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Posts by totse2118

  1. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]


  2. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
  3. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny will you look me in the eyes and tell me what yiu want for breakfast …

    corn beef hash with NICE THICK CHUNKS OF HASH

    some eggs

    and some rye toast on the side
  4. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by gadzooks

    She fine too.

    Damn, I always pictured Totse as a sausage fest for some reason, but apparantly it werent.
  5. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
  6. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    speedy be like

    ____________________________/ ____ ____ ____
    || || || || || | | | | |~~~~| |
    /__\ /__\ (__) (__) (__) | | |~~| | |
    \~~/ \ / \ / \
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    (x x)
    @@\ /@@
    /@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ @@ ## @@
    @@@@ ___/ / /@@@@@@@@@@@\ \ @@ ## _||_ @@@@
    C| | \ // / / @@@@@@@@@@@ \ \ || || / LA \ | |
    \__/ || @@@/ @@@@@@@@@@@ \@@@ || || | | |__|
    △ =- ▲ -= △ =- ▲ -= △ =- ▲ ༀ☥┏┛⨻┗┓☥ༀ △ =- ▲ -= △ =- ▲ -= △
    |||||||||🜀🜂🜀||||||||||||||| U N I O N B A A ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
  7. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
  8. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man Here's what you do, dump all the eggs in your mouth and swallow them with a gulp of water. Drink a bunch until you feel like they got washed down into your stomach.

    Then it feels like you just ate a bunch of plastic bottle caps they do not feel good in there, you can feel them rolling around inside you. If you lay on one side for too long they will dissolve on that side and you will have the weirdest internal cramps ever. You wanna keep moving, get up walk around or sit up even if it feels horrible and makes you more sick you MUST rotate the eggs.

    If you don't rotate the eggs your gonna have a bad time.

    Then you will feel them start to hatch and pop inside your tummy and the baby slugs will ooze out into your stomach acids (they thrive in acid) and this is where they take form.

    They start crawling around your insides and devour anything for energy they desperately crave. Then the slugs mature and it's time for them to go out into the world and live their lives.

    Usually they try to escape through your mouth but sometimes the slugs get a sick joy out of torturing assholes and raping your insides.

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man Or if you swallow them they will hatch into full grown slugs

    And then they will jam themselves through your intestinal tract and rape your asshole from the inside. Then when they are satisfied they will burst out of you like that scene from Aliens, but instead of your chest they try to crawl from your arse and it's really slimy and painful.

    Slugs are not gentle, they will shred your asshole and break your soul.

    Slug fucking is not for the faint of heart.
  9. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Kingoftoes Anyone know if Azaleas are viable to grow in the midwest?

    ai jesus says

    "Yes, azaleas can be grown in the Midwest, but there are a few important considerations to keep in mind due to the region's climate and soil conditions.

    Climate: The Midwest has a range of climate zones, so it's essential to choose azalea varieties that are suitable for your specific area. Many azaleas are adapted to grow well in USDA Hardiness Zones 5 to 8, which cover various parts of the Midwest. However, some varieties might be better suited to warmer or colder zones within the region.

    Soil: Azaleas prefer acidic, well-draining soil. The Midwest often has alkaline soils, so you'll need to amend the soil to make it more acidic. You can achieve this by adding peat moss, pine needles, or specially formulated soil mixes for acid-loving plants.

    Sunlight: Azaleas generally prefer dappled or enhancemented sunlight. While they can tolerate morning sun, they might not fare well in intense afternoon sun, especially in hot summers. Planting them in a location with some shade protection can help prevent sunburn on the foliage.

    Watering: Azaleas have shallow root systems and prefer consistent moisture. Be careful not to let the soil dry out completely, but also avoid waterlogged conditions. Mulching around the base of the plants can help retain moisture and regulate soil temperature.

    Winter Protection: Depending on your specific location within the Midwest, you might experience cold winters. Some azalea varieties are more cold-hardy than others. If you're in a colder zone, consider choosing varieties that are known for their winter hardiness.

