African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
got the pink eye there, fella? otherwise impressive pic in a non gay way. maybe if this was prison it would be a in a gay way
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
i sometimes can't even get up to go to the bathroom. so i just piss. shitting is hard work. getting up, ready, and making a liquor store run is like running a marathon with one good leg...seems impossible to do at times. thats why i usually buy a dozen bottles at a time but i am all out right now
ugh just thinking about it...makes me wanna stab something
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
besides the shakes and spilling shit all over the place earlier because of them.. i feel awesome. though making a liquor store run feels like a daunting challenge right now as i can't seem to get up and move from the good ol lazy boi
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
no it doesn't. if you are so tired, go to bed, and stay there. simple. you're welcome.
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
fuck trust. let them be and them live however the fuck the want not that. that shit enters my mind often. so long as is they mind their business when it comes to my views, life...its not of theirs and has nothing to do with trust...its simply none of their business.
if you see one and wanna fuck her...just find a way to do it. her sayin no doesn't mean shit either. you either get it because she is giving up for free or you take the cunt by any means. fuck the middle ground shit in life. its all simpler in every way.
only people make shit complicated.
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
yo ass gotta tell that woman of yours to go into the penalty box for a few days...no fucking so much. yo nigga ass won't be so tired. even the cock needs rest every now and than fool
beat her up with it...but no fucking. ever she cries about for a few hrs and decides to go on a murderous streak on all the mensanems in her areas cock and assholes. you can sleep it off...when she fucking done killing folk
tell her to get back inside and fuck on in the ass deep as you can on the pool table jack.
you're welcome.
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
maybe a serial killer will himself for us all
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
not a day sooner than august 1st. best case scenario
worst...we'll all fucked til next spring.
and even than the shit will probably come back on all our asses within 6 months of that.
you're welcome.