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Posts by Lavender Squad
2023-06-04 at 9:59 AM UTC in Making digimon but for realChao Garden (Sonic Adventure 2) - Dreamcast, GameCube
Creatures - Multiple platforms
Tamagotchi - Various handheld devices
Digimon - Various platforms (including handheld devices and consoles)
Pokémon - Various platforms (especially Game Boy and Nintendo handhelds)
Neopets - Web-based game
Monster Rancher - Various platforms (including PlayStation and Game Boy)
Monster Rancher Battle Card Game - Game Boy Color
Monster Rancher Explorer - Game Boy Color
Monster Rancher Hop-A-Bout - Game Boy Color
Monster Rancher Advance - Game Boy Advance
Monster Rancher Advance 2 - Game Boy Advance
Viva Pinata - Xbox 360, Nintendo DS
Medabots - Various platforms (including Game Boy, Game Boy Advance, and Nintendo DS)
Azure Dreams - PlayStation, Game Boy Color
Yo-Kai Watch - Nintendo 3DS
Yo-Kai Watch 2 - Nintendo 3DS
Yo-Kai Watch 3 - Nintendo 3DS
Yo-Kai Watch Blasters - Nintendo 3DS
Yo-Kai Watch Busters - Nintendo 3DS
Jade Cocoon: Story of the Tamamayu - PlayStation, PlayStation 2
Boktai: The Sun Is in Your Hand - Game Boy Advance
Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django - Game Boy Advance
Boktai 3: Sabata's Counterattack - Game Boy Advance
TamaTown - Web-based game
Gigapets - Various handheld devices
Spore - Various platforms (including PC, Mac, and consoles) -
2023-06-04 at 6:51 AM UTC in Gimps these days
2023-06-04 at 3:54 AM UTC in What are you doing at the moment
Originally posted by Kafka It's not the program it's the essay explaining it I'll struggle with.
hey it's got good comments that is some *slaps code* fine AI generated snippit prompts woven together by a real expert
also can't you just "cheat" and use ai for everything
GENERATE ME AN ESSAY EXPLAINING THIS CODESo, first thing we're doin' is importin' a couple o' libraries. We got "requests" for makin' HTTP requests and "BeautifulSoup" for scrapin' web pages.
Now, pay attention 'ere. We got a URL pattern goin' on, right? It's a string that we're formattin' to include a page number. See that curly brace pair? That's where the page number goes. And don't forget, you gotta provide a number for the user too, ya know what I mean? Gotta replace that double slash with a proper user number, mate.
Right, movin' on. We got a variable called "total_pages" set to 5. That's the total number of pages we wanna scrape. You can change that number if ya fancy more or less pages.
Now 'ere's the fun part. We got ourselves an empty list called "all_posts". This is where we'll be storin' the text from each post we find.
We gotta loop through each page, startin' from 1 and goin' up to the total number of pages plus 1. Inside the loop, we're creatin' a URL by puttin' the page number in that URL pattern we talked about earlier. Then we make a request to that URL usin' the "requests" library.
Once we get a response, we create a BeautifulSoup object called "soup" to parse the HTML content. We use the 'html.parser' to do that. Then we find all the div elements with the class name 'post-block'. These are the blocks that contain the post text.
Now, we gotta go through each of them blocks. For each block, we find the div element with the class name 'post-body'. If we find one, we get the text from it and add it to the "all_posts" list.
Alright, we're nearly there. Once we're done loopin' through all the pages and collectin' all the post text, we wanna write 'em to a file. We open a file called 'all_posts.txt' in write mode, usin' the 'utf-8' encoding.
Then, we loop through each post in the "all_posts" list. We use a fancy trick with the "enumerate" function to get the index of each post, startin' from 1. We write the post's index, the post text, and a couple of new lines to the file.
