The first 10 seconds of this song is vocally superior to anything out right now... And Tiny actually wrote this song .. and a lot of songs for other people
I love how Tiny gets in the chopper at the party and just leaves when her and her guy got into it 😋
Wish I could get in a chopper to avoid an argument 😂
I love these girls ..
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post didn't die in a fire!
Mannn.. I’m starting to get in my feelings 😋😇 There was a time! You HAD to know how to sing to be a singer.. There was no cult internet following to make you famous
You had to network You had to rub shoulders with people .. You had to actually know how to sing ...
That’s why these artists nowadays aren’t humble because they didn’t to struggle to make it to where they are now’s all about who’s popping online
Some of these people aren’t even cut out to be famous They haven’t had the training or couching to be in the industry
That’s why you have artists like Summer Walker who won’t even touch her fans or sit next to them in pics because of “ social anxiety”
These people made you what you are today and you can’t sit next to them in a pic backstage All the money they spent to get back there ! Wow ..
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post didn't die in a fire!