2020-02-03 at 11:52 AM UTC
Lanny Is No Longer With Us
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
so the Lanny addressing mine address yesterday was is an imposter? fuck me man. well rest in pieces dude
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
for about 8-9 summers i lived less than 15ft from the lake. it was awesome. i've never been so laid back calm about everything..it was perfect(if you seen blow with johnny depp you'd know what i'm really sayin)
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
does all this shit effect Scotland in any way?
2020-02-02 at 7:34 PM UTC
what is your dream life?
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
i swear most of my dreams i'm having dreams of someone else all together. i mean shit i don't feel myself, most people that pop into KNOW ME but i don't know them, so many faces come and go I DON'T RECOGNIZE ANY OF THEM! yet all the places I dream about are familiar in so way even though I can't completely identify where I am...I just know I've been there before.
swamps, swimming with the nastier creatures ever, and regular shit like fish and frogs swing into the picture outta nowhere...than some times i will be with family long since dead or alive...at another funeral or birthdy party..yet I know who they are for...sometimes dozens of people are there...some I know instantly and than some like I am at strangers funeral and the faces don't ring to me
doors are nearly broken into or always left open
2020-02-02 at 7:27 PM UTC
POLL feature addition
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
there use to be a thingy(a block or rectangle) on i think the top right side(its been awhile)saying "Post a thread" or "POST THREAD"...NOW EVERYWHERE ON LOOK ON NIS PAGE that option is GONE. I even look at the bottom of the page there is NO "POST THREAD" ANYWHERE!
Not sure how long its been like that but I was able to post threads before. If you look at my history I have made 5 threads. Just was curious why I can't do it anymore
2020-02-02 at 7:03 PM UTC
POLL feature addition
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
Dear Lanny, how come I can't post threads? did I offend you somewhere do the line? If I DID..doubtful I did but if I did...sorry.
2020-02-02 at 7:01 PM UTC
Last movie you watched
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
Good Time with that Twilight faggot Robert Pattinson. Not bad.
2020-02-02 at 6:59 PM UTC
Anyone post
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
^ that site was interesting at one time the first time around like 8-9 yrs ago. been shit every since it 2.0'd(came back)
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
when i was a kid...he was in his mid 60's
on the street teens-early 20's i'd guess he was in his late 60's early 70's...give me $20 for a bj..he owned a few resturants and this bj was behind one of them in his car in the middle of the night just outside of brampton. happened 5-6 times than i drifted in scarborough for a month or so idk exacts
in late 20's 30's a couple guys around 70..did it for the booze and whatever money i could find at their place. finders keepers right? lol
40's? maybe a few yrs..or so older than me. got enough cash out of it to supply me with enough booze for almost a month
2020-02-01 at 4:52 PM UTC
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
Facts? so you can tell me 100% what happens when we die? with proof in every conceivable way? no facts at all in life or death. All debateable. End of story.
Oh wait...you'lll say "I don't care" about my so called opinion but its NOT debateable at all. Thanks nigga
2020-02-01 at 4:07 PM UTC
Alright who broke
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
NEVER BEEN. with a broke ass nigga. I have been and am fortunate there. I always get what I want from men. Women? fuck them, their babies inside them. their happiness...they have it coming alive or dead...both for her and their fucking cunt worthless baby(ies)even if I don't have anything to do with them suffering and being killed. They deserve that much and worse.
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
naw you got all the edge on us, April lmao NOT ever.