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Posts by benny vader

  1. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    this is gay, i kno .... and yet i do.
  2. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    I wipe with ingots of rhodium faggot

    uranus MUST be wipe with uranium / uranum (u.s)
  3. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    This site does not need more traffic. This site is like a small village, barely assembled to the point of being called rural. The villagers are so out of touch with the rest of the world and so inept in societal productivity that they would think the construction of a flashy neon sign signifies the second coming of Christ. Any attempt at growth or increased traffic would break any feeble excuse of infrastructure that exists.

    This site does not need more traffic. The unreached shall remain as they are.

    this will only lead to incest. and incest is badd. vearry badd.
  4. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    [1] get a syringe.

    [2] get some drug-free urine.

    [3] inject drug-free urine into your bladder with that syringe.

    [4] ????????

    [5] profitt.
  5. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Who alleges this?I'd be interested to laugh at them.

    erm ... the one who choosed this :

    for background ?????
  6. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Where the hell can you download cheese pizza? I'm there!

    once you've tasted the real cheese you'll stop wanting cheese pizzas. cheeses only form now on.
  7. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    hot topic's what hott.
  8. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    basstard is what you call yourself after you've completely loas all sense off sound becos by then ... bass is the only sound you can still feel.
  9. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    because theyre hideous and no one would pay to fuck them. the only reason the sand niggers fuck them is so they can make baby boys for carrying on the family name. they use little boys to fuck

    you have no idea what you missed;
  10. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Legally, what's defined as abuse? Even if they didn't consent at the time, it could well have roused a flame, evoking a relentless desire for more of that wonderful feeling, …A feeling that could be provided by a gentleman that would treat them properly and show them the ways of carnal pleasure, such as yourself.

    Yea .... just like how there were gud germans back in Nazi Germany back in '39, ther;'re gud pedopliles.

    Good, benign, and very ethical and extremely loving pedophiles.

    Coming soon : The Good Pedophile ; Memoir of a ''victim''

    ANd your question should've been anything other than asking about the legal definition of abuse. Legality, just like right and wrong .... is just the mere opinion and consensus of the majority. it has no other weight other than becos more people think thats the way things should have been.
  11. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Ive got a british 303. You wanna talk power? [highlight]This bitch will drop elephants.[/highlight]Ammunition is pricey though. I always wanted an Ak47 or their notorious reliability to handle abuse and keep on firing- the shit you can do to an AK47 is unheard of with any other firearm. Its accuracy isnt great, but my opinion accuracy doesnt help you when your shit jams up from all the mud and sand you just drug your rifle through. I know the kind of person I am, shit doesnt stay pristine clean around me for long, I like to go play in the dirt so ita vwry likely for my rifle to get a dirt bath too.

    like you deal with elephants everry day.
  12. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    It's not like you're getting an M60 or something like that. Just get a good gun, and worry about all the accessories later.

    what a gun has determines its goodness.

    YEASS. Guns goodnedd are determined and defined by their available accessories.

    Keyword : modularity.
  13. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    And if this place is what &T or &Z was suopposed to be .... allegedly .... take it to the onion land or at least make it torr friendly. Cos as of now its not quite.

  14. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    I AM NOT A GOTT DAMM ROBOT GOTT DAMM MITT !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or a pedo.

    Cloudflare sucks a humongous ass and cock and the balls in between.

  15. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Well, OK, but just this time. There was this one time when Lanny got so butthurt over some silly comments I made that he spent several hours crafting a script which could log into the Zoklet server using his moderator account, access the infraction system, and automatically place infractions onto my account. He got to something like 30K infraction points before he was noticed and the alarm bell pulled. At 10 points per ban, Lanny had effectively banned me 300 times. Of course, soft-hearted mizled had to sit there for hours manually deleting the infractions by hand. After she was done releasing me from Lanny's icy grip, zok decided to leave me banned and personally put a permaban on my account. Lanny was finally located and banned permanently from Zoklet for his evil deed, which was kind of sour milk when you stood back and looked at the big picture. Yes, those were the days. I'd have to say that was definitely my biggest accomplishment to date.

    nad now look at you ... back in the arms and embraces of lanny. lovee is evvery where.
  16. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    I don't know who fails harder, the OP or this site's "Administrator." Probably the latter since he supposedly gets paid for this level of competency.


    With utmost rampance and impunity..
  17. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Can a place ... a land, be without a king for centuries ... with a penisless king, that is a queen .... sitting on the throne for the past few centuries ... as long as memories can recall .....

    legitimately call itself a ''Kingdom'' ???????????

    It should'd have been United Queendom. By Queens, for Queers.
  18. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    AKA : DELL AND NIGGER CENTURIA .... the roadd, the long road to Centuria Eurabia.


    [originally posted in &Z]

    This was something that I wrote back in october or december of 2008, back when Obama was on his winning streak, winning delegated there and caucuses here .... and everything as is including and not limited to grammar/typo/speilings ets-etc as sic as it can be sic .... I was ..... Eight ....

    Eight fucking years younger then ...... (and for those of you who'd seen it thar and then, your now 8 years older, know this) .....


    Do you remember back in the good old days, at a time when all computers were white ? All the computers ; a device we had came to percieve as powerful and versatile and "intelligent", the device we would come to love and have intimate relationship with (not sexually) they all came in white and only white ??? And even if they didn't came in pure white, they came in off-white ... in sort of asian-like white.

