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Posts by Lavender Squad

  1. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    no, I can only get soft HTS, they ran out of hard ones. I like the soft ones better anyways *squeeze*
  2. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    lol what the fuck they made their own platform?

    sorry but all the girls I talk to use AOL INSTANT MESSENGER

  3. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by Bradley That's awesome. IS it AI or just a guy who looks like Jesus?

    AI generated jesus, probably based off real photos.

    I actually don't know much about "live human-like face generation" using AI but that's my guess, lots of mobile apps are making those cringe "make the politician say bad words" videos

  4. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    im deciding between oatmeal and tuna

    or both cuz im a fat fuck

  5. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]

  6. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    my computer has been not working for the past week so I couldn't build much but

    I am nearly finished the pumpkin its my best build yet I think
  7. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    smoking coffee

  8. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    what did these people expect, Blizzard to make a good game???? Are they INSANE

    like oh wow I didn't expect BLIZZARD would fuck the dog , no not them! pfffff
  9. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by Lavender Squad i found her sucking dicks for hits from a meth pipe , not even a loaded bowl just a hit off a half smoked bowl.

    i told you fuys , I dusted her off and said "Don'T LET THEM HAVE THE LAST LAUGH KAFKA* and then snuck a needle in her arm and she spun around 3 times and immediately went to a graveyard to write poetry . SHe has not moved from that spot under the tree ever since, almost like a ghost is keeping her trapped there

  10. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I don't think the commies in Toronto should even be allowed to leave Toronto. All that does is spread their far-left radical Marxist ideology across the country, like an aggressive form of cancer. I say make them fester in the stink of their own corruption and chaos. Force them to deal with the results of their own failed Red Fascist agendas.

    There are no communists, actually there are and I'm friends with a lot of them and they are cool. All you gotta do to turn the Canadian flag red is fill in the white with red lmao!!!!

    Anarcho communists though, like Trotskyists. Those guys believe in nuclear weapons and smoking weed and want to burn down stores and smash capitalism. I will gladly sell them fuel to petrol bomb my fuel station and salute them as I call for a paid fire department service that sends me a bill for the fire they put out and then shed a tear of joy in freedom

  11. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Yes, I do hate gay people. Just because I'm dating 1 tranny doesn't automatically mean I have to like/agree with every degenerative homosexual faggot on the planet.

    I think "gayness" is a fake toxic mentality of evil and society brainwash that goes against the teachings of the bible and science. It's a sociological zeitgeist propogated by Hebrew nationalists

    You have to be gay or straight and it has to be intertwined politically and religiously with EVERY aspect of your life and this needs to be worn on your sleeve and you must be a PROUD white gay straight Christian Democrat cisgender male that's 14% Irish and 0% human

    Why can't there be STRAIGHT PRIDE parades or BLACK PRIDE BLM parades along with WHITE PRIDE omg?!
    How about fuck your gay nigger parades, faggots. What the fuck are you parading your horrible existences for? You should all be lined up and shot for being proud of your pathetic life's.

    Or else the system will reject your application to exist. You must be one or the other. Are you Christian or Muslim? SIR SIR IM GONNA NEED YOU GO PICK ONE. OH NEITHER?? SO jedi THEN
  12. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    actually no , now his is a gay clown

    and other people are stealing it? I don't get it. Are you all in some kind of gay chat group or something is this some kind of inside joke that's only funny to your "group"

    is this like the DH chat group i'm not allowed in
  13. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]

    you can talk to Jesus lul

    *does the holy cross*

  14. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    okay I only watched the first part but yeah its actually really bad with the economy , people can't afford to be pissed off at left/right issues. I never see anything like that in my local community

    people are all pretty pissed at society and the government in general and I don't know anyone that would call the cops if they saw a pound of cocaine they would be like "yo let me get in on that"

    not even drug addicts like most working class even middle class people, anyone who isn't dumb basically like hey you want money? If you want less keep not breaking the law, don't copy politicians and crony capitalists just be A good slave, never cheat or skirt the system while everyone around you games and scams it for massive gains.

    it's sad that most people would rather scam other people and become tangled in the system than scam the system themselves. Like criminals who porch pirate gangs, that's fucking scum to rob people like that. Plenty of stores to steal from, those assholes fund bread cartels, don't steal kids bikes because it's easy.

    Steal shelves of cough syrup BECAUSE it's hard
  15. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    While it is understandable that you have concerns about the effectiveness and efficiency of state-run welfare programs, completely abolishing welfare and disability programs may have unintended consequences. These programs exist to provide a safety net for individuals who may not have access to support through community or religious organizations alone.

    State-funded social welfare programs aim to ensure that basic needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare are met for those who are unable to afford them. By pooling resources through taxes, these programs strive to create a more equitable society where everyone has access to essential services.

    Although community and religious organizations have historically played a role in providing support, relying solely on them may not be sufficient to address the scale and complexity of societal needs. Government-funded programs can provide a standardized approach, ensuring that assistance reaches those who require it most, regardless of their religious affiliation or location.

    Additionally, having a centralized system helps in monitoring and regulating the allocation of resources, reducing the likelihood of fraud and ensuring accountability. While there may be cases of abuse within welfare programs, it is important to address those issues through targeted reforms rather than completely dismantling the system.

    Moreover, opting in to social welfare programs may disproportionately benefit certain communities while leaving others underserved. The purpose of taxation is to pool resources for the collective good of society, and by contributing to these programs, individuals are helping to create a safety net for themselves and others in times of need.

