powered, tiny battery, small ass 0.7ml tanks, and the pods aren't refillable so you either have to use 3rd party Chinese shit or start drilling into your tanks.

    There are so many better brands with safe and tested refillable tanks. Battery and tank are bigger. Usually hits a lot better because it doesn't have a cramped ass air intake that is clearly meant for teenagers to hide from their parents.

    You don't need to drill anything, it is easy to refill Juul pods, you can just pull off the top. Makes satisfying clouds and lasts all day for me. I also have 2 due to their customer service, as the first one is kind of finicky to charge, but if I ever need to switch during the day, I just use that one.

    Idk it's fine for me, maybe if you are a faggot degenerate you need the ultra turbo cloud metal vapor cum cock to suck on you can get something else.
  14. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Before or after hitting the crack pipe, Dewglass Mongs?

    The cigarette is a metaphor for the cock he smokes on a daily basis
  15. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I threw a cigarette in a ballot box in my hood where I know the libs were putting them into

    Exactly conservitards are the ones who do this type of ghetto shit about civil elections.

    Then they make up retarded fanfics about how librulz do all the stuff they dream of to justify their bullshit.

    Disgusting third world nigger behaviour, as expected from trash like you.
  16. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged

    Trump support predicted intentions to defy social distancing norms during early stages of the COVID-19 outbreak

    Support for President Donald Trump is linked to intentions to defy social distancing guidelines meant to slow the spread of COVID-19, according to new research published in the journal Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World.

    On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak of the novel coronavirus SARS‐CoV‐2 to be a global pandemic. Governments around the world urged people to follow preventive health measures such as frequent hand washing and social distancing. But not everyone abided by the health guidelines.

    The new findings indicate that faith in Trump was a strong predictor of intentions to defy these health guidelines during the early stages of the novel coronavirus outbreak in the United States.

    “Research shows that presidents have a unique capability of influencing public views about public policy,” explained study author Amanda Graham, an assistant professor at Georgia Southern University.

    “Given President Trump’s multiple statements downplaying the threat of the COVID-19 virus in the early days of the pandemic, our team was interested in understanding the impact of these statements (and Trump more generally) on individual behavioral intentions to defy social distancing norms — a new form of deviance when this survey was conducted.”

    The researchers used Amazon’s Mechanical Turk platform to survey 989 American adults on March 28 and 29, 2020. The online survey assessed intentions to defy health guidelines, general support for President Trump and support for his positions on COVID-19. The survey also included measures of moral foundations and risk perceptions/deterrent emotions, and collected data on a host of sociodemographic variables.

    Low self-control was the strongest predictor of intentions to defy social distance norms.

    But Graham and her colleagues found that general faith in Trump was the second strongest predictor of defiance intentions. In other words, participants who agreed with statements such as “I believe that President Trump will make America great again” were more likely to also agree with statements such as “Even if the governor of my state orders me to stay at home, I am still going to go out if I want to” and “Even if I have symptoms, I am still going to go out in public (such as to a grocery store, work, or park).”

    Having faith in President Trump’s handling of the novel coronavirus outbreak was also associated with intentions to defy social distancing guidelines.

    “Faith in Trump and faith in his COVID-specific positions were significantly associated with intentions to defy social distancing norms, even after accounting for typical criminological predictors (i.e., low self-control, deterrence). However, this impact was unique to Trump; Republican political party affiliation and conservative ideology did not influence intentions to defy social distancing norms,” Graham told PsyPost.

    “Additionally, those whose moral concerns focused on respect for authority, group cohesion, obedience, and self-sacrifice held higher intentions to defy social distancing norms.”

    These moral foundations are known as the “binding” foundations and those who strongly endorse them tend to “seek tight integration into a strong group under a strong leader,” the researchers explained.

    “Ultimately, we find that, early in the pandemic, faith in Trump’s words and actions were associated with intentions to defy scientific and public health recommendations that may have helped slow the spread of the virus, specifically social distancing,” Graham said.

    In line with previous research, Graham and her colleagues also found that being younger, male, nonwhite, more educated, married, lower income, and less aware of the news about COVID-19 were positively associated with intentions to defy social distancing norms.

    But the study — like all research — includes some limitations

    “This study used a national-level opt-in sample, which is not necessarily nationally representative; however, it captures a unique moment in history (i.e., the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic), which cannot be recaptured,” Graham said.

    “Nonetheless, we encourage research to explore intentions to defy social distancing norms now that the pandemic has taken a massive toll on Americans to understand if views about these norms or other protective measures, the perceived risk of virus, or the impact of Trump on these norms have changed.”

    “Furthermore, this study examined behavioral intentions, not actual behavior. Given the duration of this pandemic in the United States, future researchers should explore how these elements (e.g., faith in Trump, moral foundations, low self-control, deterrence, socio-demographics) play a role in actual behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Graham added.

    “Although President Trump has verbally vacillated on his position about masks and public health policies, his actions, such as holding large rallies without social distancing, suggest that our findings may not be isolated to only the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

    The study, “Faith in Trump, Moral Foundations, and Social Distancing Defiance during the Coronavirus Pandemic“, was authored by Amanda Graham, Francis T. Cullen, Justin T. Pickett, Cheryl Lero Jonson, Murat Haner, and Melissa M. Sloan.
  17. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    New study finds Obbe is really gay:

    Trump support predicted intentions to defy social distancing norms during early stages of the COVID-19 outbreak

    Support for President Donald Trump is linked to intentions to defy social distancing guidelines meant to slow the spread of COVID-19, according to new research published in the journal Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World.

