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Thanked Posts by totse2118

  1. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]

    there I did it

    have fun with the traffic WOOOO WOOO SPAM CITY HERE WE COME

    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 There will only be three mcNORRISES. ONE WHEN THE MCNORRIS HITS SPAM CITY. TWO WHEN MCNORRIS FLATLINEs AND THREE WHEN THE Morris GETS ON THE NIS BUS ( 1337 CALIFO )and it hits 100mph on the way to Keenan Memorial Medical Center


    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 There will only be three mcNORRISES. ONE WHEN THE MCNORRIS HITS SPAM CITY. TWO WHEN MCNORRIS FLATLINEs AND THREE WHEN THE Morris GETS ON THE NIS BUS ( 1337 CALIFO )and it hits 100mph on the way to Keenan Memorial Medical Center

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by aldra why do I get a 'you need an adult' warning when I click your profile

    because you do need one. I'm underground REAL UNDERGROUND

    heres my actual reddit account

    both of my accounts are actually broken and none of my emails work to sign into them ????? reddit is crashing and burning and dying folx . Arnox is already trying to steer them towards his community, newtotse too. I didn't mention their discords since they are linked on the sites about pages while our multiples discorsd aren't (the about page is outdated and still mentions a kik group lol kik has been dead for years)
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  3. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer................................................... something is going on that isnt flagrantly obvious. my impression of undertones and the way this is going says none of it makes sense.

    question: what did the hajis do?
    answer: they scurried out of their burrows and kicked the sleeping kikes in their shriveled ball sacks then scurried right back to their burrows. then made a ridiculous statement along the lines of 'we have your stuff. if you want your stuff back, you have to …*stupid reasons*'

    (insert admiral ackbar meme with dirty j­ew accent of 'ITS A TRAP!')

    the biggest lightbulb going off in my head are those TWO carrier groups. ukraine sodomized two russian capital ships with zero effort using shit-tier tactics. carriers are too easy to kill and theyre sending them right into a shooting gallery

    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer................................................... thats not gonna happen. if the chinee have a single strategic brain cell functioning theyll long-range nuke tactically important targets and leave australia a bunny-infesested kangaroo park sanctuary with random sheep farms scattered about the desert.

    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer................................................... yes, but the cross training is more for future coordination and collaboration

    every battlefield is a foreign battlefield. if its not, youve already lost

    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer................................................... your sphincter is a paper tiger

    at least thats what the writing on the bathroom wall says
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    this is how I met your mother DO DANH NANANNA
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  6. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    slop on my knob like corn on a cob
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  7. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    oh for the love of christ i'm in like 20 gamer discords 20 NIS discords

    Let's all not forget ARNOX's discord and NEWTOTSE fuys!!! i'll post ALL of the discords on reeddit that will draw in a crowd!!!!! ILL POST THEM IN MY NEXT NEWSLETTER

    I might even do an ironic review of all these discords

    smh I only made mine as a meme
    we should really be using IRC fuys on a BBS check this out from the spooknet
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  8. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Niggles its always something with these retarded sites. why not just let people attach and chat for fs. why do they need registration? seems weird. they just want to data mine or sell your email etc etc

    its always somethonf with you not suicide
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  9. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Flat Tyre aka Biggie Falls It was a much more innocent time, a time that almost seemed to stand still.
    This was still three to four years before the jews would run their marketing campaigns to get the normies hooked on smartphones, so society wasn't yet corrupted.
    There was ZERO judeo-anti white propaganda, or transgenderism and sodomy studies in public schools.
    The shopping malls and restaurants hardly had ANY NIGGERS at all.
    I was one of the very few people back then with an HD camcorder, had I have taken the effort I could have really taken off on youtube, although I don't think they allowed high resolution uploads back then.
    My county was still innocent and had that "small town" feeling, it wasn't yet urbanized and full of outsiders and shitskins.
    Technology was still very primitive too, back in 2009 web 2.0 was only in its infancy so most websites used a lot of CSS and XHTML, also FORUMS were still relatively popular back then, it was glorious.
    It's insane how much everything has gone to shit since then, the 2010s truly was the worst decade of all time.
    It's even more insane to sit back and realize just HOW MUCH MORE fucked everything is going to get as soon as HMDs become mainstream and most of society is engaged in the metaverse.

    By 2029 I fully expect to see adult men walking around with their 7 year old boyfriends who are dressed in nothing but a chain dress with a ring around their penis and balls and a silver object inserted into their anus.
    The president of the United States will be an obese transgender nigger on a wheelchair.