    But that all changed in the late 90s when Dell started promoting and shipping computers that came in a very different color ; NIGGER color. YES !!! Dell was the first to introduce Nigger Computers, and very soon, the market was chocked full of newer, more powerful, superior computers that came in and only in nigger color. And after that, everybody is making nigger computers and nigger input devices and other peripherals... and just like that, a whole new genre of miscegenation thrusts itself violently into our daily lives ....

    We begin to come across the very disgusting and very distasteful scenes of nigger mice that'd shamelessly plug their plugs into the ps2 port belonging to *WHITE* CPUs here and there. Almost everywhere, there they were, nigger mice intimately paired together with white keyboards. Sometimes, nigger keyboards were being coupled with white mice. And seeing a huge nigger, 19" CRT stacking itself ontop of an old, helpless, white CPU (forcefully) that's lying horizontally on the desk was not uncommon in those days. In the industrial sector, one wouldn't be surprised if he went to work one day and suddenly saw a newer, and faster nigger server standing on a spot previously occupied by an old white server. And there it stood ; side-by-side its senior, white servers as EQUALS instead of being there just as slave servers, and worse .... sometimes these newer nigger servers instantly became master servers of all servers in the entire building, as if affirmative actions applies to servers as well ...

    and do you remember the facial expression of joy and pride your co-worker had when a box of new darkie DELL came to replace his old white DELL ? Do you ????

    And it wasn't long before an entire new generation of mongrelized computers were among us, white CPUs with a nigger combo drives stuck deep into their drive bays, ... white 14" CRTs separated form their old and white CPUs and then paired up with it's newer, bigger, noisier and nigger CPUs, orphaned 52X CD drives or zip drives finding refuge in nigger PC families, and the lists of mongrelization goes on and on. And now, just merely a decade later ... trying to get a one-color-only, non-mongrelized personal computer system is almost impossible ...

    And inevitably we began to identify, and devide computers into two "race" of computers, white computers, and nigger/mongrelized/mulatto computers. We then began to percieve these newer nigger or mulatto computers as superior, and the old, obsolete and ALL WHITE computers as inferior, and had thus, subconsciously associate NIGGER (BLACK), with SUPERIORITY. People who walked into a cybercafe equipped with both white and nigger computers would always choose to sit infront of a nigger computer, to submit themselves to and depend on a nigger computer. At schools that were equipped with good old white computers and nigger computers, the school children too, opted for nigger computers. And with nigger computers became increasingly fashionable ... so too are the things that are related to them, things that constantly come into close and intimate contact with our skins. Things like cellphones ... Ipods, and nigger berries. And in the end, the natural repulsion we had against all things that came in nigger color, people included ; disappeared.

    [2010 edit : In fact ... it could be argued that the real reason Madona "adopted" nigger kids was because she thought babies are just like IPODs, and having nigger IPODs = cool, so having nigger babies in her arms would also .... be cool. ]

    Now you might say that computers are just computers, just another electrical appliances among dozens of other we possesed and computers had nothing to do with people and their mentality, but then you'd be wrong. This is because computers are unlike other electrical appliances we have like fridges, washing machines or blenders. Computers are personal, very-very personal. Computers are an integral part of ourselves, they're an extension of ourself, a manifestation of our internet personality in this physical world where our physical bodies exists. They're what we express ourselves with at home or at work. Computers are how we sees ourselves !

    So the guy who choose to sit infront of a nigger computer in the cybercafe just now will now suddenly and unconsciously feels the urge to hang around infront of a bunch of nigger friends and talk, walk and act according to the expectations of his nigger friends as soon as he left the cybercafe, or to sit infront of a niggress during a date and live up to her expectations just like how he had acted according to the OS/software/device expectation of that nigger DELL in the cybercafe justnow.

    The bunch of white school children that was impressed and awed by the speed and the power of the new nigger computers at school suddenly and unwittingly began to admire the speed and the violent power of the people that came in the same color their new school computers came in .... the nigger color. And thus, a whole generation of wiggers, chinkgers, and spicrgers and all kind of ___ggers came into being ....

    But not just that. Over time, and over regular exposure to the scene of nigger computers intimately connected to white computers via lan cables, and the fact both nigger and white computers consumed and produced the same optical discs, internet protocols, and bits and bytes had inevitabily acted as a disensitizer, and had thus disensitized us to the scene of nigger-white intimacies or couples ... and we nolonger raised our eyebrows at the sight of these abominations.

    And now, in real life, just merely a decade later, the niggers had infiltrated into every aspect and segment of our lives and had implanted themselves in a position of power and control. Everywhere we turned our head, there's always a nigger in charge or in a position that can be conceived as having superiority over others.

    Look at golf, and there's Nigger Wood. Look at tennis ... and there's Niggress Williams. Look at British Fomula 1 champion, and there he is ... Nigger Hamilton, and now look at the most likely person to be the next most powerful person on the planet ; and there he is ... Obama B. Nigger.

    [2010 EDIT : And now, look at us, posting in a site that is owned by a [-deleted-] ..... (and in a way; submitting and subjugating ourselves under HIS power and authority). I bet he's using an array of multi-colored input devices aswell ..... ]

    Can we, having known all these facts, and then deny the possibility that there exists some conspiracy between Dell and some unknown entity to bring us into an era of nigger hegemony, and to bring the world into ... a ....

    Nigger Century ???

    [RIGHT]I ... for one ... cannot.[/RIGHT]
  19. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Everyone wish this man a happy birthday. He deserves it.

    Happy birthday Adolf!

  20. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    cos its in asia ?
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