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Posts by ORACLE

  1. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Suggestion: kill yourself

    Pros: You not being alive

    Cons: I won't kill you

    Conclusion: Kill yourself
  2. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
  3. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Cathay Coof Literally fled to America to be oppressed by evil white people.

    Your brain only works in retarded straw men, like some comedic inversion of the Wizard of Oz.
  4. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Krõz, more like fagz
  5. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Cathay Coof These threads are always interesting, because they show that those who hate us will show us no mercy or justice.

    Oh I didn't know you were black
  6. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Cathay Coof There is no incremental cost for a SAAS company to give out free trials, so why would they care?

  7. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by aldra I get the impression the dull knives and retarded sawing action are on purpose

    I thought the same for Daniel Pearl tbh. It's not like Taliban don't know how to cut off heads, but a clean disconnection is way less terrorising than brutally hacking it off.
  8. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by CASPER Thats also birdshot at long distances in a predictable arc. Defensive ammo from a shotgun at 40-50 yards is going to be a group roughly the size of a saucer. Youd have roughly the same comparative accuracy firing a handgun in quick succession.

    Per shell. And who knows what kind of choke they have?

    Thats not m6 argument. If theyre driving past you trying to get you to stop instead of just grabbing you, they probably know they dont have the authority to stop you.

    And? If a criminal walks up to you in an alley, puts a knife to your throat and says "give me your shit faggot", it is obvious he doesn't have the authority to stop you either. So?

    If they put hands on you, by all means- youve been assaulted. Defend yourself.

    No, you do not need to have hands put on you to be assaulted. We aren't playing wild west gunslinger rules where then sheriff can't justify shooting till the outlaw touches leather.

    If youre a block away, and kmow theres a potential threat, i would definitely not suggest closing the distance to try to bruce lee your way to a peaceful outcome. idk the initiation of force laws so im not gonna guess, ill just say its not at all what i wouldve done.

    You are just being blatantly disingenuous and repeatedly talking like he was the one who attacked them, which is just a lie. One, he was being boxed in from the front and behind and there was really nowhere to go. He was a jogger, he was likely jogging a preset route and all there is any evidence of him wanting to do is jog, and jog on by as evidenced by his swerving.

    They deliberately obstructed him and put him in a threatening position.

    But the shooter was on the complete other side of the road. Not an obstruction that couldnt have been avoided by going any other direction.

    You are blatantly lying or blind. The right half of the road is occupied by the truck, and immediately to the left is the shooter. As the victim comes around the bend, the option is to run straight i.e. run right by the man with the gun, so he goes left. The shooter moves to the middle of the road and is carrying a shotgun. He obstructs him. Do you only count it when he can whip him with the shotgun stock?

    The dude in the bed didnt point any gun at him. The guy with the shotgun (from what i can see) didnt point any gun until Arbery made contact.

    You are acting legitimately fucking retarded. At this point in the situation, even if nobody pointed their weapon at him first, it doesn't make a god damn difference: of course you should rather act in self defence when there is an imminent threat but the gun ISN'T pointed at you rather than waiting for it to be, at which point you are dead. The assault had already initiated.

    Second, you made the determination that he never pointed the gun before being "attacked" based on what you DID NOT see: the camera moves away and we cannot see what happened... but because you are already biased and committed to your conclusion, your hypothesis about what happened is that the victim mid jog decides for no reason to Bruce Lee attack the polite gentleman holding a shotgun and trying to have a chat... As opposed to that they tried to do exactly what they set out to do, which was to try to stop and question him with the threat of guns. Yeah I think it is safe to assume that the reason why he ends up defending himself is because when he tried to go around the truck (probably to put the truck between himself and the man with a shotgun standing in the middle of the road), he raised the gun at him. Even if he didn't, being at literal gunpoint isn't the threshold for self defense.

    I wouldve bet money that had arbery run straight, or any other direction, they wouldve slowly just followed him around yelling STOP RIGHT THERE WE WANNA HAVE A WORD until the cops got there.

    No this is just mental gymnastics and self delusion. You know that is not true. If he kept running in a straight line, he would go right by the father, and you would have said "THE NIGGER WAS COMING RIGHT AT HIM, IT WAS SELF DEFENSE".

