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Posts by Tesla Coil

  1. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby pretty much this its almost as cringey as that other globalist aoc and her buttbois

    op claims to hate the jedis yet worships them… who'd of thunk?

    I just can't stop involving myself in more specifics issues that are real like not enough housing for everyone.

    yet this is just young people squawking to show their ability to show off college level Poli-Sci course majors (they learned) over that of their true understanding of the layered agendas that started the left and right groups (one in the same) which ultimately use these fresh out of college students for their (Old Money) own agenda; regarding money and power.

    when these young people grow old enough and wise enough they will come to understand most of them will turn and use those course skills for Jobs relating to specific Job Politics (Unions, Mediations..etc) and be educated enough to realize it was all Bullshit in the first place (Government Political Shell Games).
  2. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby hey believe whatever you want.. i bet you think we really went to the moon, you're crazier than a shit house rat

    I humored the thought we may not have gone to the moon yet Dr Edgar Mitchell (6th man to step down on moon) never deviated from this fact. he is very believable that he went there. He was from Roswell NM and witness the UFO crash as a young man. It was this that made him want to become an astronaut. He was the only one who wasn't a Test Pilot out of all the others out of Texas (which is why NASA Ground Control is in Texas in the first place and not Pasadina or Florida or the Oregon coast also something to do with ATT being out of that area). Texas is where they went to find the hotshot guys to be bold and crazy enough to test their shit out.

    Dr Mitchell is just that. both a Physician and a Mathematician and physics specialist. He is also open enough to talk about his experiences with NASA employees showing him real evidence that recently the White House is talking of real alien encounters and not just "possible unknowns"

    He was writing to podesta about the free directive energy that the USA got from Alien technology. and that the US Government doesn't want to release this information out because of the affect it could have negatively on the economy (which I think would increase production but the "ILLUMINATI'esque in power would go broke.

    The Van Allen belt is real but the different thin layers of gold and lead base sheets and the housing in the LM was enough to protect the astronauts for a few minutes of traveling this narrow ban. the biggest worry was the lifetime of sun exposure in a few seconds of a solar flare that occured that very moment they were up there missing it just 30 minutes. it would of cooked them to death. less than one minute of a solar flare that occured that only happens 1 in every 11 years or so happened right when they were about to leave (the first Apollo (11 not 14)
  3. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby not really sure what you're gibbering about…

    Yes you do.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby … take your meds, the vet will come see you in the morning.

    Attempt to disassociate with an insult which clearly indicates you knew what the "gibberish" was about to deflect insulting feelings away from you.

    the physical bruises will heal but the internal ones will live on. Haunting you forever
  4. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby lol is op the new hikirumori account?

    elon musk is obviously a shill you didn't get the memo? the only people that like him are his butt bois. he was here in austin during sxsw and there was such an outrage amoungst his nerds when he "HAD" to ask for a bottle of water during his speech. like he's royalty lol

    "He's a shill"

    meanwhile Space X is sucessful once again and there is Elon's own personal Tesla is following Voyager 1 and 2.
  5. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Thotgirl Sears was dying.

    People viewed it as White Trash Heaven. Now Walmart is White Trash and hoodrat haven"

    Sears should of downsized to selling a better quality of tools in a small storefront. fuck all the rest of the shit.
  6. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby frothy seagull detected.

    "I didn't like what you said about me.. spending most response time saying obligatory insults to get you back...waaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!"
  7. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Thotgirl Obviously the rich have money to do this.

    if the average person said this to Vernon, Vern would of had a difficult time getting this order.

    perhaps big oil is behind it. but it takes Oil to make the plastics and such to create solar energy parts as well as windmills.

    not sure why everyone hates Elon Musk. Yeah, he is a dick like the rest of us at times. what's to hate about the guy?
  8. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Narc

    I never said I hated them but they are scavengers. I do love them because it's apart of my youth running in a schoolground not trying to get shit on. I swear they have this amazing internal clock that 10 seconds prior to the lunch bell ringing (which was on a timer obviously) those fuckers started swirling the school-ground. our school was less than a block from the beach.

