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Posts by Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed

  1. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Phantasmagoria what

    He means bird shit coloured skin.

    It's an insult black people use.
  2. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Methuselah “Facebook New Zealand spokesperson Mia Garlick said in a statement that the footage was quickly taken down. "New Zealand Police alerted us to a video on Facebook shortly after the livestream commenced and we removed both the shooter's Facebook account and the video. We're also removing any praise or support for the crime and the shooter or shooters as soon as we're aware," she said.”

    So people not even allowed to have opinions anymore?

    Always remember to have your opinions approved by Facebook content moderators before saying them out loud u guise

    jedis always create an atmosphere of fear and oppression whenever they're in charge, even among each other - for instance read about Freud or Rand's little covens, which operated like personality cults. Jesus's apostles too, if you read your Bible at all critically. It's just their neurotic, paranoid, over-thinking nature, they can't help it.
  3. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    I suspect causation runs in reverse here - fuckwits are more likely to be artists (and suck at it).
  4. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Israel lies and says they were attacked, but they really weren't. It just gives them a fake excuse to attack Palestine.

    jedis are just like Vulcans, they cannot tell a lie.
  5. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
  6. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby but yeah.. the pigs would have that shit on lock immediately thats the first thing that rang a bell that this is so fake, plus the whole manifesto thing
    New Zealand is pretty laid back. Not every place is like 'Murca with a cop on every street corner.
  7. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]

    Lol, tail was trimmed all the way to nose forward. I'm stunned that something like this could happen.
  8. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Genuine question. I always liked seeing disasters and unusual things, like dashcam footage. Even beheading footage.

    It seems like an odd thing not to want to see.
  9. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Methuselah But why are all the intelligent people automatically white lol

    I don't know, why are they?
  10. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Methuselah Not if the mudslimes take ovar!!!

    That will happen. I'm talking about the far future.

    The world is dividing/has already divided between the dumb masses and the smart people who want nothing to do with them.

    That's just going to accelerate in the future.

    Think logically, why would a bunch of smart people let a bunch of dumb impoverished religious assholes shit up and destroy everything and ruin the environment?

    Eventually the New Zealand Mosque Shooter will happen, on a planetary scale.

    Most likely thousands of years in the future.

    And it's inevitable.
  11. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Ghost Hopefully all white

  12. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Krow Do you relize they already were? this is what I'm saying about one sect of Israel that slowly did this. not all jedis approved of this.

    this is more of a political move by elitist fucks to take control.

    So there are upper class jedis and lower class jedis.

    Just like every other group ever.

    you can you-tube Palestine and see all 3 major religious people in old films. showing Jerusalem and people of different cultures walking around.

    You can see that now.
  13. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by AngryOnion Looks like I made another list.
    Just bought one these t-shirts off of amazon a few weeks ago.

    Would you actually walk around wearing something like that?
  14. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Krow UN moved them in. talk to them

    The UN didn't steal the land. Palestine was supposed to be multicultural.
  15. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Krow So what set off rockets being sent into Israel? all started when the jedis stole all the land in Palestine without paying compensation...
  16. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Methuselah My point was you’d think the state would have higher standards than the gutter trash they hire at McDonald’s, but apparently not.

    Why? The state should have to represent its own people.
  17. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny when only the non whites can be the champion of white issues and women be the champion of men issues …. something isnt right.

    It's white culture that men aren't allowed to complain.
  18. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by We'reAllBrownNosers What have any of them ever done for ireland? Nothing. If anything, most americans of irish descent have supported the US government which works on behalf of the british and israel to destroy ireland and the rest of europe by flooding it with hostile non white immigrants

    But they are unaware of the conspiracy (using the word seriously, as that's what it is).
  19. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Malice No, I'm claiming the mentally ill seem to be drawn to vegetarianism. Why is that?

    The dead guy had a point.
  20. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Methuselah They don’t notice because it fits the narrative they’re going for so well
    Or don't care - journalism isn't an honourable profession.
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