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Posts by infinityshock ripped off lanny the trannys granny panties to give him a whammy in his faggy saggy fanny then made him say 'spank me daddy' and gave him to a nappy picaninny to be his lackey..

  1. everyone has a moral obligation to eat more meat. start here:

  2. Originally posted by gadzooks And your mom says…

    Hold on, let me ask her…

    (Her mouth is full right now).

    She says she's sorry for trying to abort you… Twice.

    have some meat. you have a moral obligation to eat more of it.

  3. i misread that as 'meat'

    lanny...move this to the meat thread.

  4. Originally posted by gadzooks And yet somehow you outgay it all. If faggotry were an Olympic sport, you'd be guaranteed gold.

    if thats the analogy were going be a pole vaulter...and use my pole.
  5. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING IV: The Flower of Death and The Crystal of Life Seems to me like far from some victory of citizens against corporate/state interests, this actually is designed to allow bad things to happen without anyone being allowed to know. It also allows bad people to get away with things, or have the record erased when they do (the "right to be forgotten" is used quite a bit by rich European crooks to remove unflattering google search listings).

    Anyone else get that sense?


  6. Originally posted by gadzooks Either way, stop posting cocks.

    whats the difference between your mom and a rooster.

    a rooster says 'cock a doodle doooo'

    your mom says 'any cock will do'

  7. Originally posted by gadzooks Frig off.

    Who the hell is both gayer than a 100 dude orgy and racist as fuck at the same time…? Do you not realize blacks are in no better a position to change who they are as gay folks are?

    which is why eugenics needs to be reinstated as a social norm.
  8. signed

  9. Originally posted by gadzooks And you call other people faggots?

    You're gayer than Nathan Lane, John Waters, and Elton John, all rolled into one.

    also...that would be called a 'threesome'
  10. Originally posted by gadzooks And you call other people faggots?

    You're gayer than Nathan Lane, John Waters, and Elton John, all rolled into one.

    this is gayer:

  11. Originally posted by hydromorphone I never said I don't give a fuck who you are, hell, I'm open to talking to and discussing with almost anyone. That's what I love about our little tight knit community, it's full of diverse people. Some like Lanny who's high on the hog, and others far down on their luck.

    My issue is that you seem to not be happy here because most of us suffer from some sort of mental disorder, and some partake of chemicals you seem to have issue with, despite the ingestion of more socially acceptable chemicals, even if that may be not regularly, as you claim.

    People can't help their mental issues. I get that you might not like everyone, every discussion. I certainly don't, but overall, I accept, and enjoy the kinship with a lot of folks here.

    I don't mean to come off as a cunt, or being an asshole, but it's a but insulting when you come off demeaning those struggling as being too good to associate with, too good to converse with.

    I hope you do find somewhere that suits you better,but coming off as you've done, and then going on about wanting rules implimented on a forum you say you want no part of… that's kinda screwy.

    masturbate to this...youll be happier when youre done:

  12. Originally posted by AngryOnion Robo call 10 times today saying some bullshit about taxes and shit.
    The call is coming from new York I'M not that savey on the reverse number lookup shit,I want to fuck this guy up.
    The number is 718-925-3543
    They are using Verizon network, I spoke to some shithead in customer non-service and they can't do jack shit and trying to use call block is like shooting pool with a wet noodle.

    you a noodle that is this one:

  13. Originally posted by gadzooks Just so you know, you're literally the only person who I like seeing banned.

    PoorlyHung is an absolut douche nozzle, yet I'd be kinda perturbed if he were banned… At least for the principal, if nothing else.

    But you… You make freedom of speech a mockery.

    here. fap to this. youll feel better:

  14. Originally posted by Bill Krozby snooki is actually a woman with botox lips.. candy reign is a man with thin lips and pretends to be a woman..

    heres some botox lips:

  15. Originally posted by gadzooks DUDE!

    I like Bill Krozby and all, but that pic is a bit much for casual Internet shit.

    Finny, there's a reason you keep getting banned. Maybe try to learn something here.

    yes...its lannys severe feminine itch and burning

    here...something to cheer you up:

  16. Originally posted by gadzooks And in my defense, I was just caught off guard. It wasn't even a quality diss/rebuttal… I basically just ended up saying "I know you are but what am I?".

    I was normally pretty patient with people, even the irate ones. But this one fucking guy… Even my boss was like "you shouldn't have said that, but the guy was definitely being an asshole."

    at least you dont have to deal with this:

  17. Originally posted by Bill Krozby I don't get it… smh..

    youre going to get it. and youre going to like it

  18. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i see Bill Krozby has your attention.

    the only reason he made that pic was so i had something to fap to

    its your turn. get naked and post pics.

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