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Posts by Jesus Christ

  1. Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
  2. Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
    and this old house I'm living in doesn't have air conditioning

    this is going to be such a miserable summer

    but at least I won't be living in a car


    none of you have any idea how miserable it is to live in a car during the summer, especially in a place like Indiana we probably have the highest humidity in the country.
    and to think I was hungover most of the time too

    I wouldn't mind if the world freezes over
  3. Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
    and by that I mean for longer than 10 seconds

    I would never harm a cute little animal
  4. Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
    I would torture her by holding her against her will ^_^
  5. Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Thotgirl

    My friend's former boyfriend had a cat that looked like that
  6. Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
    Here is my story.

    In 2015 my grandparents passed away around the same time, days or a week apart (my grandfather in-law was a freemason btw) and my mother and I became homeless and lived in hotels from 2015 to 2016 then with a couple of her friends in 2017 and then her car in 2018.
    Around that time, her maniacal piece of dogshit exhusband who used to stalk us and break into our apartments bought my family home that was ours for almost 70 years, the place I grew up in so I refuse to believe that dumb fuck just bought the place because of the garage.
    One day my mom and I got in a huge fight and the bitch drove off in the car without me (if she really thought she was going to do that to me and leave me homeless I would have seriously killed her) and so I was sleep deprived and had built a fire inthe woods where I made some tomato soup over the flames I had started over the train tracks.
    I walked all the way to my home to ask (I can't believe I had to ask the fuck to sleep in my own goddamn house) the piece of shit if I could stay and he was like "why should I let you stay when you say such bad things about me", my miserably stupid whore of a cousin had gone and told him about a conversation we had on facebook where I told her about all the awful things he had done to us, which he SWEARS never happened (he had a stroke in 2008 and is now brain damaged), I went all off on him calling him the fuck out for trying to force himself in my family's life and moving into my goddamn house ... he started laughing at me in a shrieking voice and I fucking lost it and threw the phone down, picked up one of the chairs on the porch and broke all the windows on the front of the house then stuck the chair in one of the windows to send a message.
    Well ... I thought I would be able to sneak my way back to the forest and pass out but no ... I almost made it to the bridge in downtown and three police SUVs chased after me and sounded their sirens.
    It gets even more strange though because one of the police officers asked me if I was worried about the government and NWO and I have no fucking clue where he would have got that information from.
    Anyways I was given two choices, either go to jail or go the a psychiatric ward and I wasn't about to go to jail so I went to the psychward.
    It wasn't all bad the only creepy parts were the jew woman and this one bitch whore employee that tried scaring me one day when she walked passed me and said "we control you" ,.... also the whole debussy thing was scary as fuck and this one guy who worked there (who was probably jewish) was suspicious as fuck and at one point I think he tried fucking with me psychologically.

    I just hope and pray that nothing really weird happened there and those were just random people and the jewish woman was just there for real reasons and not to toy with me.

    This one black girl one day walked around making the 666 (now known as white power) symbols with her hands and started yelling "666 ILLUMINATI" which freaked me the fuck out so I walked up to her and she was talking about this female wing of the freemasons and how her mom as in it ... I wonder if they actually did things to her ...

    goddamn I hate this reality
  7. Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
    I went through far less and for some reason they kept me locked up for five days

    it was really fucking strange there was this jew woman who wouldn't shut the fuck up about being jewish, I'm kind of worried that she might have been a mossad agent.

    they even played debussy on the tv while I was asleep .... which is fucking weird because the tv was off every night except for that one occasion ...
  8. Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
    Just post random songs you like or whatever you're currently listening to in this thread

  9. Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Mood in WN circles has turned against Trump, as Trump has turned out to be a more or less full on "highest immigration ever" fan.


    White Nationalists are literal retards that think the world is still like the medieval ages.
    DJT was never going to limit immigration based on ethnicity and no president will ever do that.
    The best we can do is build a wall to keep the hordes of mouth-breathing shitskins out and only allow in decent people.
  10. Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
    also lmao that guy is wearing a CIA sweater

    you work with literal CIA plants
  11. Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby its a psyop the pizza place i worked at last summer was on the news for being a part of pizza gate.. and yes there were no children there but they were eating with their parents you shit heads..

    I always knew you were a piece of shit but I never suspected you of partaking in child trafficking and sex slavery
  12. Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman

    In this video the kike Adam Green interviews says some guy with ties to israeli intelligence agencies told him that there is a planned false flag attack on the United States that will send us to third world status, then they'll send people to FEMA camps where "problematic" people (like ourselves) will be exterminated and the ones who can be controlled will be re-educated and sent to the ghost cities in China.
    Regardless of whether or not it'll happen that way I have no doubt the ruling class fucktards and shadow government would pull something like that off.

    Here is an m83 video featuring predictive programming for such a thing

    It starts at 2:13

    They'll probably blame it on China or Russia since those are the countries the "elite" have decided the west will go to war with.

    It sucks but the whole entire world is fake and gay and ruling dynasties never went away, they just hid themselves.
  13. Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
    Oh come the fuck on surely 9 out of 10 people on this forum have been to one
  14. Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
  15. Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
    The United States government does that to innocent people all the time
  16. Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
    And what was your experience like?
  17. Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by gadzooks 4th grade??? Are you serious?

    That sounds incredibly unrealistic.

    Don't you have parent(s)?

    My mom met my dad at some gym and had sex, which is how I was born.
    He never had a relationship with my mother and never made any effort to be in my life.
    My mom, I'm not exactly sure what's wrong with her.
    I was very very very miserable in school, the environment made me feel extremely stressed out and psychotic so a few months into the 5th grade I convinced my mom to let me drop out.
    At the start she tried homeschooling me but I had no desire at all to force myself to study things I wasn't interested in so I went on 4chan and TOTSE instead.
    I might very well be the only person in the whole world to have spent the amount of time I have on 4chan, so I take it very personally when people call me a newfag.
  18. Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
    You have to understand, up until 2015 I was COMPLETELY oblivious to the world outside my own and knew nothing about anything in the outside world.
    I stopped going to school after the 4th grade and became a hikikomori and lived inside my room ever since.
    I quite literally had no concept of the outside world outside of television and the web.
  19. Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
    I'm referring to any single person and organization that wants to rule the world
  20. Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
    I really mean it though

    Here is the thing, I just got all caught up in /pol/ drama and allowed that to take over.
    I'm very susceptible to influence (must be the autism) and easily get caught up in drama and situations without putting any real conscious effort into it, such as when I started taking hormones because I wanted to be a cute little girl although I'm not transgender I just like to be feminine, or how I was going to join a National Socialist movement in the US even though I'm not fully white and don't even care about white people or their culture (I just miss my childhood where WASP culture was defacto) or even my marijuana use where I never even enjoyed it I just wanted a replacement for alcohol.
    I am a drifter in life and have no purpose or desire to live according to an ethos or create any reason, my life is just a form of masturbation and I'm fine with that (in fact that is how I prefer it to be).
    I am a good person though and I have always known that, but somewhere along the line something happened and I became a demonic influenced person (I think it was all the Korn I listened to when I was young).
    You know the reason I am so paranoid is because it really does freak me the fuck out just how depraved this world truly is and it pains me to see my lifetime go to waste because retarded evil people want to control the planet and humanity.
    I hope they're all exterminated and true peace and heaven on earth can commence.
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