    It's good luck when a pigeon or dove shits on you (in Italy and other European nations) but when a seagull does it, you're just not paying attention.
  9. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Rick, Not Rick Ross?
  10. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by stl1 Just kids having fun.

    it amuses me how long it took him to pull it out. it is a classic line but in real world situation, the 3 hoodrats wouldn't look like a computer nerd with 2 stage dancers but rather in and out with a gun and not a knife situation. also outside in the dark not in a well lit area..even in the 80s there were security cameras.

    and it would of been cooler had Dundee reached in his sleeve and whipped it out faster and delivered the line faster.

    Same with the well loved Harry Calihand aka Dirty Harry. Clint Eastwood delivering a slow line Me Smith and Wesson would of got him shot before he said me.

    Hollywood is silly
  11. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Tesla CEO Elon Musk faces trial for 'pedo' insult of diver

    This british dude stated Elon Musk had a PR stunt in mind when Elon offered to help save the Thailand soccer team trapped in a cave, so in a classic "Welcome to Totse..Totse Forever" moment of reply-, the angst Elon fires back he was just being a greedy pedo with his own self interest (directing it at Vernon Unsworth, specialist search & rescue).

    Vernon Unsworth is suing Musk. LOL.. WTF? for defamation of character/slander/wwhatever

    First off.. Elon lives in the USA now and the comment was directed at a Brit in Asia. Elon is being dragged into court in the USA with an American Judge setting the court date.


    clearly it was schoolyard reference insult.
    clearly it's not in the same county, provence nor state let alone the same nation.
    clearly these schoolyard insults are made daily by a billion people on the planet
    clearly things are changing to newspeak
  12. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by you_just_got_called_a_faggot THE ABOVE POSTER IS A VERIFIED FAGGOT.
    And they also probably give blowjobs at truck stops for a dollar ninety five.741082


    here is something for you

  13. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by you_just_got_called_a_faggot THE ABOVE POSTER IS A VERIFIED FAGGOT.
  14. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Walmart is a slightly better than Kmart

    Walgreens is a slightly better than CVS

    Sears was it's own thing.. now closing I'm told :(
  15. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Narc Seagulls are cool, they keep our towns and cities nice and clean. Keeps rats, flies and cockroaches to a minimum.


    Wrong .. they eat things already dead. they are scavengers. they feed off the left overs of Whale feeds off of or what fisherman throw overboard or what's in schoolyards and near garbages.

    they are a sailors best friend because they make loud noises that are distinct that no other birds make.. and this lets fisherman and sailors know they're close to land. other than that, they fucking shit on you
  16. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    detained mostly

    1 time in Jail which was on bogus charges. trumped up and I mean obviously trumped up. Case thrown out. but I had to spend a night in a real county Jail and this was not long ago.. And not I think I know who set me up.

    the other was in my late teens, under the influence of alcohol a few times. Drunk tank.

    a DUI which I had to do 1 night in a drunk tank and community service around my late 20s.

    it sucks. it's a game. It's not even the state or feds as much as a privatized group profitting and hiding funds while feeding you spoiled bologna sanmichs that make you sick as fuck.
  17. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Admin Federal Felony. State Felony. State Misdemeanor. Violations.

    For some people its a daily thing.

    You forgot Infractions
  18. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby k here it is before i leave to go get my stiches taken out.

    You fucking pussy.. Every stitch I ever had put in, the doctor told me to take them out myself to save me a trip. Staples are understandable.

    fucking pampered pup
  19. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
    This is just basic niggernometry. Pythagoras' theorem is the square of the hypotenuse = sum of the square of the other two sides. Since you know the radius of the earth, and you know the distance, the curvature = (sqrt(radiusĀ² + distanceĀ²))-radius.

    Remember to keep your units the same - feet or miles or metric or whatever.

    Fucking Nerd

    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Or just make something up.

    Dragons await!
  20. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Narc Some form of Faraday cage/bag or even a foil bag renders them very quickly useless.


    right but unless the robbers know to do that, and just stuff it in a grociery bag or their backpack (since most robbers don't walk in with duffle bags because it looks like something a bank robber would do in a tv film) then they are the people to get caught.
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