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Posts by infinityshock tore off lanny the trannys granny panties to give him a whammmy in his faggy saggy fanny, made him say 'spankkk me daddyyyy' and gave him to a nappy picaninny to be his cock jockey

  1. Originally posted by Jackrabbitpsych You can not have my tuna fish (like i mean the can kind lol) however rumor has it someone here has a great deal of prepackaged salmon lol (i know you just came back not sure u saw that thread yet)

    im in and out...depending on how long lanny goes between bouts of alcohol-induced unconsciousness and noticing im here or not
  2. Originally posted by Jackrabbitpsych Lol. Thats awesome…lol. That stuff happens to me all the time. Or someone says "im so sorry if i offended you" im like bwahahaha. I dont get freaking offended lol

    the secretary where i work is like that...says the same thing. and every time i tell her i couldnt care less
  3. Originally posted by Bill Krozby I quit seeing her.

    you mean the farmer caught you sneaking into the pasture and banished you from the farm
  4. Originally posted by SBTlauien I was thinking about getting a second vehicle but I'm all mixed up on it. Right now I drive a Honda that almost has 100k miles on it. It drives well and gets me out to places I go. I bought a nice bike rack for my new mountain bike that even matches the colors of the car(blue and black). The places I go, aren't that bad for my Honda to get to aside from some large potholes in gravel roads. The Honda gets really good gas mileage as well.

    The thing is…I had to rent a Uhaul van when I got my new mountain bike and television the last Hanika. The Honda has such a small amount of room even when I put the back seats down. I do want to get some new furniture for my apartment this summer but might wait until next Hanika. The Honda is also kind of a pussy car. I bought it back when I thought I was going to go to college for computer programming but instead decided to work low labor jobs for the rest of my life.

    I could always just rent a Uhaul when needed, it was only like $110 for the day. But I'd like a second vehicle just to look better and maybe drive through areas that, I'm not supposed to drive through(like people's yards), but will do anyway. Also, I have some funds saved up since I no longer work in retail.

    This is one of the vehicles I was considering buying. It's a Jeep and doesn't have a lot of hauling space, but look at those tires and how manly it looks…

    I could always just keep my Honda and drop the funds into a CD like I was originally considering. I also have seemed to grow my precious metals collection up over the $20k level and have acquired lots of nice things lately.

    What should a brotha do?

    thats why i have a car, a truck, and a bike. theyre all different purposes

    it sucks when the insurance bill comes in, tho
  5. Originally posted by Jackrabbitpsych Who da fuck be this hottie…wowz

    you can borrow him when im finished...but its going to cost you a honey bun and some tuna fish.
  6. Originally posted by Jackrabbitpsych @i dont get embarassed
    Me neither. Its a blessing but more of a curse to others…lol

    eggzactly. i was on jury duty a couple of months ago and they were doing the selection part where the defense attorney asked me something and said i didnt have to answer in front of everyone if i didnt want to. i thought it was somewhat humorous that he thought i gave half a rat piddle what anyone in that courtroom thought...and i gave him/them the full-on answer.

    what was even funnier was when we went on break one of the other jury-people said to me that after my answer theres no way theyre going to pick me.
  7. Originally posted by Jackrabbitpsych I, thought you just fucked a 20 year old…make ups your mind there

    in dog years...

    all his sex partners have four legs
  8. Originally posted by Mel Gibson Your turn, stud

    that implies anyone else gets a turn. that would be in error.
  9. Originally posted by SpaceCakes the faggot kind

    that being the case...grab your ankles and smile. daddy is home.
  10. Originally posted by DietPiano who are the best whites?

    what kind of white are you? (dont say white pls) also- welcome back

    german (50), russian(25), irish (25)
  11. Originally posted by esbity Wha?!

    you have to remember the extent of his sexual experiences involve residents of a petting zoo.

    what hes saying is hes trying to get a baby goat to have a threesome.
  12. Originally posted by Mel Gibson

    id hit it
  13. Originally posted by ~L J~ Just stay focused……..INBOX!


    right in your box...
  14. Originally posted by Erekshun Keep your focus on LJ.

    i have more than enough happy sauce for everyone.
  15. Originally posted by Erekshun It's too cold to post nudes, I have turtle syndrome.

    thats why god invented climate turn up the thermostat.
  16. Originally posted by Erekshun I sensed the sexual attraction as well.

    grab your ankles and can feel it, too
  17. Originally posted by DietPiano I mean, not to embarrass you fin, but I I don't think you just threw a dart at a poster of all the DateHoosiers either, if you know what I mean

    i dont get embarrassed.

    i have no idea what you mean
  18. Originally posted by Ghost Keeping registrations closed is discriminatory against plurals/multiples/systems

    If registrations aren't opened back up I will notify the plural community of this transgression

    You aren't just closing this place off from potential new people but also suppressing existing plural identities and their freedom of expression. Not cool


    the fagtard reopened regs but made a 20-post limit

    now thats more SNs he has to delete
  19. Originally posted by Mel Gibson Believe in yourself. Remember… these are women… from DateHospital.

    you post nude selfies as well
  20. Originally posted by ~L J~ But you’d hit anything 😂

    that would be a fairly accurate statement
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