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Posts by Twinkie the kid

  1. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Fraeudian slip right there sir thanks himself. Name some alt accounts that belong to me, I can have fralala confirm or deny your suspicions.

    You don't have the brain power to even defend your own claims or keep up with your own stories, just an endless spew 🤮 . Go on , name some alts
  2. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    You invent more gay stories than wariat does
  3. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    What next? Suicide vest chinese food delivery guys?
  4. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    China has become irrelevant. Even a low altitude aerial attack gets reduced to a joke
  5. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    He's out here asking the real questions. Maybe it's all of us that are deranged
  6. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Didn't get the Vax didn't get sick
    Got the Vax didn't get sick

    Oh no is society doing a retard again THE REAL SICKNESS IS YOUR MIND
  7. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Haxxor I think forums like this tend to attract mentally ill misfits of society.

    You mean like you who 24/7 posts about Kafka or someone else and follows people around endlessly like a ghoul

    It's nice they let you have a phone in whatever asylum you're in
  8. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    He never did that. It's all a media circus for ratings
  9. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    How make laser photon sailing work on earth
  10. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Society is UNWILLING to take such a daring bold risk as take to the skies in glory, instead preferring soulless Petro jet machine monsters.

    The only answer is to build it yourselves. You would probably need your own altitude because any collision would be ugly
    those bitches go high I think. Rocket balloon

  11. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sweet Who do I think I am, Rambo Risk? The inventor of the Risky Rambo series?

  12. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny

    best countries dont force their subjects to get unknown chemical injectionsssss.

    Oh really? Says who? Is there some kind of Metric or official measure of forced Medical treatment in regards to a country's overall index ratings? Or are you just another puppet pigdog parroting the media spewdom like a good little lapdog.

    Spew some more right wing fake racist cliches you race obsessed weirdo. You don't care about any real issues besides TV or skitzo issues.
  13. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Wariat or have to live like me in poland aldra? what would u choose?

    You are the only person stupid enough to ever have to make such a retarded choice between federal prison and deportation to a shit hole. The only type of person that could relate is a Guatemalan illegal immigrant that rapes a girl

    The things you experience don't happen to even the most retarded and unlucky of people. You are the end result of effort applied; garbage in > garbage out
  14. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Wariat i wanna fuck young girls and break young girls hearts.
  15. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Wariat Ukraine did not break, Ukraine did not bend and the Ukrainians desided that they will rather fight, then live on their knees. The Ukrainians could have chosen the easy way out, but did not… they now hold the Frontline of Democracy

    Ukraine is not only bent at its knees but it is now permanently crippled from having both kneecaps shot out and their legs beat to fuck with hammers , one eye gouged out and currently getting skull fucked into submission in slow motion by the Russian bear 🇷🇺🐻💀🇺🇦 from a historical big picture perspective this was either going to be EU vs Russia, or Ukraine vs Russia. The world is going to let this happen and nothing will be done 👍

    We are taking in thousands of refugees that are now rebuilding life here, it's not that big of a deal just a geo-shift. Now you are the doormat, cope all you want but the next artillery barage is coming at you.
  16. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    the AOC in Poland is 18
  17. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Wariat i mean not only is this guy some mss predator if her story is even halfway true but ballsy as fuck i mean behind some mall even if it is secluded somebody from fr away could see even sex mutual between adults someone might yell hey or get security i mean on top of it how the hell do they not run or even after he is finished if he is good at pure pressuring them how do they not call their parents or security etc. sure I mean it may have worked for him with her but you would think a guy like this who knew exactly where to go or a secluded part around a mall done it before or would get caught eventually. makes no sense.

    Originally posted by Wariat This is real shit I talked to both of them and this was a real incident apparently as thw second one didnt really want to go into details or talk about how it happened exacrtly but knew right away what I was talking about and apparently talked to her friend asking her why she revealed it or talked about it and now both blocked me. Still it all makes no sense. how the fuk can some random arabic dude fuck a ranbdom chick that age and I cant even find a single willing ocer the polish aoc teen to come to my place after spending a shitloead of money on them to fuk and got even rejected by the 17 yr old because she has a boyfriend? and some random arabic dude fucks chicks randomly and has some hideout where no one is around to fuck them and leaves no traces like details where he lives or credit card tranbsactions ince he doesnt even go to store with them like me to buy them cigarettes or anything or dirnks or anything before inviting over since he fucks them in some secluded place he probably has scoped out and just leaves and they dont call their friends or cops or anything after he is leaving even? shit makes no sense.

