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Posts by VagrantHateSpike

  1. Yo so for years now I been aware of dat antidepresso Mirtazapine
    its an SNRI so probably better than gay SSRI's but the main thing is, it works okay for depresso, but mostly very lathargic and sleeps alot
    So the point? the fuckinn dreams son, i wish i could never leave them. neverland, everything, nostalgia akin to a dmt blastoff findin ya consciousness in hyperspace ancient af where my soul reside
    so if ya desperate, broke, alone and isolated but alch is nay doin the trick, tell ur doc u exp new bout of depress and that been prescribed mirt in the past, found it to work well. those dreams are really vivid 12+hrs of consistent storyline
    also it will turn u tha fucc off if ur wiggin on the meth pipe and need some zzzs
  2. Originally posted by bling bling just wen u wanna jump off get a few valuins

    Bling on straight facts
  3. Fuck you must be a dumb cunt if ya cant smoke while ya mums home
    cunt just baccy out the mix i assume your aussie, make that shit like 80% tobacco and if she asks whyur smoking tobacco through afuckin bong tell her its cos ya poor and need to make each tailor last
  4. Originally posted by mmQ Ohhh. So it's like a literal short-term thing like having a seizure or a heart attack? Can you have long-term seretonin syndrome that isn't so obvious?

    No. Seratonin sydrome is chronic and intense and most people who survive are very lucky to have survived. It is something that occurs as a medical emergency, if you were to endure true SS long term, well you wouldn't. You'd be dead. You could however be having a very very mild and low-tier drug interaction (Say, robotripping *low dose* whilst on St. Johns wort.) if dosage was low and consistent you wouldnt be feeling good, but one 1000mg robotrip on st johns wort gave me mild SS. Mild, also translates to barely-alive
  5. Need my niccy hit every 15mins i cant afford to consistently buy cigarettes so i often find myself rummaging through the longer butts in my step-dads ashtray and smoking the used baccy in a bong
    baccy bong master race if u cant churn them down u will not survive
    might seem low-tier but honestly fuck the fluff I WILL GETZ MY RECEPTORZ FED
  6. I found a baggy of white powder on my way to the traino (man im regional asf) and yeh gummed a small amount, numbing effect. more like lidocaine than coke. insufflated the rest, little to no noticeable effect.. probably why it was left on the ground. I determined shitty rc mixed with numbing agent to mimick coke
  7. Originally posted by aldra I'd go with the meth option but you probably shouldn't take that advice

    seems ok as long as you weren't paying her with meth or something

    Cool. yeh nah dont do that, but do provide with cannabis etc (xanax or w/e) probs part of her appeal to me
    I kinda gave her meth and she had taken 1.2gs of seroquel without my knowledge. I watched her enter a violent seizure, seemingly triggered by the hallucination i observed her watching. it crawld up the wall, ran directly above her head. pure fear. she then entered a terrible violent seizure and started choking on vomit. luckily i put her in recovery position but i was quite scarred and have a guilt complex about it so i quit meth. Otherwise we have a genuine relationship and I have communicated and enacted my distaste toward taking any advantage of her regarding the age gap. she is infact a mad bitch with hella affinity for my persona yet i still hate myself for being 'with her'. Anyway I guess i needed to vent that to people I dont know. but look since I have signed up for this website i feel some duty to buy a gram of meth for my birthday next week. but i quit aqnd im not a faggot so i probs wont
  8. Originally posted by JĎ…icebox I quit taking T-PAIN about a week ago, but in the week of blackout drinking that followed, I apparently bought another 5g of it, among other things. I had been drinking a six pack a night at minimum for a few months

    Last night I took my usual "let's get fucked up" dose of .5g, which was only moderately high by my standards, but didn't drink at all.

    I laid down to go to sleep and had all these fucked up hallucinations that I assumed were hypnogogia, and heard a voice ask me "Do you really want to die?" I said, yeah, sure. Then it said "are you sure?" and I said "yes"

    So then I had this sequence of hallucinations of letters being signed and shit like that, and I passed out.

    I had a dream that I remember being really fucked up but can't quite remember, and at the end of it I was sitting in a chair on a laptop when suddenly I lost control of my body and had extremely violent uncontrollable shakes. The laptop screen came off in my hands and I woke up, still shaking for a couple seconds and then it stopped

    Indistinct open eye hallucinations faded in and out for a few seconds, then disappeared. My eyes were all teared up, I couldn't focus my eyes or read very well for a few minutes, and I forgot everything I read instantly for a few minutes. I'm assuming this was a seizure. I got up to take a piss and it was the color of Monster. All the rest of the night my dreams were fucked up, but T-PAIN has always done that to me. REM rebound from cessation of alcohol probably made it worse though

    My question is, could it have been caused by the T-PAIN? I realize my tolerance would've gone down but I didn't think it would be completely eliminated. Or was it more likely to be alcohol withdrawal and dehydration, with the T-PAIN possibly the thing that sent me over the threshold? I still don't feel quite right, maybe 90%.

    Some horrible person I know fed a 16yo darknet tier meth, xanax and T-PAIN. she also took 1.2grams of seroquel without his knowledge, dumb bitch. She sat down to smoke a bong but instead he watched her observe some horrible hallucination crawl from the corner, up the wall, directly above her head. pure fear. she then entered a violent seizure wherein she vomited in her mouth, laying on her back. lucky that horrible cunt was there to put her in the recovery position. She had also been seeing things all day more or less completely psychotic as far as he could tell. That cunt has since quit meth and is having serious thought of bettering himself, I hear
  9. I pissed on acid. It was a completely revolutionary experience. Gnosis, or enlightenment occured, in the form of knowledge. Ever since i have pissed into the earth where I can. For why waste my precious discarded nutrients upon the cynical sewage system, when I could return it to the beautiful mother nature? I am the epitome of ecological sustainability
  10. Originally posted by GGG If there are any cigarette smokers who would like to step forward, now is the time.

    I completely hate the fact I smoke copiously. I wish I could be a faggot and absorb it into my identity and be okay with it but im just constantly hyper-aware of my cells dividing
    an im fucked on the niccy, if i dont have a pack of smokes ill empty out the butts and smoke them through a bong. dunno if you faggots are familiar with baccy-bongs
  11. also long time lurker since totse days literally never had an input thought the time was nigh as my sanity has been fumbled away
  12. What should I do make life nice or smoke heaps of meth serious question also in theory is it unethical for a 20yo to fuck a 16yo concensually its eating me up at work
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