And there ya have it, me friend. That's what this code does. It scrapes multiple pages of posts, grabs the text from 'em, and writes 'em to a file. So if ya run this code, you'll end up with a file called 'all_posts.txt' filled with the posts ya scraped. Proper clever, innit? -
2023-06-04 at 3:47 AM UTC in What are you doing at the momentthis one actually works
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# define the URL pattern and the total number of pages DONT FORGET USER NUMBER
url_pattern = "https://niggasin.space/user//posts?p={}"
total_pages = 5
# create a list to store the post text from each page
all_posts = []
# loop through each page and extract the post text
for page_num in range(1, total_pages + 1):
url = url_pattern.format(page_num)
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')
post_blocks = soup.find_all('div', class_='post-block')
for block in post_blocks:
post_body = block.find('div', class_='post-body')
if post_body:
# write the post text to a file
with open('all_posts.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
for i, post in enumerate(all_posts):
f.write(f'[post {i+1}]\n{post}\n\n') -
2023-06-04 at 3:45 AM UTC in What are you doing at the moment
Originally posted by Kafka I just finished rearranging my bookcase. My assignment for the Python microcredential is due today and I can't do it without cheating, so I'm wondering if it's even worth it when I can do the PCAP.
use my code!
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html = '<div class="skyblock-event" title="Spooky" id="skyblock-event_Spooky"><i class="fa fa-flask"></i><br /><strong>Spooky</strong><p class="skyblock-event-text" id="skyblock-event-text_Spooky">1 day</p></div>'
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
text = soup.find('p', class_='skyblock-event-text').text
my_text = soup.find("p", class_="skyblock-event-text").text
import tkinter as tk
class Application(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, master=None):
self.master = master
def create_widgets(self):
self.text = tk.Text(self)
self.update_button = tk.Button(self, text="CHECK HOW LONG UNTIL SPOOKY", command=self.update_text)
def update_text(self):
# Your code to pull text from the webpage and display it
# Here's an example:
self.text.insert("end", my_text+ "\n")
root = tk.Tk()
app = Application(master=root)
import datetime
import time
from tkinter import *
# Create the tkinter window
window = Tk()
window.title("Spooky Clock")
# Define the functions
def update_time():
# Get the current time
now = datetime.datetime.now()
# Update the time label
# Schedule the function to run again after 1 second
window.after(1000, update_time)
def set_alarm():
# Get the alarm time
alarm_time = f"{alarm_hour.get():02d}:{alarm_minute.get():02d}"
# Display the alarm time
alarm_label.config(text=f"Alarm set for {alarm_time}")
# Schedule the alarm to go off
while True:
now = datetime.datetime.now()
current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M")
if current_time == alarm_time:
alarm_window = Toplevel()
alarm_label = Label(alarm_window, text="Wake up!")
# Create the widgets
time_label = Label(window, font=("Arial", 80))
alarm_label = Label(window, font=("Arial", 20), fg="red")
hour_label = Label(window, text="Hour:")
alarm_hour = Spinbox(window, from_=0, to=23)
minute_label = Label(window, text="Minute:")
alarm_minute = Spinbox(window, from_=0, to=59)
set_alarm_button = Button(window, text="Set Alarm", command=set_alarm)
# Pack the widgets
# Start the clock
# Run the tkinter event loop
"description":"Dice game. Usage: /dice (bet value)"
"description":"Shows your current balance and deposit address."
