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Posts by totse2118

  1. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Triggered lazy mil1enial who lives off gov handouts alert.

    I'm not the one trying to jump through hoops to defend a broken system i'm saying cut it all and I have for a while, disability, welfare, cut it all. Fuck the state, I don't get shit because I refuse to play by the rules of the system so i'm cut out, i'm not even allowed to use my own bank account and according to the government I don't even exist.

    I can still "file my taxes" though and apparently I will get money back because thats like something people do and I never do it but I work plenty of jobs and have all this money stolen from me that's supposedly owed to me. I just call it all forced economic interaction

    I have no economic ability to avoid it like a bandit on the road sticking a knife in your face either pay up or fuck off, sign the paper or get fucked. Zoomers love signing paper and will happily bleed the system dry and I root them on, fuck getting a job just sell drugs and scam the system it's all fucked anyways, but you should build value and skills and focus on a career and contribute to underground economy though, taxes will get you one way or another but it's best to avoid it all if you can

    at least that's how I feel about it all
  2. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by jerryb Plenty of eager workers south of the border and street shitter land to take up the slack if you can't.

    yeah, let them all in, see if I give a shit.

    & don't cry when the white man starts grabbing his guns and murdering any dark skin he see's either, I know I won't because if I went to their country I would be treated exactly the same way
  3. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by jerryb Well thanks a lot, my taxes wasted on paying that border guard that looks the other way while that drug mule brings your coke in.

    your taxes don't pay for shit, dumb nigger. It's your system so fix it yourself

    don't blame me, a non participant and forced into economic interaction with scammers i.e jedis

    Originally posted by aldra afaik most of the zoomers are still living off/with their parents, oldest ones are early 20s aren't they
    my generation has no money you dumb asses can try all you want to bleed a stone but your system is crashing and burning and nobody cares except you, we are hash tag laying flat
  4. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    i live off crackers and cocaine
  5. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    working at a oil refinery would be sick
  6. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    people say its a game for the upper class and to rip up the fields and grow crops there instead but it seems like a cool game to me and that the workers would enjoy playing it with common materials out in the grass behind the factories and then eat a sandwich

  7. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    a sheep in a sheep skin shank

  8. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    if you play in the modern economy and do business in the global zietgeist kike scam economy you deserve everything you get. I for one will never transact in FEDCOIN or any bank coins bullshit. Vote with your wallet folks

    Originally posted by β˜†$Pβ‚³C3πŸπŸŒŸπŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ»κ’°βŒβ– Ο‰β– κ’±πŸ‘πŸΏπŸͺ$H33PπŸ‘πŸŒ› I mean you don't gotta tell me twice. I do a lot more economic interactions than having to just pay income, sales tax or whatever.

    I deal with import taxes, international, industry specific taxes, banking and financial regulatory tax, capital gains tax, etc etc etc and I am a staunch classical anarchist that supports none of it, nor a single thing the taxe money is spent on

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny the only reason the US government make "americans" pay taxes is to spite them and remind them whos the master and whos in control.

    this, forced economic interaction goy pay up or go to jail
    classic liberalism
  9. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by jerryb you need them to pay most their pay to taxes so you can get dat check and medicare.

    >paying taxes


    good luck with that

    i ate cookies for breakfast i'm ready to die any time but while i'm alive I will be actively destroying your system and ripping it up, fucking it up every moment I can

    Cest la vie! May we all live long to make the world around us a little worse every day
  10. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by aldra

    I dunno why I'm watching this, it just makes me want to kill people

    i posted about this recently

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood LOCH HER UP LOCH HER UP!!!!