    It's honestly quite baffling just how much things have declined since 2013, it's almost as if the kikes and their communist lackeys were planning this all along and went into total overdrive around that time … oh wait!

    I don't blame smartphones, or technology (fuck ted kasinksy) or even social networks, because the truth is that had those things been around to evolve organically none of this would have happened.
    There is no reason society couldn't be the same today as it was in the 00s.
    The problem is semitic, and with that we need a final solution

    Originally posted by Flat Tyre aka Biggie Falls Wuzz happenin yall

    I have been pretty busy these days, hence my absence.
    I also have a new thing I do when I get drunk, I sleep naked in my closet.
    I don't know why I take my underwear off when I blackout, it just happens.

    Anyways I've been playing Fallout 3 lately and slowly studying music theory.
    I now know the keys of a piano and basic terms and concepts, though I'm not yet at the point where I can design full fledged songs but once I am I plan on starting an Industrial lolicore project inspired by Skinny Puppy's sound that span from MTPI to Last Rights, except that it'll be full of anime samples instead of horror movie samples.

    I've been taking vitamins daily now, I can already feel the effects as my hangovers aren't as dreadful and extreme as they used to be, though I haven't been drinking as much lately.
    I also cut vodka out of my diet, it's garbage and liquorfags are delusional.

    Once the weather gets nicer I'm going to take my cats on walks and I might sun bathe for minerals and feel good chemicals.

    I don't really like Russian people or jew enablers like Jutin but I want to make it PUBLIC that I am 100% AGAINST ukraine and fully support the Russian soldiers raping and pillaging ukrainian people.
    I hope Jutin decimates that entire country and reduces it to rubble.

    Oh and I started teaching myself German, though I think I should put my main focus on Japanese so I can watch anime without trying to keep up with the subtitles.

    Originally posted by Flat Tyre aka Biggie Falls I imagine most of you are incredibly boring in real life, the rest are mentally challenged drug addicts who probably couldn't handle a full on conversation (I'm referring to rat face of course).
    Posters like technologist and mmq are pathetically normie and probably would just talk about their netflix infatuation or how much they hate their jobs.
    I imagine misguided russian and the schizophrenic guy from san francisco would be fun to hang out with, maybe wariat though (no offense) you're kind of normie too and I'm not into fucking middle aged women from polish bars.
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  10. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Meikai her shawarma feet

    ill fukki rape ya
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  11. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    op i s a nigger faggiot

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    #LilSportysHomeLife💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙
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  12. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Kawkasian I guess we have our first entry on the list!

    so anyone who joins is automatically a simp geez that's real fucking sound logic for a fucking retard. Still sounds like you're the simp to me.

    Originally posted by totse2118 INSTEAD I HAVE DECIDED TO START A MATCHMAKING SERVICE <♡🥚♡>{@ˊωˋ@}🍓ԅ( ͒ ۝ ͒ )ஐᏝσνєஐ<♡🥚♡>ஐᏝσνєஐ<♡🥚♡>ஐᏝσνєஐ<♡🥚♡>
    ꒒ ০ ⌵ ୧ ♡
    Kafka and I have joined forces with her desire to start a rival community to lannys I had the wise idea that we could poach members from anywhere under the guise of a matchmaking service.

    Basically you submit a profile and can do tinder-like activities and view other profile if you think they are cool but also we will try to find you local matches using our deductive reasoning and AI matchmaking software

    Folx it's almost cuffing season stay tuned soon YOU will be able to submit your very own hookup profile and who knows maybe there are some other singles on this forum ready to mingle maybe someone you have a crush on is looking and making this move might get you the love of your life just like Lanny did, folx? it will be entirely anonymous you can submit a profile without anyone knowing you are single and LOOKING

    are YOU ready for LOVE?

    preview of kafkas upcoming rival community BBS
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  13. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Kawkasian Yeah critisisisism and finger wagging doesn't equal a war crime Jennifer.

    it will be once they count all the dead children

    Originally posted by Kawkasian Gaza strip is 140sq miles, you could evacuate it in a couple of hours

    it's one of the most dense populated places on earth, it's size only makes this harder. It's gonna be a slaughter, they aren't gonna get them out before they stop bombing.
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  14. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    ive gaped more girls than all y'all combined
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  16. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    it's the real Elon and he's more of a success than ANY of you ever will be. Don't plug his face into the wall, enjoy being poor. This is a no brainer money saver. JUst like when they invented flying they all said "that's dumb" thats you right now
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙 🏙💥📬🤡🏙
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    thats a sick mix
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