    On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak of the novel coronavirus SARS‐CoV‐2 to be a global pandemic. Governments around the world urged people to follow preventive health measures such as frequent hand washing and social distancing. But not everyone abided by the health guidelines.

    The new findings indicate that faith in Trump was a strong predictor of intentions to defy these health guidelines during the early stages of the novel coronavirus outbreak in the United States.

    “Research shows that presidents have a unique capability of influencing public views about public policy,” explained study author Amanda Graham, an assistant professor at Georgia Southern University.

    “Given President Trump’s multiple statements downplaying the threat of the COVID-19 virus in the early days of the pandemic, our team was interested in understanding the impact of these statements (and Trump more generally) on individual behavioral intentions to defy social distancing norms — a new form of deviance when this survey was conducted.”

    The researchers used Amazon’s Mechanical Turk platform to survey 989 American adults on March 28 and 29, 2020. The online survey assessed intentions to defy health guidelines, general support for President Trump and support for his positions on COVID-19. The survey also included measures of moral foundations and risk perceptions/deterrent emotions, and collected data on a host of sociodemographic variables.

    Low self-control was the strongest predictor of intentions to defy social distance norms.

    But Graham and her colleagues found that general faith in Trump was the second strongest predictor of defiance intentions. In other words, participants who agreed with statements such as “I believe that President Trump will make America great again” were more likely to also agree with statements such as “Even if the governor of my state orders me to stay at home, I am still going to go out if I want to” and “Even if I have symptoms, I am still going to go out in public (such as to a grocery store, work, or park).”

    Having faith in President Trump’s handling of the novel coronavirus outbreak was also associated with intentions to defy social distancing guidelines.

    “Faith in Trump and faith in his COVID-specific positions were significantly associated with intentions to defy social distancing norms, even after accounting for typical criminological predictors (i.e., low self-control, deterrence). However, this impact was unique to Trump; Republican political party affiliation and conservative ideology did not influence intentions to defy social distancing norms,” Graham told PsyPost.

    “Additionally, those whose moral concerns focused on respect for authority, group cohesion, obedience, and self-sacrifice held higher intentions to defy social distancing norms.”

    These moral foundations are known as the “binding” foundations and those who strongly endorse them tend to “seek tight integration into a strong group under a strong leader,” the researchers explained.

    “Ultimately, we find that, early in the pandemic, faith in Trump’s words and actions were associated with intentions to defy scientific and public health recommendations that may have helped slow the spread of the virus, specifically social distancing,” Graham said.

    In line with previous research, Graham and her colleagues also found that being younger, male, nonwhite, more educated, married, lower income, and less aware of the news about COVID-19 were positively associated with intentions to defy social distancing norms.

    But the study — like all research — includes some limitations

    “This study used a national-level opt-in sample, which is not necessarily nationally representative; however, it captures a unique moment in history (i.e., the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic), which cannot be recaptured,” Graham said.

    “Nonetheless, we encourage research to explore intentions to defy social distancing norms now that the pandemic has taken a massive toll on Americans to understand if views about these norms or other protective measures, the perceived risk of virus, or the impact of Trump on these norms have changed.”

    “Furthermore, this study examined behavioral intentions, not actual behavior. Given the duration of this pandemic in the United States, future researchers should explore how these elements (e.g., faith in Trump, moral foundations, low self-control, deterrence, socio-demographics) play a role in actual behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Graham added.

    “Although President Trump has verbally vacillated on his position about masks and public health policies, his actions, such as holding large rallies without social distancing, suggest that our findings may not be isolated to only the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

    The study, “Faith in Trump, Moral Foundations, and Social Distancing Defiance during the Coronavirus Pandemic“, was authored by Amanda Graham, Francis T. Cullen, Justin T. Pickett, Cheryl Lero Jonson, Murat Haner, and Melissa M. Sloan.
  18. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by G You'd be surprised if you polled the crowd here about how they were raised lol. Being worthy is more than just having a "family" you provide the means to be a unit that can produce better human beings for the globe not just breed them & dump them out into the world.

    So... the bare minimum to not be a total piece of shit parent?

    There is nothing successful about creating another set of not-gonna-invent-shit kids who are ultimately just another carbon net output source.

    In reality it is just people who made the mistake of having children trying to rationalise their poor decision to themselves, because they cannot emotionally deal with the overwhelming likelihood that they just created another future TikTok slut or coomer.

  19. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by G Negative son you likely have to look as far as your very own parents to disprove that assumption lol. A lot of you fucks come from broken homes w/ mystery last names & so forth lol.

    Wrong both in specific and in the abstract. Most people don't come from broken homes, it is the overwhelming minority of people on Earth.

    Honestly, every time you reassert this cringe point as a personal accomplishment it just becomes more apparent that your standard for worthiness is shit.
  20. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by WellHung ❤🖖🤘🤟

    0.1% ^
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