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Posts by Thotgirl

  1. Thotgirl African Astronaut
    Was baptized catholic shes important because she gave birth to jesus and ascended to be the queen of heaven she can also intercede on our behalf in heaven. Basically she gave birth to jesus as a virgin out of wedlock in a society where being pregnant out of wedlock equates to a stoning therefore because she gave birth to our lord and savior she automatically has a higher standing.
  2. Thotgirl African Astronaut
    It's been a week I've hit ketosis that means my body's eating the fat!
  3. Thotgirl African Astronaut
    Please do what eipstein did and kill yourself :3
  4. Thotgirl African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano Ive never had one i want to try it

    Its fucking delicious a liquid crack I love it...
  5. Thotgirl African Astronaut
    Originally posted by G4LM Do you need the math to take this management course? If so its probably going to be a bitch. I didn't do so hot when i went back to college either. I was in Trigonometry when i dropped out (same age, got my diploma a month or two early at a different school tho) but if you don't use that stuff for years, you forget it. Pretty useless for most people.

    Basic arithmetic. That's all.
  6. Thotgirl African Astronaut
    I'm happy a pedo is dead wariat should follow suit
  7. Thotgirl African Astronaut
    Originally posted by G4LM

    Yeah specifically with cute hentai girls.
  8. Thotgirl African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny discuss…


    I love you lanny but have you done anything constructive about biocuck?
  9. Thotgirl African Astronaut
    Originally posted by G4LM Why would you ever go to Chicago

    I'd go for the pizza
  10. Thotgirl African Astronaut
    How to make the chemical cocktail that results in my favorite starbucks drink?
  11. Thotgirl African Astronaut
    Originally posted by G4LM You dropped out before you got to fucking ALGEBRA? How old were you like 14?

    Are you still looking for cow porn?

    Well I was 17 being held back in remedial classes for 2 years I can't really do math for the life of me so I dropped out got my ged. I have issues with math..
  12. Thotgirl African Astronaut
    I much rather deal with the polish than your pedo ass.
  13. Thotgirl African Astronaut
    Fuck summer I can't wait for pumpkin spice season give me muh concoction of chemical spices in my latte for a change.
  14. Thotgirl African Astronaut
    Boss wants me to take management courses. So getting paid to take college courses as well. Took placement exams last week. Apparently I'm not as retarded as I thought I only bombed algebra but to be fair I dropped out of highschool before i got any learning in that one. But i suprised my self everything else I surpassed.
  15. Thotgirl African Astronaut
    Playing a legacy challenge
    Trying to have alot of sim babies. Let's see if I can fuck all the townies as well..
  16. Thotgirl African Astronaut
    I like trains...
  17. Thotgirl African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal didn't you make this thread the other day?
    Why are you so obsessed with me?

    Because I wanted to get the point across.
  18. Thotgirl African Astronaut
    I once was so pent up I squirted from having my ass fucked. I think anal sex is degenerate though.
  19. Thotgirl African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Mud Hole Mania N/A

  20. Thotgirl African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Erekshun I started drinking too early..I can't keep up. Fuck off Larry/Dave.

    Wax yanivs bawls bigot
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