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Posts by GGG123

  1. GGG123 Yung Blood (banned)
    You need to be institutionalized.
  2. GGG123 Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by We'reAllBrownNosers Now I definitely know this story isn't true. Good thing. It sounds like maybe a homeless guy randomly slapped you around a bit or something, if you really did get assaulted. But there's no way two white dudes would do this, unless they're like homeless crackheads, but even then, very unlikely. Were they wiggers?

    "Ah yes if they were wiggers who were half black then it would make sense, although still unlikely given their white genetics they must have been on drugs"

    FACT: White people rape more than all other races combined.
  3. GGG123 Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by tee hee hee I bet the op is sexing us all rn.

  4. GGG123 Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Well the point is your drama is like listening to an hour of NPR radio for those who actually have done something with their lives. You're still in the "highschool" frame of mind where every little drama is an end of the world scenario.

    Once you get some actual REAL experience under your belt you'll look back and think, lolol what a pretentious little twat I was.

    So you think 'doing something with your life' is drama? Fucking please. That's the most boring shit. Nobody wants to hear about how you developed a professional life. If that's what you think is drama, boy do I have news for you.

    Funny how no DH member can actually provide any examples, they just have to go off on some tangent like you did here.

    PATHETIC. Get off our website.
  5. GGG123 Yung Blood (banned)
    a cock
  6. GGG123 Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson 90% of you Nisers haven't done shit with your lives…lolol you think taking drugs and mooching off your moms is "hardcore".

    lollingtions Missisisisiispppi

    The point is the drama you tar licker. What does DH have? A nigger and her little buddies? LOL. Niggers usually cause a lot of drama, what's up with that?
  7. GGG123 Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by HTS some more genders i found:

    I wish I could thank this post as hard as my cock is right now. I'm fucking spent. Thanks bby.
  8. GGG123 Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country The eradication is absolutely horrible

    Jesus Christ China.
  9. GGG123 Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by Sophie Might sound strange coming from a deviant like myself, but i am pretty averse to zoophilia. Even if lolis are involved, i'd go as far as to say especially if lolis are involved.

    What's wrong with a little bestiality here and there?

    IDK, there are some animals that I think can consent and others which are too stupid and will just go with it. I have been hit on by a pig before (and I'm not talking about hydro.) I've also seen others be hit on by pigeons. Why these animals want to have sex with humans, I don't know. I'd never do it but if the right dolphin came along, maybe.

    It's really hard to draw a line between consent and rape with animals, but I think dolphins are one of the few species that can actually give consent.
  10. GGG123 Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by Sophie I was not prepared for that. Now i am starting to think the text file about the dolphin guy happened irl.

    There's an entire book where this marine biologist has a relationship with a dolphin at, I believe, Seaworld.

    It is called "Wet Goddess" and I've been meaning to buy it for a few years now.
  11. GGG123 Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by A College Professor have ether of you guys thought about the risks?

    Wait, there are risks?!
  12. GGG123 Yung Blood (banned)
    Canelo moved his head like a fucking jackhammer. My god. I think if they had gone a few more rounds, Jacobs would've won for sure. He fucked around for too long with the straight jabs.
  13. GGG123 Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by Technologist Definitely not real.^^^^

    Are you JEALOUS?
  14. GGG123 Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by Lanny I get along with the people I work with like day to day, hang out with some of them outside of work and stuff. Then there's a broad circle of people that I interact with in the course of my job who I'm pretty sure dislike but tolerate me. It's pretty rare that anyone is actively shitty to me, or vice versa.

    Yeah, I've never had anybody be shitty to me at work. There have definitely been some annoying people though. There was this one dude named JACK and he told me that he was better at our job than anybody else there. He would do this constantly. I would usually just brush aside shit like that with "Oh yeah?" and then he'd just continue to talk. Eventually I would find a way to change the topic or get out of the conversation.

    And then when I got promoted above him I'd give him all the shit jobs that kept him away from the rest of my coworkers. That was fun.
  15. GGG123 Yung Blood (banned)
    Agree with OP. Sobriety is better anyway.
  16. GGG123 Yung Blood (banned)
    I haven't heard this song in years

    why couldn't you just let me forget
  17. GGG123 Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by Ghost ^ what a load of crap

    Yeah I forgot you were there the whole time with your boyfriend.
  18. GGG123 Yung Blood (banned)
    Candyrein is a ni-

    Wow that actually looks like a great time glad you had fun
  19. GGG123 Yung Blood (banned)
    You know what's even better than opioids?

    Being off opioids.
  20. GGG123 Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by CASPER Idk enough about her to judge one way or another, but she knows i dont approve of a lot of her choices…but i dont need to. Ive definitely done the same thing…giving someone drugs with the corner-of-the-mind realization that it would be to my benefit if we became "running buddies". Theres the person and then theres the addiction. You certainly cant put everything on that, but i think anyone whos been in opiates long enough has done something to that effect. And i definitely dont like the attention seeking or the carefully curated posts, but it get the feeling shes a decent person deep down. When it comes down to it though, an addict is always going to look out for their personal interests first, no matter how altruistic you are. Shes lonely and depressed and fucked up, addicted, and in terrible health, but even with all that shit, im not convinced shes an awful person. Im not even sure §m£ÂgØL would say that. More likely i think hed say shes just fucking crazy.

    I made an alt to address this: Hydro is absolutely an awful person. She has the worst temper out of anybody I have seen in my entire life. She once threatened to file a false rape claim against me. The way she treated her child was downright neglectful. Like, I shouldn't have been changing more diapers than her while I was there, but I had to because she wasn't doing it and would just let him sit in shit. She also believes in hitting your children and once smacked her child when he was a year old. Not hard, which she is absolutely sure to emphasize, but what the fuck you don't hit babies period.

    Not to mention she's a thief and probably would've gone to prison for it had the evidence for the investigation not been acquired illegally. Wasn't even that long ago that she was sending me death threats and handing my PI out to other users here. She's a bad person through and through and she deserves every bad thing that happens to her. The best part for me is that all of these terrible things in her life are purely through her own fault. She cannot hold relationships for very long and that's why she's constantly meeting new people to use, which I'm sure some of you have noticed. She's a very personable person and I'm not surprised some of you think she's nice, but I assure you that's a facade. Like Bill Krozby noticed, she is very fake.

    I may not be perfect, but I don't start yelling matches and I don't get violent when I'm angry. One of the best feelings in my life so far was getting on the Greyhound away from this bitch and watching her cry from the window. I think she told me that she was going to be so upset by my leaving, that she was thinking about killing herself and didn't want to go home to her child. Another time me and her roommate got sick of her shit and started walking down the road away from her, so she followed us in her truck and told us she'd take us to a motel, which she did. She then guilted the both of us into going back by saying she couldn't take care of her child by herself. Which to be fair, was probably true.

    Meanwhile I was seeing this girl for like a year and we yelled/got violent exactly zero times. Hydro is caustic as hell and I assure you I am not the only one in her life who thinks that lol. I'm only caustic online, not in real life.
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