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Posts by infinityshock ripped off lanny the trannys granny panties to give him a whammy in his faggy saggy fanny then made him say 'spank me daddy' and gave him to a nappy picaninny to be his nutsacKKK-nanny

  1. Originally posted by Speedy Parker If you want to seem like the idiot you are use morals in place of ethics

    everyone has the moral obligation to eat more meat.

  2. everyone has the moral obligation to eat more meat.

  3. Originally posted by Eval/Apply I was gonna stop the dick spam but then spectral kept telling me how much everyone loves finny and doesn't think he should be banned so you know, I'm a slave to public opinion like that

    you would never stop something you enjoy so much.

    you enjoyed the dick spam from the assorted male members of your household just as much as this dick spam.

    if you didnt youd take my advice and close regs, you dirty son of a low-budget whore.

    everyone has the moral obligation to eat more meat.

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