    If they wanted to just follow him telling him to stop, that's what they would have done, why even get out of the car? You think you can best a black guy who likes to run, on foot?... Instead they went to cut him off, got out of the cars and got their guns ready. That's the thing, the situation was already way past the point of letting him leave. They were gonna stop him no matter what.
  9. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    HellaDamnGay completely RAPED in this thread, fucking DESTROYED
  10. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by CASPER All I know is that its a hell of a lot harder to hit a moving target than someone running at you, and its a lot more of a legal gamble to shoot a fleeing suspect and try to claim something or other than it is to “be able” to kill someone who has physically assaulted you and now has their hands on your firearm.

    I shoot 110mm clay pigeons moving at high speed over way longer distances.

    And yes certainly in this situation your highest self defence instance would totally be "I wanna make my death as legally complicated as possible" in the hopes that the legal complexity deters them from shooting you, rather than "oh shit they are literally about to make me fight for my life".
  11. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    On the shooter you're right and I was mistaken. It's the father in the bed of the truck. I mixed up who was Travis and George. And it was the son, with the shotgun, who got him.
  12. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Seriously, they tried to HALT HIM BY DISPLAYING GUNS AND BLOCKING HIM, what sort of response is "run away"? You think he will Usain Bolt away faster than cars and bullets? Or trust their better judgment to not do what they are threatening, i.e. stopping you by using their guns?
  13. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by aldra yeah a white guy probably wouldn't charge down a shotgun before talking to the person carrying it

    Yeah he would, specifically when someone is trying to stop them from running by threatening them with a firearm... In that case, they are explicitly making running away the most lethal option, and turning it into a life or death situation.
  14. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by CASPER OR…,he was sketchy bc thered been robberies and its a bit atypical for people to just wander onto someone elses property.

    The white couple who were in the house were sketchy too, but they didnt show up in the middle of the daytime.

    Ive seen cops called for a bunch of kids sitting on someone elses lawn

    Ive had cops called on me for sitting on a curb in south central. Ofc the woman that called was correct- i was waiting to buy cocaine and i had no business there.

    Of course, but what does that have to do with going out to deal with it personally? You think this same thing would have happened given a white guy did it? I really don't think so.
  15. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by CASPER 1) The actual definition of assault doesnt meet ur definition.

    The definition of assault varies by jurisdiction, but is generally defined as intentionally putting another person in reasonable apprehension of an imminent harmful or offensive contact. Physical injury is not required.


    In the context of assault, the victim's "apprehension" happens if the victim believes that the tortfeasor's conduct will result in imminent harmful or offensive contact unless it is prevented.

    It is not necessary that the victim believes the conduct will be effective in making such contact, only that the victim believes the conduct is capable of making such contact.

    2) Im not saying the truck didnt pass him. I assumed they drove past him and yelled at him to stop, before parking in the middle of the road up ahead.

    Yeah exactly... That's already aggressive. They were gonna try to stop him whether he wanted to or not.

    3) Wait…what? The son is in the truck? Okay i cant contest that. But the guyin the TRUCK…who doesnt have a weapon drawn….is the one that shot him? Not the guy with the shotgun Arbery is wrestling with.

    Yeah. You can see him readying up. The clip I posted is on YT so it doesn't include the seconds afterwards where the victim dies.

    4) Ill have to watch the video a few more times, but i didnt see any movement at all. When the view of the truck is finally unostructed, the driver is already standing outside with the door open. Cant do much swerving at that point.

    Just notice the distance between the guy and the truck the first time you see him, then the next.

    First he is standing directly next to the truck, second he is in the middle of the road, third he appears to be back near the truck (probably to point at him over the hood)
  16. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by CASPER He didnt commit any armed robbery though. Just being sketchy.

    He went into the home, drank water from a sink, and left. Because he was thirsty, from jogging.

    The only reason anyone considered it sketchy is because it was a negro in a white neighborhood.
  17. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by CASPER I was talking about intent, and that even if these guy were "proven" to be racist (which they havent been), it doesnt disqualify a self defense shooting.

