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Posts by ZwipPeeDo

  1. ZwipPeeDo Yung Blood
    a good serie to watch ?!.. for my opinion.. i'll think that just sit back and relax to enjoy watching the world self-destruct on his own is really a good ''orgasmic televize vibes..''.. :) .. just chill out dude... ;) ..
  2. ZwipPeeDo Yung Blood
    Shittiest city you've been to ?!?!.. probably somewhere deep in a zone located in my anus.. =)
  3. ZwipPeeDo Yung Blood
    Originally posted by ZwipPeeDo cuz these bitches on my dick :)

    yeah u know.. my big dick.. the one that i swing everybody's on .. ;)
  4. ZwipPeeDo Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Crap up a rope

    cuz these bitches on my dick :)
  5. ZwipPeeDo Yung Blood
    Originally posted by ZwipPeeDo I’m agree with you’re post. Some people my look at themselve and grab a real good amount of resilience and humility package deal ..
  6. ZwipPeeDo Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Obbe To err is human. To blame someone else is politics. You are solely responsible for your success and your failure. And the sooner you realize that, you accept that, and integrate that into your philosophy, you will start being successful. As long as you blame others for the reason you aren't where you want to be, you will always be a failure.

    I’m agree with you’re post. Some people my look at themselve and grab a real good amount of resilience and humility package deal ..
  7. ZwipPeeDo Yung Blood
    Originally posted by We'reAllBrownNosers

    Meth probably. That sort of thing is fairly common here. I saw a hot girl do this once as I was getting onto a bus. I thought I was hallucinating until I stepped onto the bus, and she was staring at me the whole time, grinding her suitcase handle into her crotch and bucking up and down. Two old ladies sitting across from her just shaking their heads.

    Truly bizarre.

    You're probably right about the meth... hard drugs like meth or coke increase libido ... the funny thing about the story is the fact that the girl continued to masturbate herself when she get arrested..
  8. ZwipPeeDo Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Concerned_Citizen Liked

    **i took a look at the profile of Concerned Citizen and i noticed that he participated in the enrichment of this fabulous website.. love you dude ! .. ;)
  9. ZwipPeeDo Yung Blood
    Originally posted by gadzooks No, it is you, in fact, who are mother.

    **yeah for sure i'm a mother.. i'm your SheMILF mofo son of a bitch !!.. ;)**
  10. ZwipPeeDo Yung Blood
    sorry, I do not think I was concise enough in the last post ... I wanted to try to make the best possible analogy between MR.Trump's facial expression and the facial expression that TU did when I fucked your mother .. post scriptum: please excuse me for my spelling mistakes and syntax but I registered on the website '' '' to practice the English language in the context of an international student exchange .
  11. ZwipPeeDo Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Torx

    **the slogan as well as the facial expression of MR.Trump on this picture reminds me unequivocally the evening of last tuesday spent in a room of hotel with you, you're mother .. AND ME !!... :)
  12. ZwipPeeDo Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Concerned_Citizen It’s actually made of meat

    **great joke tinged with ecstatic frivolity :)**
  13. ZwipPeeDo Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Yeah you're more of an anderson pooper kinda gont thats why I posted the video.

    **I have a question to ask you. And this, only for information.Have you ever watched an episode of The Simpsons TV series ?
  14. ZwipPeeDo Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Concerned_Citizen Objects in mirror are smaller than they appear

    ''Objects in mirror are smaller than they appear'' -> LMAO :D
  15. ZwipPeeDo Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Concerned_Citizen Orange is the new fag

    you're mother's bra is MY new FLAG :).. don't remember if her bra was orange.. sorry dude :/
  16. ZwipPeeDo Yung Blood
    for information.. the guy who tickles his own nipples is an orphan that the local priest had adopted to pay somme monthly bills (you can get you're own orphan for only 29.99$ + taxes by month...).. ;)
  17. ZwipPeeDo Yung Blood
    if someone (or somebody...) shaved me one of my two eyebrows.. there is a good chance..that i .. DISGORGE ALL OF UR FAMILIES AND BURN YOUR LOCAL POSTMAN WHO FUCK YOUR LOCAL PRIEST !!.. :)
  18. ZwipPeeDo Yung Blood
    Facebook without ''face'' book... dichotomic process theory in practice... ?
  19. ZwipPeeDo Yung Blood
    a new dental appliance for my neighbor daughter
  20. ZwipPeeDo Yung Blood
    for a long time I thought I hated myself ... I finally discovered that loving me hurt more than hating me.
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