"description":"Withdraws your money. Usage: /withdraw (litecoin address)"
from requests import Session
import json
from time import sleep
from time import time as unix_timestamp
import numpy as np
import sqlite3
from .Constants import _DBFILE, _ADMINS
self.username = None
self.last_name = json_object["last_name"]
self.last_name = None
self.is_bot = bool(json_object["is_bot"])
self.language_code = "en"
self.user_id = json_object["id"]
# Session initialization and assignment of API URL
self.s = Session()
self.s.headers["User-Agent"] = "TeleBot"
self.api_key = api_key
self.base_url = "https://api.telegram.org/bot"+self.api_key
self.proxy = {
# Use API URL to get bot username and bot ID
me = self.getMe()["result"]
self.bot_id = int(me["id"])
self.bot_name = me["username"]
print("Telegram bot initialized - "+self.bot_name+", UID "+str(self.bot_id))
r = self.s.post(self.base_url+"/sendMessage", json=post_data, proxies=self.proxy)
j = json.loads(r.text)
r = self.s.post(self.base_url+"/sendAnimation", json=post_data, proxies=self.proxy)
j = json.loads(r.text)
r = self.s.post(self.base_url+"/editMessageText", json=post_data, proxies=self.proxy)
j = json.loads(r.text)
# Gets updates and returns a list of other Telegram-related objects from the json body of the response
j = json.loads(r.text)
#return j
ret = []
raise ValueError("'ok' field wasn't True. Here's a full dump of the response:\n"+json.dumps(j, indent=4))
# update is a Update object with type=="message"
# If the update object isn't correct, this will return False
# If the update object is valid and correct, this will reply to the given message
chat_id = update.data["chat"]["id"]
import itertools
def read_words_from_file(file_name):
with open(file_name, "r") as file:
return file.read().splitlines()
def get_combinations(words_list, num_words):
return itertools.combinations(words_list, num_words)
def main():
file_names = ["list1.txt", "list2.txt", "list3.txt"]
num_words_per_list = [2, 3, 1]
words_lists = [read_words_from_file(file_name) for file_name in file_names]
for words_list, num_words in zip(words_lists, num_words_per_list):
combinations = get_combinations(words_list, num_words)
for combination in combinations:
print(" ".join(combination))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import subprocess
import win32api
def F12_handler(event):
if event.KeyID == 123:
win32api.SetWindowsHookEx(win32con.WH_KEYBOARD_LL, F12_handler)
import random
""" ASCII art for a dice
dice_art = [
" ____ ",
" /\' .\'\\ ",
"/: \\___\\ ",
"\\' / . / ",
" \\/___/ ",
" \\'__'\\/"
My lucky dice
⚀ ⚁ ⚂ ⚃ ⚄ ⚅
# types of dice
d20 = range(1, 21)
d6 = range(1, 7)
# function to roll a dice
def roll_dice(d6):
result = random.randint(1, dice_type) # Generate a random number between 1 and the specified dice type
return result
#return random.randint(1, 6)
# function to display dice result
def display_result(result):
print(f"The dice rolled {result}!")
# example usage
dice_type = 6 # This can be changed to any other dice type (e.g. 4, 8, 10, 12, 20, etc.)
dice_result = roll_dice(dice_type)
##Note that this code is incomplete and there are a few TODOs that need to be implemented. The display_result function needs to be fleshed out to actually display the result on the screen using Tkinter, and the function for randomly picking something from a list with a toggle button needs to be added. Additionally, this code does not create a graphical interface or user input functionality, so you would need to add that as well to create a fully functional dice rolling program.## -
2023-06-04 at 3:38 AM UTC in favorite matrix client
2023-06-04 at 2:48 AM UTC in What are you thinking about....
2023-06-04 at 2:47 AM UTC in How are you feeling at the moment..
2023-06-04 at 12:36 AM UTC in Gender isn't realits a lovely self portrait
2023-06-04 at 12:33 AM UTC in for scron and haxxor
Originally posted by Wariat scron im just tyring ot prove its not outlandish to be jerking off in a public bar bathroom an hour straight while your friends are waiting for you or wondering where you went like you clsimed i imagined doing that a while back while on it.
are you seriously trying to convince me jerking off in bathrooms is normal
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Yes, meth is neurotoxic, but so are a lot of popular drugs (alcohol, ecstasy, amphetamine sulphate, cathinones, etc etc). Like a lot of drug side effects, it's not a big issue if you practice harm reduction and don't use in excess. You won't become some fried out, paranoid schizophrenic tweaker by smoking a few points every month or two, any more than you'll give yourself liver failure by getting drunk once or twice a month. Moderation, people!
== Things not normal to do ==
There are a lot of things that aren't normal to do; interestingly, on meth, they are. Some masturbate uncontrollably near windows, or out doors in hopes that someone is secretly watching and on meth also. This gives the user an even more intense rush of pleasure.
You get the picture. -
2023-06-04 at 12:30 AM UTC in who likes poop
2023-06-04 at 12:29 AM UTC in for scron and haxxor
Originally posted by Banana Muffin Mix She was hot, just gonna put that out there.
