So on dh i was often told how incredibly immoral i am.
What was so funny to me was the hypocrisy. I posted nudes..ok so thats on me. Those that bitched were putting others personal info, that they did not like, out for the wolves...addresses and work phone. Contacing family etc
So. Tell me is it more immoral to make a decisionon on your own and decide you are comfortable, as long as no one else gets hurt? Orrrr is it more immoral to solicite info from others under a guise of being a friend and spread it thru forums.
I dont care what anyone says my opinion stays the same, im just curious. I dont believe every one of us should or do live by the same moral code
Wow have you ever known befriended or grew up with jedi people. I dig the ones i met. Except for the guy that likes hookers to shit on him...thats a bit whack
I like the pathetically graphic zelda i played in the olden days lol when payphones were plentiful, looking like a way done up drag queen meant something, and smokes were 2 bucks
My viewpoint, i do not blame any one individual for shit. Any and all presidents have my respect just cuz of the bs they deal with between duties and media tear aparts
Originally posted by Technologist
Morning Heather🥰
Sunday fun day, yeah uh, gotta work☹️
Give that fucking basket a kick for me!
I did multiple times after scolding it...sorry u got to work. Kids here off til thursdsy. 6 kids slept over last night. Im about to find a lovely bridge and jump off it lol