    I didn't say it did. I'm saying the fact that they assaulted the guy is what disqualifies a self defense shooting.

    1) I didnt see the truck anything but stationary the whole video

    Yeah the truck fucking teleported to the right-hand side of the road ahead of him, facing the same direction he was running. Or like maybe they drove in reverse backwards down the other end of the road to politely wait for him? And of course the moving truck coming up behind the guy, which the camera is in.

    2) The father in the truck bed in on the phone with police. He doesnt even draw his gun until 0:23 after the first shot is fired.

    The son is in the bed, who shot the victim.

    The father is the man standing in the road.

    You can see he clearly moves to the middle of the road when the victim turns left, to obstruct him. The camera moves away when he then turns right, but now there is screaming and then a gun in the father's hand that the victim is trying to keep off him.

    3) They did call the police. It was their stupid decision to follow someone they thought might be dangerous, but unfortunately its not illegal to be stupid. Its not illegal to disregard 911 dispatcher suggestions. It is illegal to attack people. Trayvon Martin 2.0

    I meant to say they didn't wait for the police to handle it.

    But nobody is claiming it is illegal to not listen to the dispatcher, just that if you were speaking to a dispatcher and had been told, you were way way past the point of innocently but ignorantly trying to be a good citizen and ending up in a bad situation.
  18. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by CASPER If I was stopped by armed blacks who wanted to talk to me, id run away lol. I wouldnt give them legal reason to kill me.

    Ok. Now imagine they start blocking your path and draw on you to get you to stop as you try to avoid them... And are about as trustworthy or legitimate looking as these 2 ass clowns.
  19. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by CASPER When I had the dude trying to get in through my back door, and I yelled that I had a gun. Had he not stopped, and come inside, and Id shot him…would the fact that Ive said nigger on the internet mean that I killed him because I wanted to kill a black guy? No. There has to be something more than that. And if some were incllined to kill a black person for no reason, there are probably better ways to do it than on film, in broad daylight in the middle of the street, and waiting till he gets close enough to you to punch you in the face and grab your gun. Logic doesnt follow.

    Yeah someone invading your home is literally the exact same thing as not calling the police and instead riding up on someone in a public road in trucks, boxing them in from both sides, and getting out with your buddy with shotguns trying to cut their path off. Literally no difference whatsoever.

    You can even see he tries to swerve left (dad with shotgun moves in his path), he swerves right to avoid it and the sound at this point suggests the dad pointed at him. They assaulted him.

  20. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by CASPER People have the mistaken impression 5G towers cause coronavirus. Does that mean that theres any evidence that thats the case.

    How does this reply even make sense to you? I never said people's impressions were true, I'm saying he was clearing up that impression because they gave that impression in the first place.

    As an observer, its was never my understanding that the homeowner had anything to do with anything.

    Then nigga you didn't observe any actual facts about the case.

    It just sounded like people were coming after English for the same reason they came after the guy that filmed the thing.

    They did... because the Dipshit & Dipshit Detective Agency tried to enlist his situation in their defence and make it seem like they were given any good reason to act as they did, which they weren't.

    And they shouldn't have come after the guy who filmed the thing? (Maybe you are just comparing the motivations).

    And whether or not they had probable cause for a citizens arrest is likely irrelevant. They didnt arrest him. They went to attempt to speak to him, armed, and the guy attacked one of them and was shot and killed in the fight.


    This is a bad joke. Just stop dude.

    Jogging down the street, armed rednecks box you in with trucks and try to stop you and you have no idea wtf is going on, that's not "attempting to speak to you".

    If the same thing happened in reverse where you are jogging through a black neighborhood and 2 cars containing niggers with shotguns pulled up and tried to stop you with "we want to talk to you", you would shit your pants and immediately feel your life was in danger. They assaulted him... Pretty damn near lynched him. He acted in self defence.

    Now you are sitting behind the keyboard with crumbs on your shirt and will say some shit like "no there would be no cause for alarm, I would totally stop and have a chat with these gentlemen/confidently produce my firearm and perfectly headshot all of them because I am John Wick" but we both know that's bullshit.
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