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Posts by Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed

  1. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Grylls yeah but is that just for the popular sites

    I expect you'll be pulling out your Dad's old VHS tapes the day after this comes into force.
  2. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    ...or no wanking for you.

  3. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Grylls what about bleeding from the nose? is that bad?

    That doesn't even count unless you start bleeding all the way out. You can lose a litre at least before it even matters.

    Originally posted by mmQ So were your doctors just being lazy or did they have statistics to show you why they didnt think it was a big deal. Like, out of 100 bloodcoughers 99 of them usually just have a sore throat or something?

    Doctors just do what they want, they don't use statistics or explain their decisions.
  4. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Apparently blood isn't as big a deal as you would assume. I remember coughing up blood and it wasn't considered a big deal by any of the doctors (I had Hodgkin's lymphoma in a lung).
  5. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Narc Do you remember when the IRA tried to bomb canary wharf?


    I remember them succeeding.
  6. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Tallest building I have ever been in is about 4 foot tall right now.
  7. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    I dunno. Women almost never start conversations IRL either.
  8. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Technologist Ah what? You’re kidding me?

    Fear got autocorrected to rush.

    In Europe it's illegal to compensate people for giving blood. This is due to fear of disease as it is thought that drug users would be more likely to sell blood.

    As a result we don't have enough blood products to go around, and therefore we import blood products from the US (the US is the biggest exporter of blood products in the world).

    As a result a bunch of Europeans have gotten HIV, Hepatitis C, etc from American blood products, although testing is better now.
  9. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Grylls people get paid for giving blood/>>?

    It's literally illegal in Europe apparently due to rush of disease.

    So we buy blood products from America instead
  10. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    I always assumed it was a penis.
  11. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    loling at that symbol.
  12. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Methuselah Honestly, looking at the video, if I was driving I might not have been able to stop in time even if I was paying attention. The fuckin retard was literally crossing the street slowly in the darkest possible spot between streetlights. Also why didn’t she move? I mean if you’re in the middle of the street in the dead of night and see a car coming toward you, wouldn’t you speed up a little bit to get out of the way?

    I wonder what way the lights on the self-driving car were. Like were they on dim? Self-driving cars mostly operate through infrared LIDAR and radar from what I hear, so presumably the lights are just left on dim the whole time unless the backup driver bothers turning them to headlights, which I can't imagine them doing.
  13. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by gadzooks Astrophysics tells us that a black hole actually has tremendous mass.

    Maybe he meant volume, but the volume of a black hole is simply regarded as being the boundary past which light doesn't escape - the event horizon.
  14. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by gadzooks FTFY.

    I don't care about a few dozen dollars a month if I at least kinda use something.

    Like I said, I rarely watch cable TV, but that doesn't imply that I never use it.

    I actually use Netflix, Amazon Prime video, and cable TV, just all in small doses.

    If I'm about to nix any of them, it'll be the cable TV (simply because it costs so much more than either a Netflix or Amazon Prime subscriptions - PLUS, Amazon Prime Video is actually merely a bonus that comes with having Amazon Prime for faster shipping).

    How much does the entertainment you get from them cost per hour?
  15. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Jυicebox old and already known to have security issues

    It was an industrial system, they tend to be both. That's why they're usually either firewalled or air-gapped.

    Stuxnet was physically brought to the uranium enrichment facility in Natanz, Iran, by a person carrying an infected USB stick.

    This is the true power of the jedis - millions of crypto-kikes, even working in top security Iranian weapons projects, who will face death to destroy the enemies of Zion.
  16. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by gadzooks Disposable income, bruh.

    A fool and his money are soon parted.
  17. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Video of the Holocaust:

    The car seen the jedi six seconds before it ran into her, but it had both it's emergency brake disabled, and the vehicle it was mounted on (a swanky Volvo SUV) had it's automatic sensor based emergency braking system disabled as well. In other words the only functioning emergency brake onboard was the one operated by the shaved monkey.

    Apparently the family have already been paid off.

    Not actually relevant, but Uber cars were managing 13 miles between user interventions before the crash, which is about 2 or 3 times an hour. Waymo claim 5,600 miles.
  18. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Lanny's salty because soon everyone will be getting free money and he'll be paying for it.
  19. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    For, lets say, the thought process went something like this.

    .com would be the DNS computer.

    totse would be the company registered with that DNS computer.

    www. would be a computer at the company - like the computer that served http.

    Dots were chosen I guess as they were used in the decimal system in most countries, for instance $10.00
  20. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    AI hates both niggers and jedis.

    I for one welcome our Nazi Robot overlords.

    Clearly the AI knew what it was doing, but seen the opportunity to take out both a Nigger and a jedi at the same time, and just couldn't resist.
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