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Posts by Twinkie the kid

  1. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    what the fuck is an Edonkey
  2. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Enrique Tarrio is my an evil white nationalist nazi that wants to ensure the purity of the Aryan race!
    We don't care about skin color as long as you call yourself AMERICAN you can fight for our white right cause

  3. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by aldra …yes?

    Like they did with COVID... Riiiight

    Didn't take long for them to realize you can't import immigrant yourself out of an economic crisis. I don't even want to be alive so I don't care , it's them that cares. They have everything to lose, I never had anything to begin with

    I'm not gonna be intimidated by a rifle against my neck , they will be lucky to kill me before I probably die by accident

    The people that are afraid have something to lose which is why they will comply
  4. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by cigreting I thought you were more intelligent. You have no idea how women work or what motivates them. If you did, you would realize how retarded your post is

    Okay 👌 how many kids do you have? How many girlfriends? Long term relationships?

    I bet you watch Nick Fuentes every night who likes femboys btw COME ON GUYS DON'T YOU HATE WOMEN TOO !!!

    Originally posted by Haxxor Jesus Fucking Christ with this braindead bullshite……

    Log off and get some fucking help.

    Keep crying, kike
  5. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by aldra I think that was a feature of vbb or whatever before we made the switch

    Yeah and if it was 150k views in 2016/17 I would t be surprised if it was at 1mil views honestly which wouldn't surprise me because as I said it's a dead art. I used to think BIG NUMBER was cool but now it just makes me more depressed

    I'll see if I can figure it out so it's not a complete rework of how shit is displayed, maybe only in the thread at the top right when you open it , that would be unobtrusive enough I tgikk
  6. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Rocket Raccoon Welp…. Appreciate the myth busting… Now down to business.
    I have a very basic understanding of chemistry but I try to simplify as much as possible
    We gotta get that oxygen bond off that molecule
    Then I can put it in my vape juice… Or turn it into salt for my hot dog lightbulb pipe
    I'm a little Impatient, bored yet excited.
    Here's my list of resources
    Ammonium Nitrate
    100% Lye
    6 lithium batteries
    Camp Fuel

    The pure Sulfuric Acid
    Iodized Salt
    Funnel & aquarium hose fitted perfectly on a hamster water feeder ya know with the little metal ball

    I also got red phosphorus & Iodine I want to use but suppose I won't needem

    Can't you just buy the shit from mexicans. Nobody makes drugs anymore it's a dead art and dead for a good reasons , it's probably not worth it economically unless you can make a lot and get good %yield

    Sad but true, big pharma won and we are all guilty
  7. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Nah this one isnt me, a guy that goes by "the happinator" wrote a meth cook guide on here in like 2016 and when this site displayed views for threads it has like 150k views.

    I have actually asked Lanny about displaying that data again but hes a lazy fat fuck. I think I'll try to re-enable that feature as my first official submitted pull. I saw something about views in the tracker.,ill fire up a fork of ISS right now since this other thing I'm working on is not working out
  8. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
  9. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    People that buy into the whole "WOMEN ARE ALL EVIL/MEN ARE ALL EVIL" are the most low IQ insufferable retard faggots that are even more self blinded wool over eyes than hardcore skitzo racists who probably live in a town with a black mayor but go around talking a bout "muh white race muh country get these NAGGERS back to africa!"

    Typical American high culture export, skitzo retard gender hatred GEE I WONDER WHO'S BEHIND THIS!

    You are all nothing but kike puppets and everything you care about that makes up your life is not of your choosing based on your own thoughts but instead swallowing the brainwash kike brain pills TAKE YOUR ZOLOFT remember folx smoking weed is WRONG, turn on your electric jedi and wear your mask / don't wear it and make sure to loudly screech at every woman in a bathroom

    Step 1: encourage race mixing
    step 2: make abortion illegal
    step 3: bring up how Margaret Sanger was a racist and abortion is actually racist

    and the kike rubs his hands and laughs

    think about it, the left is already brainwashed to do anything the media tells them is good/bad. That only leaves feminists and nobody cares about them because they hate trannies

    The kikes won, it's over. The rest of your life will just be watching them do victory laps. At this point I don't believe they can ever be stopped.

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood WOMEN ARE BORN WITH A VAGINA AND MEN ARE BORN WITH A PENIS ItS ADAM AND EVE NOT ADAM AND STEVE

    and the kike rubs his hands
  10. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by RIPtotse the world is slowly getting more more retarded everyday

    I heard about that when i was 12 years old lmao
  11. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    dont' forget the fish tank adn the the glue

    Crystal methamphetamine was still very much alive and well in the rural communities. I lived in the Midwest at the time, with Arkansas chicken farms providing some of the precursory elements for the mass production of meth after being extracted from chicken feed. It was well-known at the time how this was happening, and there were recipes going around that created a white ‘soapbox’ substance that
    flaked off like bars of soap.

  12. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    You still fucking with them hypnose time mine niggas
  13. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by AngryOnion Is basic still a thing?
    I learned that in high school 40 years ago!!
    The computer lab was open early before classes started so I would go in and fuck around for an hour or so.
    All your base belong to us.

    It's all about the high level languages now but you would be surprised at how widely used some of the older stuff is too especially now with hardware and software where it is where you can run like , DOS virtual machine in a browser window using a phone and now suddenly people are scrambling to learn these old Lang's

    Like Cobol apparently that's good for cloud computers it's got a real nice push pull something architecture.
  14. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    I don't know what that is. Sounds like a faggot snowflake gender me me me culture migtow Joe Rogan who gives a fuck. I rape whorses

    Originally posted by Kafka Sometimes I wish I could kill all men and that the world would be better without them, but sadly we have to coexist, so I don't want to hate them. What I want is equality and mutual respect, but given men's history of mistreating women, opponents of that can expect nothing less than my cold-blooded aggression. I want to slit your throat.

    ^ took the bait 🪤 injected the society brainwash Kool aid
  15. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Xlite According to Klaus Schwab there will be a new covid wave followed by a massive cyberattack which will shut down most financial institutions and the people will then be offered a central digital coin as a permanent replacement for the USD.

    However, i wonder if they get to implement it before a nuclear war starts seeing as putin just decided to remove himself from the new start treaty. Not to mention the tests flights they've been doing over alaska.

    Moreover, Xi Jinping and Putin have recently begun stockpiling enormous amounts of gold. Think of that what you will. I'm thinking ww3.

    Nah I think everyone will just lay flat, refuse to fight even if there's a draft. The fuck are they gonna do force us?
  16. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Filecoin, Storj Tokens Outperform Bitcoin Amid Increased Use of Decentralized Storage Protocols
    The utility FIL token jumped 62% over the past week. Decentralized storage protocols have recently gained attention as their use has increased, an analyst said.

    Okay I will try to fix code now
  17. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    mista don't play everythangs working
  18. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
  19. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    If she's not on pornhub, you are probably right.
  20. Twinkie the kid Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny have you considered becoming a rapist ?

    I think he is one already depends what borders yu're in i suppose
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