    Planting and Care: Proper planting techniques are crucial for the success of azaleas. Dig a hole that's slightly larger than the root ball, and make sure the top of the root ball is level with the soil surface. Backfill the hole with amended soil and water thoroughly. Regular pruning after flowering can help maintain a compact shape and encourage new growth.

    Varieties: When choosing azalea varieties for the Midwest, look for those that are labeled as cold-hardy and suitable for your specific USDA Hardiness Zone. Some popular cold-hardy azalea varieties include Northern Lights series and the Encore series, which are known for their repeat blooming.

    Remember that while azaleas can be grown in the Midwest with proper care and attention, they might require more effort than in regions with more naturally suitable conditions. Researching specific varieties that thrive in your area and providing the necessary care will increase your chances of successfully growing azaleas in the Midwest."

    ooooooo this brings me back
  10. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    IN BE FOR WELCOME TO THE VOID #lilsportyshomelife
    bleaknicks on top top
  11. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    It appears Leonardo has returned from his vacation in Italy and has resumed his tyranny. I forsee my fellow bleatnivks wellhung and wariat getting hit here as I noticed some threads from my fellow gang members I was going to reply to but they vanished

    All hail lannyism

    We truly are the bad boys of life and NIS and everything

    This is an alert to all bleatnivks stop dumping threads in SG come chill in half baked. It is our spiritual home dear brothers

    Bleat bleat break da law in other news
    Anyone looked up the skirt of a schoolgirl lately?
    *Waits at the bottom of a long stairway* LOOK A BIRD 🕊️🐔

    Originally posted by ⋅⋆*$P₳C3☆🐏꒰-■^■꒱v🐑🏴‍☠️⫷ᔕ🌟ᔕ⫸⚡5H33P⋆°✩🪐 i like well hungs threads better




    hey fellas wanna start a gang?????? we can be BLEAT-nicks
    think about it we are all scumbag steves with nojob that make girls and upset lil bitches cry. imagine if we pooled our efforts into a combined force and focused our energmies into productive positivity and trolling lil bitch, fucking lil bitches and uhhhhh i feel like theres a third dynamic here..,. oh yeah being lazy Pieces of shit umm.. ye ye ye being broke bitches ourselves but lets change the third dynamic by using our combined focus on the other two dynamics wut

  12. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    I never played the remaster only the N64 ones and GameCube

    Also lol welcome to the mongolvoid
  13. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    what the fuck is a Gabon

    isn't that the name of a species of monkey

  14. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood You should plant a giant field of azalea's so your honey becomes laced with grayanotoxins. You would be the only producer outside of Asia making this stuff.

  15. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny theres nothing entirely free,

    whats the catch.

    like 100 people in the entire world play it

    but they play A LOT
    the catch is you will probably get your shit pushed in by crackheads that play this nonstop , typical small community oriented game

    easy to learn hard to master
  16. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
  17. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    it was insulated copper

    maybe it was closer to $80 or something. pretty sure I didn't get more than $100 for it. idk my friend and I just drove up and they weigh the vehicle and then take it off and weigh the vehicle again and then give you a ticket.

    I was in and out in <5 minutes
  18. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    The world's smallest fax machine 📠
    I wonder how small you could theoretically make it. I assume a small phone would technically count but hmmmm
  19. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Rape Monster The homeless guy will just buy drugs with it

    so? if they are buying street drugs it's either fentanyl and they will die

    or more likely they buy booze, all the homeless here buy booze ain't nobody slinging in my hood (at least not since I stopped) so the homeless gotta use networking and have someone in their circle that knows a guy that can get a bag and then they get some and sell it to all the scudheads

    nobody has the balls to go chill in the tent area with baggies and take coins and stolen shit for a bag. if the cops roll up just throw it in someones tent and walk until the officer says HEY YOU

    i think the dealers are trying to avoid selling them meth because THEY DO ENOUGH I only seen one person in months come up to me asking if I wanna buy crystal and he seemed like a badass so he probably scoped me the fuck out and thought "ah, this chap looks like he does hard drugs"

    I wish i lived in a place with open air drug markets, that shit is way cooler. Anyone that tries that gets shitfucked in no time, it's lame.

  20. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
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