    Giggly Goonclown
    From Soyjak Wiki, The Free Soycyclopedia

    This page may require cleanup to meet Soyjak Wiki's quality standardswhat?. you WILL help by editing it


    This individual is a no longer a lively cow, you can help them by not making unfunny memes of them and moving on to fresher material
    They have been milked dry and are no longer funny or intresting or are no longer a lol-cow

    Warning! The following contains material that some may find disturbing

    Viewer discretion is advised.
    This User is trans btw, if that matters

    Orion Grant Passmore (born May 13th, 2002),[1] primarily known online as Giggly Goonclown or Goonclown, was a deranged and depraved pedophile tranny with (among others) a humiliation fetish. His social media of choice is Twitter, where he posted a number of videos of himself "gooning." His Twitter account was posted in a thread, leading to soyteens discovering most of his content. A dox thread was created, but was moved to /incel/ and later abandoned. On August 1st, 2023, a new dox thread was created, exposing him as a pedophile who admitted to possessing over 500 GB of child pornography, anally raping his dog, and wanting to rape his homeless crack-addicted father, his seven-year old niece, and his 76-year old grandmother.[2]

    1 For those of you coming from memes telling you to look up "Orion Grant Goonclown", here is some of the most damning evidence we have of his pedophilia and general depravity.
    2 Personal Life
    3 Gooning Life
    4 Relationship with the Sharty
    4.1 The Beginning
    4.2 The Thread
    5 New Revelations
    6 Response Outside the 'Sharty
    7 Gallery
    8 Citations

    For those of you coming from memes telling you to look up "Orion Grant Goonclown", here is some of the most damning evidence we have of his pedophilia and general depravity.

    Passmore talking about wanting to cum on his 7 year old niece's face.

    Passmore talking about wanting to cum on his 7 year old niece's face.
    Passmore soliciting nudes from a minor.

    Passmore soliciting nudes from a minor.
    More evidence from the conversation featured directly to the left, confirming that GoonGoddess69 is a minor.

    More evidence from the conversation featured directly to the left, confirming that GoonGoddess69 is a minor.
    "I would molest the fuck out of my kids."

    "I would molest the fuck out of my kids."
    even more evidence of Passmore being a pedo.

    even more evidence of Passmore being a pedo.

    0:16NSFW: The classic.

    More proof can be found in the full archive of Orion's Discord on this thread:




    You can help us by report this to the Tucson Police Department, National Center for Missing and Exploited children, and generally spreading the word.

    Personal Life

    Giggly Goonclown was born on May 13th, 2002.[2] His mother is an alcoholic and his father is a homeless crack addict. According to one of his tweets, he has the desire to rape his crack addicted father. He was molested as a kid by a drunk 40-year-old babysitter, possibly resulting in him wanted to troon out as early as 14.

    Not much is known about Giggly Goonclown's normal life other than the fact he is currently studying environmental science or ecology in college. On his desktop, there was a folder called "college" next to a file named "SNIFFFFF.jpg."
    Gooning Life

    Giggly Goonclown went by many twitter handles such as, @AlmondMilkOMG, @CringeGodGiggly, @GigglyGoonClown, and finally, @SillyGayClown. He has a humiliation fetish and records himself partaking in activities such as masturbating with a laughing clown track and fart noises, fellating a rainbow dildo, and fucking a McChicken (DO NOT RESEARCH). He had garnered a large following on Twitter, retweeting autism fetish and Islamic porn. In response to getting followers, he drew a picture of himself farting on his own followers. He has also begged his fans to donate to his via Cashapp by telling them "SEND ME MONEY STUPID CUCKS."

    Giggly Goonclown used Discord and Twitter to groom minors. Using Discord, he would contact others to get a hold of 'P using Telegram and Matrix. Goonclown admitted that he can only get aroused by 'P. Alongside this, they've used multiple Telegram accounts, (the most recent of which being the now terminated Slaanesh) to access group chats filled with zoo porn.

    He deleted his Twitter account as a form of damage control after being aware of the fact he got doxxed.

    The lesson you should take from this is that you must get your gooning under control and not act on your impulses. Also don't get molested in the childhood or something.
    Relationship with the Sharty
    The Beginning

    Goonclown's Twitter was posted on a thread, leading several soyteens down a rabbit hole. A soyteen made a 'jak of his Twitter's profile picture. The Goonclown 'jak made its way to him and he alters it by removing the stubble and adding certain characteristics, making it an absolute niggerhell brimstone to a degree previously unheard of.

