2019-04-11 at 3:26 PM UTC
Intermittent fasting
Seeing as the body burns fat once there's no sugar I shouldn't have much of a problem. My sugar intake is low and being unemployed means I eat frugally as it is.
Breakfast consisted of 2 eggs and a bowl of porridge.
Lunch: tomato soup and 3 slices of wholemeal toast
I'm going to skip a big dinner and just have 3 sausages.
I'm still 225lbs. Maybe I need to masturbate more. 👍
How much did you pay for bed and mattress. Some girl I was poking said she paid £3000.
I get could get 2 ounces of high purity for that, thieving bastards.
No, he blanked me so I said he owes me 40 or I dig his nan up and "inniliate" her corpse.
2019-04-11 at 12:14 PM UTC
Assange arrested
7 years of tax payers' money to house that faggot.
Fuck him.
I've always hated Christmas, my least favourite time of the year. Not because of some significant event that happened in the past or anything, I just do.
2019-04-11 at 11:29 AM UTC
Assange arrested
He looked so helpless and pathetic. I actually felt sorry for him.
I had one with a man getting raped by a pig. My friends thought I was weird for having it.
I thought it was amusing.
You have Autism, how can you have empathy?
2019-04-11 at 10:59 AM UTC
From zero to hero
Fuck off to the woods and never come back
Legend will soon follow.
2019-04-11 at 10:13 AM UTC
Fao oct
I would use Kazaa and end up with loads of CP & viruses I never downloaded.
2019-04-11 at 10:02 AM UTC
Fao oct
I feel sorry for you.
How far from WN postcode are you?