Batshit crazy and totally insane, but HoT, I think she has a sexy voice the way she kinda talks like she just got slapped upside the head like permanent brain damage or too much pills
she gives me vibes of your best friends mom that slips you some wine and you wake up with your pants around your ankles and she makes you waffles and tells you not to tell anyone
2023-06-04 at 12:28 AM UTC in for scron and haxxor
Originally posted by Wariat if i find a way to actually stay hard while on that shit like maybe not dirnk or jack off for a couple days prior or twke. amensil max simultwnously dsmm bro.
Originally posted by Wariat seirously all youll wanna do is go find the nearest bathroom and jerk off and think of fucking ur moms friend or imaginging her and her son together or something.
2023-06-04 at 12:25 AM UTC in for scron and haxxor
Originally posted by Wariat i told you guys and cigarette man and rest of you didnt believe me what mefdrone is doing to me.
You're an idiot
Why do I get lumped in with the two most mentally ill users on the forum
And I already know you two will take issue with that but let me explain why you are both orders and magnitudes more mentally deranged than me. For one I can at least articulate my retardations and admit hey I'm not perfect I might smoke cocaine for a week straight , probably not the wisest use of my time but unlike you FOLKX I can at least admit to my short comings and wrongdoings unlike you beacons shining examples of perfectness
And I am not nearly as deranged obsessed with various users here like you two are MUH STAR ⭐ TREK MUH KAFKUNTYS LIL PISS BABY 🍼
A pedophile and a... I don't even know what the fuck you are like some kind of mosquito or something. I'm sure there's at least one thing you can agree on ☝️ 🥐 .
🙄 -
2023-06-04 at 12 AM UTC in for scron and haxxorwtf
2023-06-03 at 11:33 PM UTC in Nvidia's founders came up their trillion-dollar idea while spending hours drinking Denny's coffee and eating Grand Slam breakfasts: 'We were not good customers'He fathered a dozen illegitimate children with various mexican prostitutes forever obscuring Bill Krozby' true genetics but it just goes to show your motherly love is shown to who RAISES that child
just like the love for a company which is raised through various outings at dennys and isn't formed in a womb but takes birth into this world through late night red eyed sessions written on SERVIETTES after chugging too much joe and eggs over my hammy. and just like the children of random mexican whores you have to be ready to look after and nurture such creations
or else you are what society calls a DEAD BEAT but i'm not even gonna go there as this forum is full of small minds like jigaboo johnson who hates coffee, water and napkins -
2023-06-03 at 11:28 PM UTC in Time to money-up boys, came up with a new big-Dirtyslippin jimmy this is NOT a bad ideas thread
2023-06-03 at 11:13 PM UTC in Gimps these daysyeah thats what it is it's a nationality thing, the canadians all get justified to be infracted upon. Not just Canadians but anyone from a Commonwealth country is treated as a second class citizen
This is shown in the favoritism shown towards Donald Trump who mind you is NOT from a commonwealth country while poor users like Spectral, Myself, Kafka, HTS and aldra are frequently infracted upon and bullied and harassed by other non commonwealth users -
2023-06-03 at 11:09 PM UTC in Nvidia's founders came up their trillion-dollar idea while spending hours drinking Denny's coffee and eating Grand Slam breakfasts: 'We were not good customers'the idea was bringing hookers to the office, they never looked back, usually because there was a pimp angrily demandijng money back there in the parking lot so they would always make sure to look straight ahead, no shortcuts, straight laced, don't look at the pimp.
Intel went on to make BILLIONS, that's BILLIONS with a B folx. I'm not gonna sit here and say bringing sex workers to your place of work and cheating on your spouse with a revolving door of exotic prostitutes will bring you prosperity or anything
i'm just saying -
2023-06-03 at 11:06 PM UTC in Gimps these days
Originally posted by frala Also I will rape you if you get sassy with me again.
i was gonna get sassy in response to this post
Originally posted by frala Srsly. Smother the fire. Don’t feed the troll.