Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal
"It's just a little chip bro" "you can remove it whenever you want bro" "oh but btw you're required to have one if you want to buy or sale anything"
Except, it is a little chip, you can remove it when you want, and nobody is forcing you to get an implant to buy anything.
Don't want to be tracked? Don't own a phone, don't use the internet, and deal exclusively with cash.
Complaining over some imaginary future implant that nobody is being forced to get is ludicrous. Why don't you complain about real world stuff instead of the delusions in your head?
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Originally posted by Big League jedi
OP why are you such a massively retarded faggot? Do you honestly have nothing better to do than buy into conspiracy theory bullshit all day?
I think David Icke is right about some very base stuff but he's also rude linguist like Alex Jones that's been compromised. I heard a thing he did about 911 the other night but how would he know this stuff. Kind of a shill tbh
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I change my mind, cryptonia is actually a really good market despite looking like it's from 2002. It loads faster than nigga sin space and no there's no sending coin to an onsite wallet which means there's no spending tree fiddy to cash out and losing everything when it gets taken down. Also they have lots of non wheede vendors now which is why I was pro empire for so long.
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One time I went to a movie theatre that serves alcohol inside the actual showing. I went because my wife and sister were gonna go, and I figured I could just sit back with some beers and watch over them.
We watched a stupid movie called "us".
At one point in the movie, soulless nigger mutants from the sewers invaded a black american families house with the intent of killing them. The mutants were hovering over the black family with knives and shit, telling their life story of living in the sewers. The mutants looked all fucked up, and had hoarse, shaky voices. They spoke all fucked up.
After the mutants told their story, one of the black americans asked "what are yoU?", to which one of the mutants said "we are AMERICANS" with a wild look on its face.
I lost my shit and couldnt stop laughing for the next hour of the movie. My sister found this hilarious too. I could not tell you what happened during the rest of the movie because I literally laughed so hard that I was crying, for an entire hour.
Please advise.
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Originally posted by aldra
seeing a lot of people saying the government's gotten its hands on Hillary's server from 2016, though I don't think it's been officially confirmed and I can't/won't watch linked videos to see if it's explicitly mentioned. was going to make a thread about it but it's not really worth discussing if it's just fantasy
it just has her yoga schedule
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Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
Insulting people is sure to bring them around to your way of thinking.
Man it really goes both ways. When I go to mitts all these poor people even poorer than me are bitching about how Trump betrade the Turks ect.. and just talking about what they are literally watching the view while at work. I'll admit I don't pretend to understand everything but you can tell they are really stuck on stupid and "orange man bade!"
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Trump is skating circles around his opponents. Toying with them. Using their deviant urges against them. Everything they've tried has boomeranged right back in their faces. Three years of complete and utter failures, with absolutely nothing to show for all their troubles. You'd think they would have learned by now, but nope. Too stupid. They're their own worst enemies.
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Dark Matter
[keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
Somewhat to my surprise, it follows the exact pattern that everyone talks about.
I brushed up on my data structure and algorithm knowledge, but there is a lot of potentially relevant shit.
I read somewhere that maybe 5 sorting algorithms, and hash tables and linked lists, are the majority of what you need to know.
And big O notation, of course.
So I prepared for all of that.
Interview comes around, and, just as I had prepared for, questions about hash tables and some simple sorting algorithms came up.
But, I completely drew a blank when he mentioned binary search...
I just flat out forgot how it works.
I'm thinking out loud... "Is that the one where you divide the list up somehow? I just... I don't know right now... I can't Google it right quick, can I?"
He says "no, that won't be necessary."
Then he tells me that I have access to a reference, but not the data it refers to, so I say "okay, like a pointer then?"
He says "yes, exactly."
So I, thinking out loud, say "ok, so I have access to the physical memory address that tells me where the actual data is, what am I doing with it?"
Then this nigga is all like "just tell me what you have access to" or some shit.
So I tell him "I have a sequence of numbers that indicates where in memory this particular piece of data is stored... I don't understand what real world scenario I'm in."
And he tells me it's okay, and we move onto the next question.
This whole bullshit of having to rote memorize a bunch of shit that literally any developer understands conceptually on some level is literally retarded.
And, how often in the real world do you have scenarios like these interview questions?
Am I not allowed to quickly Google some shit on the job?
So I forgot that binary search is the one where you progressively divide an array into smaller arrays...
I know how to code the goddamn algorithm, I just forgot what it's called.
Fucking bitch ass niggas.
Suck all ten of my dicks.
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