    A Goonclown imposter did an AMA on the sharty on August 1st 2023,[3] but later was confirmed to be an imposter.
    The Thread

    A thread with the title "GOONCLOWN LOST" and a full dox of Giggly Goonclown in the OP was posted on /raid/ on August 1st, 2023. It amassed 2.1k replies, an extremely unusual amount for's /raid/ board, the activity of which is typically measured in posts per day rather than posts per second for /soy/ and posts per hour for most other boards. The thread was then moved to /soy/, where it amassed over 5600 replies and over 1400 images, scoring the world record for the largest non-botted thread ever on an alt-chan, and in the history of chans entirely[it just is, ok?], as a Sharty win and DramaGOD win[4]. It eventually expired due to a mixture of inactivity and a catty wipe.

    the thread is quite long so here is a short version some teen made[5]
    Goonclown's Discord announcement

    After more than a week of silence, Goonclown made an announcement on his Discord server, insisting that he is innocent and that his leaked messages are merely "ageplay" taken out of context by evil nazis.

    Dox thread 'cuz it has more data and gemmies[6]
    New Revelations

    Main article: Goongate

    It has recently come to the attention of the sharty that Giggly Goonclown is not alone, in fact he has multiple connections with high-ranking troons including Chris the Meme God, F1NNSTER and Ella (Jean) Hollywood[7]. At the time of writing multiple 'teens are attempting to spread the story to anti-troon news outlets and commentators.

    They also posted a thread on /tttt/ about it but all the trannies started jerking off to Jean and arguing amongst themselves.[8]

    Additionally, there has been a 4chan thread on /r9k/ which someone who is believed to be Goonclown talked about committing suicide due to the fact that their fetishes and porn viewing habits were exposed to the world, when probed further about it by anons, they replied: "loli and beastiality were both viewed. My life is officially over." [9]
    Response Outside the 'Sharty

    On the 16th of August, Youtuber Lanza released a video about Goonclown. Turkey Tom's video has yet to be released howeverbiet.

    Goonclown as a troonjak edit.

    Goonclown as a troonjak edit.
    Goonclown's Personal Variation of the Jak (GIGABRIMSTONE)

    Goonclown's Personal Variation of the Jak (GIGABRIMSTONE)

    Goonclown as a hanging troonjak variant

    Goonclown shouting out the sharty - the OP image of the fake AMA. A 'teen claiming to be the hacker later said that he promised to give Goonclown his Discord account back if he made this video.
    He lost.

    He lost.

    β€œ We knew the sharty would not be the same. A few 'teens GEEEEEEEEGed. A few 'teens malded. Most 'pliers were neutral. I remembered the line from the Unabomber Manifesto, Industrial Society and its Future. Uncle Ted is trying to persuade the reader that unrestrained technological growth has caused irreparable harm to the collective human psyche and says, β€œThe Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.” …I suppose we all thought that, one way or another. ”
    Bernd Soypenheimer



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    This page was last edited on 25 August 2023, at 19:44.This page has been accessed 16,129 times. Privacy policyAbout Soyjak WikiDisclaimers
  11. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Depends how many old billionaires I'd have to have sex with.

    all of them once / as many as you'd like big guy ;)
  12. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]

    they make them in all kinds of styles
    sheep skin shanks are a very popular outer wear
  13. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    I found a fax scanner printer while cleaning

  14. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    i still want to go there

  15. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    i have a complaint form the city because i failed a fire inspectino because the firemen came in one day while UI was hitting the pookie and shit, it was real bad, the building inspector was there too and I was spun out, that was months aGO.

    well im cleaning up now and the amount of drug paraphanalia is staggering and it's all mixed in with my recyclables and I have not been recycling well ive been throwing a lot of it out or using it along with random drug paraphanalia and it's just a mess

    i'm not used to living in places very long which is no excuse I guess but yeah shit ain't good don't do drugs kids.

    its kinda like my builds in minecraft it looks good until you lift up the rug and find the 20 dead lighterrs and broken meth pipes and baggies not good folx not good at all
  16. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
  17. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    us made meth! us made meth!
  18. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    what a spam rule like a check this rule to enable spam?
  19. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    muh facial abuse

    Originally posted by Wariat theyre raping even babies in ukraine.

    so you're gonna go there i'm guessing
  20. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
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