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Posts by Jackrabbitpsych

  1. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CASPER And for the record, my beard is primarily to hide my Severe PSORIASIS of THE FACE. And I've always had a weird case of babyface. Now I look like a big boy.

    My ex takes embrell. Works well for it. Js
  2. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CASPER Free my dude DietPlano.

    Wait isnt he here...i was just talking to him or them or whatnot...omg im confused
  3. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CASPER Well idk. I think there are probably plenty of people satisfied in what I would call less than ideal circumstances. But if you're satisfied, then there's no reason you'd be depfressed. But sometimes the hardest thing is to crack into your own head, and figure out what you Really feel, minus all the lies you concoct subconsciously. It's like repeating a lie so often that you start to believe it. It happens.

    If its a chemical imbalance, as it is said to be, as we matter which age, our bodies our minds...they change. With these changes can come hidden parts of ourselves never shown before. Mine was after kids but apparently was my real problem all along. Since im very different now, i have no choice but to agree. I dont think people are as satisfied as you seem to believe. Not from what ive heard or seen though i wish you were correct as i believe people should be. Nope put a period forgot. My bad
  4. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Erekshun Are you talking me out of retirement?

    Yes. No. Maybe lol. He was like around your age if i remember your age right. Idk my age ffs lol
  5. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Zanick He does have a cat, he just doesn't talk about her here.

    I am a lawyer, you cannot seriously expect me to admit to what he delusionally alleges even if we suppose it is true.

    Why come here if your bro is in the psych ward. Seems an odd choice but at least for me it seems an odd choice. Idk
  6. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CASPER I mean gun to your head…are you happy? If you lived out the rest of your life exactly like you are now, would that be okay? Do you have things you're proud of?

    You could be right, but I actually didn't realize for a looong time

    Doesnt sound like shes there yet, love. Jmo

    If dietpiano is female sorry dietpiano im new sort of
  7. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Erekshun Damn I thought I was older than him. maybe I should retire.

    He isnt that old...well hes older than me though. Im not sure if you are younger than him...i dont believe so
  8. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Erekshun I loved Jester! He was funny as hell! What is he up to these days?

    Havent contacted him. Last i knew he had retired lol.
  9. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Friends lol.
    I've been good, thank u for asking.

    His username was Jester & he called almost every female poster a "shallow whore". Lol

    James didnt do that though. He was quiet and shy...jester not so much though real life he was the happiest dude ever...we were night and day lol
  10. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Friends lol.
    I've been good, thank u for asking.

    His username was Jester & he called almost every female poster a "shallow whore". Lol

    It was shane lol. I slept with him...i should have known that lol
  11. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano The thing is, I've never actually felt depressed, save for the end stretch of my xanax taper. I've never been diagnosed by any psych expect a guy my mother took me too when I was ~10. He thought I was depressed because my aunt's dog died.

    My newest one who is absolutely fantastic (probobly a top 10% psychologist considering he's working at one of the most prestigious drug treatment centers in the country) said he isn't dxing me with depression because neither he nor I think I am depressed.

    8mg Xanax/day for 4 years will literally mentally scar anyone, I don't care who it is. I literally feel about 5 seconds away from going to the hospital for my pain sometimes, but I rationally know that it's not a good idea and that the pain will cyclically subside in at least a couple hours.

    The hardest thing for me is that it's tricky for me to smile or not have a slightly pained expression on my face when it flares up. That's the biggest social hinderance I'm facing. I WANT to smile, but sometimes it's impossible.

    Well true about the xanax. I never thought i was depressed. my mother went to bed for months on end when depressed. Mine manifested quite differently. So it was quite unexpected when i was told that is what i was dealing with. Not sure ever i was, all i know is lithium made my bad behaviors, that i never had control over before, be tamed. Idk
  12. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jυicebox I wonder if tianeptin might've caused that rhabdomyolysis

    My doses were MUCH lower than the crazy shit I read online and I haven't used it in months but I was drinking with it

    Mine were too...then my dr. Started doubling my dosages...once i started thinking that snakes were in trees and were conspiring against me....(i knew they werent but it became an inherite fear i could nothing about) i cut that shit way down. It was keeping me sane, i thought the more the NO THAT IS A NO for sure...but yeah im like a rhino. My brother said they should write medical journals about me...kind a sucks...takes a whole lot of a whole lot to do shit to me
  13. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DontTellEm James. Lol

    Thank you...idk why that was so difficult..thats just not a tough name to remember. Anyway lol. I liked him and i know you used to be something, friends i think, not dating right? But yes i for sure remember. How have you been ?
  14. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CASPER I mean I figured it would be. I probably need to be on antidepressants. But that's why I'm trying to build a framework to rely on. Ie- it's a lot easier to be happy when I'm in school, working towards a career, financially well off, mentally stimulated , in good health, etc…

    Antidepressants didnt do anything for me but make me hallucinate in a bad way, if that makes sense. Mood stabalizers and LITHIUM all be sodium derivatives could actually HELP ! Amazing really but it did.
  15. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Lol. My username on DH was aprilmadison22. I don't think we ever spoke, but I saw u posting in S&D chat sometimes.

    Ok. Yes i remember you. You were friends with the kid with the clown face? I liked him but i have a terrible memory and im terrible with names. Do you know who i mean?
  16. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by  You're missing the point.

    That would NOT surprise me quite honestly. Whats the point? just say not familiar so will never catch on...sorry.
  17. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    So why come here then if you have an issues with the one in charge ?
  18. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DontTellEm ^lol

    What profile? Who do u think I am?

    Idk prob fucked up as usual...sorry. i do that duh lol
  19. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CASPER From as retarded as I've felt mentally and as broken as my body has felt physical ly, I always assumed I had some seriously bad sh it going on.

    You sound just like me...the depression will catch you when least expected. Always be aware of yourself or it will find a way to consume you again. Its only temporary temporarily if you let your guard down
  20. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CASPER I just strung words together in such a way is to break a rough mans heart in twain. Because I'm high.

    I mean scorn knows chemistry and coding and shit. I loved them but never was good enough at mathematics to have a handle on it. All in all, I think most people on totse were at least above average.

    I looked at my Sat score for the first time yesterday, and on meth and mushrooms, I apparently did better than 90% of the people who take it. Not like korean/japanese /Indian kid good, but up there.

    Ikr my best score i was bombed. (well math im not sure i ever spelt my name right in verbal) worst score i was high but hungover. Never took it sober or my acts. I did better in spanish than english, Though...which is sad

    Obviously i mean on my ACTs
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