    It is worth considering that social welfare programs, when properly designed and implemented, can foster social stability, alleviate poverty, and provide opportunities for upward mobility. By ensuring that everyone has access to basic necessities, these programs contribute to a more inclusive and compassionate society.

    Ultimately, the question of the role of government and the best approach to social welfare is a complex one, requiring careful consideration of various factors. Different societies and political systems may find different solutions that align with their values and priorities.

    the safety net broke my arm

    Originally posted by Doyle Sauce They said they over paid me so I said fuck you how about I pay it back through you paying me

    And they said no, 🙄 and told me to get fricked basically

    But fuck them the government takes money from me constantly and will continue to do so until I die. Bunch of scammers if you ask me. Safety net my ass they sent me a bill

    yeah real nice safety net they sent me a fucking bill. What happens when the net breaks your arm and you only fell on the net because you FELL OFF after breaking your leg and then land on the "net" and break your arm.

    Have churches ever broken peoples arm? Yes. Sometimes you would have to send your poor hungry child to catholic school and they would get transformed into a priest and kidnapped and sold into slavery by the church essentially and shipped across the world to spread christ to native tribals or some shit

    not ideal but honestly sounds better than some teenage kid shooting up a school or dying from a fentanyl overdose if you ask me. I'm sure people would appreciate the option to choose their fate at least instead of just left to follow the noble way of retard society you could instead skitz out at a church or say fuck all that and just be a junkie. This is also the fault of modern organized religion but I won't get into that it's not my fault people arent willing to follow cult crap
  16. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Along with disability

    and the governments that fund such programs

    Go to church.

    Originally posted by Ghost I don't believe in state run enterprises that are forced upon tax payers who are forced to pay taxes

    it's a stupid system and I don't see why it can't all be opt-in

    Most social welfare programs can and through history have been handled through community and religious organizations, not beaurocrats.
    Also you couldn't complain THOSE LAZY NIGGER BLACKS JUST COLLECTING WELFARE because they would get it from they black churches
    People would give more of their money that they have from less taxes to their local church and that money would do the exact same thing is does already

    except we wouldn't have a boot on our neck and communist faggots telling people what to do anymore and things might be more productive.
    but what do i know

    I'm not against churches for profit either. People are free to worship, donate, spend or do whatever with their money and taxes are gay. But if society expected these religious institutions to fill that role maybe they would do less child molesting and rich molochian type behavior. It's not money that corrupts people, it's evil government socialized anti freedom commnuists that want cocaine illegal FOREVER !!!! and weed too!!!!

    they also want to drug test people on welfare BUT NEVER TALK ABOUT HOW THE FUCK THEY PLAN TO PAY FOR THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HURRR DURR HOW U GONNA PAY FOR UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME. Another example of both the left/right being fucktards and why society is fucked

    Originally posted by Ghost it's all paid for by da local taxes and i'm sure everyone there supports it


    but yeah taxes are gay and so are government programs HURR DUENR BUT SCRON YOU COLLECT WELFARE no actually and havent for a while but am filing for it right now because fuck them, bleed them , rape them , murder them and eat their bones BUT THAT DOESNT SOUND LIKE A EMPLOYMENT ACTION WHAT WILL YOUR CASE WORKER THINK yeah and the lady screaming about THE GOVERNMENT "watching" her bank so she needs the money in cash is much more pleasant to deal with than someone who doesn't act like a retard

    I keep telling my friends on disability and gf that this shit is not going to last and people are getting pissed off like Josh Moon aka Null from Kiwi faggot nazi farms said If it was up to him they would all be begging on a street corner, homeless, dying starving and he doesn't care because it's about the same amount that would die from covid, probably way more lol. I would be fine and thrive but knowing right wangers they would also make it illegal to do anything except wear ze stripes and gas niggers which is just kicking the can if you ask me.

  17. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    You are a faggot and deserve to die

    Prove me wrong

    Your death is just another law that hasn't been passed. Why does abortion laws have to effect everyone can't you just have clinics that offer it/ don't offer it instead of TELLING EVERYONE WHAT TO DO

    Some call it anarchy but power vacuums do not stay empty, they can and will be filled by whom the market deems most worthy. The market is the ultimate democracy, any interference of it is the heavy hand of anti capitalist freedom imposing the will of statism on the market

    When the state generally has the best interests of the people in mind this is tolerated , as society by and large benefits on the whole, but when CRONY CAPITALISTS, bad actors and globalists with competing interests to your local community control the state they will prevent capitalist freedom to ensure they benefit at the expense of everyone else

    That's why most modern countries ban weapons, cryptocurrency and AI technology because it gives you power beyond them
  18. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    It's a lot better than eating it

    But eating it does last longer so if you have a lot of doesn't really matter, you are more or less gonna be as fucked up.

    There are people that refuse to do anything except inject it and say everything else is a waste and that smokers are idiots you go from hitting the pipe once every few hours to being gakked too high for days

    Idk I don't think I fiend da pookie that bad and that it's that extreme. I've definitely loaded bowls and not hit them all day until the sun goes down and I'm like "shit , I'm still high BETTER TAKE MORE"
  19. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    looks like a computer virus that's going to infect my computer with polish child porn


    I will send this link to my enemies
  20. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    i found her sucking dicks for hits from a meth pipe , not even a loaded bowl just a hit off a half smoked bowl.
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