    Originally posted by Wariat I keep thinking It just seems fishy why the fuck in front of ur friend at the age of 14 outside some mall youd go with a random arabic dude you barely met at 14 to fuck or to do what even talk? why not talk there in front of the friend?

    Originally posted by Wariat I do not think I could rape even if I wanted to or tried I do not think I could rape someone and have the physical prowess to hold them down or take their clothes off (especially the upper part or like sweater if they are resisting or holding the arms down how the hell you gonna take it off them?) and hold them in place enough to take your own pants down (and even without this it would be difficult like if you come out of a restroom fully nude it may be slightly easier not having to deal with both their clothes and yours coming off simultaneously). Like imagine a bitch fully resisting or fighting you it would be hard to even hold her in place or down not even dealing with taking the clothes off. While you try taking the pants down she's probably hitting your face or something or moving around how the hell would that shit even work?

    This is why I have a hard time believing that ukrainian 15 yr old the friend of the 17 yr old who came over on her own accord and nothing happened as she claimed she had a boyfriend when I asked her politely if I could kiss her (I dont even have the balls to just go for it I ask first when it is a younger girl so that in itself is a problem why I never get laid with teens). But the 15 yr old who got fucked by some arab behind a malla rea with no one around she mentioned and I was talking to briefly I dont buy the story the 15 yr old claims basically the guy pressured or raped her. the friend who was over or the 17 yr old claimed that she was like a slut and went with him after he gave her a cigarette when she was like 14 so this was a year ago (and apparently the arab dude was 33 or what the 15 yr old told me later and now she doesnt even meet guys over 20) and basically in front of her without arousing suspicion from the friend had the balls to take this 14 yr old under polish aoc to some secluded area? SOunds hella fishy to me guys. Like Id be paranoid the friend is calling cops or her mom or her friends etc. if it wasnt like super mutual and they had some super thing going.

    Secondly why would she even go to a secluded area with him not knwoing what happened or what she claimed just going to talk I thought? thirdly why not resist it? all it takes is a little resistance and I doubt this guy would tackle her or some shit. he probbaly just pressured her and she gave in and later regretted it. The way the friend described it she said she went to his pad to fuck from the get go like she was like why are you going with him and she went. ALl this shit makes no sense to me how this guy was able to get a fucking 14 yr old at the age of 33 being a fucking dark arabic mud. Plus when I first hit her up about it the way she described it was she called it a mistake she said "the arabic guy was a mistake" she never said "he raped me" until I kept asking about it.
  18. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman

    Originally posted by Twinkie the kid Society is doomed lmao!

    Originally posted by Twinkie the kid this is what we call the brainwash of society when you think about trannies 24/7 suddently it becomes all you see, every woman is a tranny. This is brain rot from oversocialization at it's finest

    that means you have everything to lose
  19. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    I'm not doing fat positivity though, they have enough help and probably call drug users degenerates. Wheres the AMPHETAMINE POSIVITY?? fucking bigot racist nazis
  20. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    There are lots of types, I have no idea why bird wanted to show me nothing but motivational people. Maybe I was being too negative/positive but there are fitness, religion, wealth, health, relationshit, etc etc etc times infinity it seems like for every subject or niche you can possibly think of including really specific obscure shit

    and beyond that it goes further with ISLAMIC MOTIVATION and catholic... like damn, I gotta get in on this. I already have a stack of papers on the PLURAL DESK of imams and yogis and astral projected past lives beaming positive energies into my soul from the multiverse

    the market demands skitzo motivation, doomer motivation IT WILL ALL BE OVER ONE DAY MAYBE SOON AND HERE IS WHY THIS IS A GOOD THING:

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