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Posts by Sikh

  1. Sikh Yung Blood
    confusing, unpleasant, loud noises
  2. Sikh Yung Blood
    balanced, even, rhythmic flow in speech, poetry, oratory, music
  3. Sikh Yung Blood
    a trick or subterfuge
  4. Sikh Yung Blood
    prone to whim, describing an impulsive manner
  5. Sikh Yung Blood
    a ferocious temperament, warlike, pugnacious
  6. Sikh Yung Blood
    Whether in an open meadow, a forest, or the canyons of a city, taking time to listen heightens awareness and garners strength. Lessons are in the breeze, the rustling of trees, the nuances and wisdom of the human voice.

    "Too often we underestimate the power of a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." (Leo Buscaglia)
    "I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen." (Ernest Hemingway)

    It is no accident that accomplished people know and practice the art of taking in what goes on around them.
  7. Sikh Yung Blood
    suggestive of doing good planned for the benefit of charity
  8. Sikh Yung Blood
    a natural feeling of attraction or kinship; an innate likeness between people and things
  9. Sikh Yung Blood
    involving the appreciation of beauty or superior taste
  10. Sikh Yung Blood
    unmoved by pleas, appeals, or reason; unyieldingly inflexible
  11. Sikh Yung Blood
    Put time and energy into creating and maintaining the quality of life. There are few things of substance that come about by happenstance, no matter if it is of a material or personal nature. Leave a legacy of positive output and enhancement.

    Golda Meir (1898-1978) was a founder of the state of Israel and served as its fourth prime minister from 1969-1974. She emigrated from the Ukraine in 1906 to Wisconsin, becoming active in the Milwaukee Labor Zionist Party as a young woman and moving to Palestine in 1921.
    Golda Meir was a strong multidimensional woman, and her relentless pursuit of peace in a troubled region while head of Isreal was only one of her legacies.

    Positive judgements are bestowed upon those who leave behind positive works.
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